
  • 网络Market competition strategy;Strategic Marketing Competition
  1. H公司免疫诊断产品在中国的市场竞争策略

    The Market Competition Strategy for H Company 's Immunoassay Product in China

  2. 3G时代吉林移动公司的市场竞争策略研究

    Study of Market Competition Strategy of Jilin Mobile Company in 3G Age

  3. 贵在营销理念&加入WTO企业国际化市场竞争策略创新

    The Important Thing Is the " Market Principle " & Innovation in Competitive Strategy on International Market by Entering into WTO

  4. 名牌服装的市场竞争策略和目标&关于ABC的市场调查报告

    Competitive strategies and market goal for famous brand clothing & a Market Research Report about ABC

  5. 中国电信天翼和中国移动G3的市场竞争策略研究

    Study on Market Strategy for China Telecom E Surfing and China Mobile G3

  6. TAGAL公司中国钢材市场竞争策略研究

    The Strategy Research of TAGAL in Chinese Automotive Steel Market

  7. 勘察设计单位市场竞争策略的几点思考

    Some Thinking on Market Competition Strategy of Investigation and Design Unites

  8. 岳阳移动通信公司市场竞争策略研究

    Research on Strategies of Market Competition of Yueyang Mobile Communication Company

  9. 商业银行信用卡市场竞争策略研究

    Research on competition strategy of banks in credit card markets

  10. 中小货代企业核心竞争力与市场竞争策略

    On the Core-Competitiveness and the Marketing Competitive Strategy of the Medium-Small Forwarders

  11. 美国新兴运营商的市场竞争策略

    The market competition strategies of the CLECs in the US

  12. 浅谈湖南电信市场竞争策略

    Briefly on competition tactics in Hu ' nan telecom market

  13. 北京和睦家医院市场竞争策略

    The Competitive Marketing Strategy for Beijing United Family Hospital

  14. 非摩擦经济与网络时代市场竞争策略

    The Market Competition Strategy in the Days of Non-Friction Economy and the Internet

  15. 长春市通信分公司市场竞争策略研究

    Research for Market Competition Strategy of Changchun Communications Company

  16. 武钢产品市场竞争策略研究

    The Research on Marketing Competition Strategy of WISCO

  17. 亚美航线集装箱运输市场竞争策略研究

    Research on Asia-America Liner Compete Strategy

  18. 重庆网通信息港市场竞争策略

    Chongqing CNC Marketing Competitive Strategy Research

  19. 文章重点对重组后的中国南方航空集团市场竞争策略进行了翔实的分析和阐述。

    This article mainly focuses on the market competence tactics of China Southern Air Holding Company .

  20. 文章首先进行连锁经营与市场竞争策略相关理论的研究。

    This paper is beginning with the theoretical research on chain operating and market competitive strategy .

  21. 本文的研究结论可以为超市企业制定市场竞争策略提供借鉴与参考。

    The conclusions of this study could be reference for the supermarket companies on the decision of marketing strategy .

  22. 在此基础上,提出四种市场竞争策略,以促进中国汽车工业的良性竞争。

    On this base , author brought up four competitive strategies to form virtuous competition in auto industry in China .

  23. 这将为基于产业链的市场竞争策略以及相应的经济规制的理论研究提供概念性基础。

    This will build the conceptual foundation for the theoretical study on the industrial chain control strategy and corresponding economic regulation .

  24. 根据研究的初步结论,结合武钢的实际情况,提出了企业市场竞争策略建议。

    Basing on the primary conclusion of research , combining the practical circumstances about WISCO , gives advice of marketing compete strategy .

  25. 进而对资本结构如何影响产品市场竞争策略做出假设,并构建了相应的面板数据回归模型。

    Then we make assumptions on how capital structure affects the enterprise competition strategy , and build the corresponding panel data regression model .

  26. 在当前越来越多的企业将资本结构作为影响竞争对手的重要战略性工具的背景下,研究资本结构对产品市场竞争策略的影响具有现实意义。

    At present , there are more and more enterprises that take capital structure as an important strategic tool to affect the competition of product market .

  27. 随着因特网的迅猛发展,一种新型的经济模式&非摩擦经济应运而生,并对市场竞争策略产生巨大影响。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , a new mode of economy__ non-friction economy has sprung up and is exerting a great influence on the market competition strategy .

  28. 本研究探讨了在产品差异化存在且差异化程度一定的情形下,网络零售商如何制定产品的服务差异化市场竞争策略,以及采用服务差异化策略后对网络零售供应链成员的收益造成何种影响。

    The dissertation discusses how the online-retailers make the differentiation competition strategies of service and how those different strategies influence the members of supply chain under the circumstance of the certain level of product differentiation .

  29. 通过对橡胶助剂行业特别是橡胶粘合促进剂领域的行业发展现状和竞争态势进行细致的剖析,提出了与之相对应的市场竞争策略。

    Gradually advance the rubber additive industry . Through particular analysis of the development state and competitive situation of the rubber additive industry , especially rubber adhesive promoter field , bring forward the corresponding market competitive strategy .

  30. 随后在此基础上提出了企业应当采取的网络营销策略,即以智为本的内部营销策略、顾客参与式营销组合策略以及合作型市场竞争策略。

    Then , three should - he strategies have been presented , which include : intelligent - capital - cen - tric strategy in internal marketing , customer - participated strategy in marketing mix decision , and collaborating strategy in competition .