
  • 网络Carbon Fund;Carbon Trust;UK Carbon Trust
  1. 当然,如果碳基金公司发展顺利,可以更近一步研究以CERS为标的的金融及衍生产品,在获得合理收益的前提下,争取超额收益。

    Of course , If the carbon fund company has been developing smoothly , one step closer to study the CERS subject of financial and derivative products , to obtain a reasonable return on the premise , the fight for the excess returns .

  2. 国内的碳基金发展同属于起步阶段,相关的法律法规及政策支持依然空白。

    Development of domestic Carbon Fund is on the initial stage , many related laws , regulations and policy supports are still blank .

  3. 显然,创建国际碳基金组织和crus货币所需的共识目前尚未达成。

    Clearly the consensus needed to create the ICF and the currency of crus is absent .

  4. 这一协议是在世界银行框架碳基金(UmbrellaCarbonFacility)的撮合下达成的,它将大幅度减少三氟甲烷(HFC-23)的排放量,其数量相当于减排1亿吨二氧化碳。

    The World Bank 's Umbrella Carbon Facility brokered the deal , which will reduce emissions of the gas called HFC-23 by an amount equivalent to100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide .

  5. 国际碳基金组织的首要目标是减排,但根本目的是保持经济增长和进步。

    The primary purpose of the fund would be to mitigate emissions but the underlying objective would be to sustain growth and economic progress .

  6. 尽管目标和配额都属于集中决定,但这个碳基金组织不会就个别国家如何实现本国目标发表意见。

    Although the target and the allocations would be centralised decisions , the carbon fund would not tell individual countries how to meet their national goals .

  7. 在《科学》杂志的这篇文章中,美国马里兰大学的曾宁及其来自中国的同事写道,国际社会应该积极地指引碳基金来帮助中国避免利用高碳技术。

    International carbon funds should be aggressively directed towards helping China avoid the use of carbon-rich technologies , say Ning Zeng and colleagues in this Science article .

  8. 国际碳基金组织的第三个重要任务是,建立一个监测和核实减排行动的体系,同时通过向最贫穷国家贷款或捐赠,建立清洁低碳发展融资机制。

    The third crucial task of the ICF would be to establish a system to monitor and verify action on reductions , as well as mechanisms to fund clean , low carbon development through loans or grants to the poorest countries .

  9. 查阅碳融资基金信息和评估报告,请登陆:http://carbonfinance.org

    For information on the Carbon Finance funds and facilities and a copy of the assessment , visit

  10. 森林碳伙伴基金旨在通过鼓励人们离开林区的措施和补偿减少森林砍伐这一导致温室气体排放的第二大因素。

    The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility aims to reduce deforestation the second-leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions through incentives and compensation for leaving forests standing .

  11. 联合国启动了一项新的计划,帮助发展中国家特别是非洲发展中国家参与诸如京都议定书的清洁发展机制这样的碳贸易基金。

    The UN has launched a new initiative to help developing nations especially in Africa participate in carbon finance funds , such as the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol .

  12. 碳排放交易基金计划为项目提供预先资金

    APCF is to provide funds for projects in advance

  13. 由于后续协定的不确定性,多数碳排放交易基金都不投资将于《京都议定书》过期后发放的碳排放额度。

    Most carbon trading funds do not invest in credits that will be issued after the protocol has expired , given the uncertainty about its successor .

  14. 与国际货币基金组织一样,在人们对2012年之后的碳协定感到不确定之际,创立碳基金组织可为人们拨开迷雾。

    In common with the IMF , the creation of a carbon fund would provide clarity at a time of uncertainty about the post 2012 carbon accord .

  15. 然而我国的低碳经济的起步相对较晚,碳金融及碳基金的发展比较滞后。

    Low-carbon economy in China is started relatively late , carbon finance and carbon fund development also lags behind .

  16. 目前主要发达国家都将发展低碳经济作为战略目标,围绕产业低碳化创新使用了碳税、碳排放交易、碳基金等规制手段,并取得了显著的成果。

    At present , the developed countries consider developing low-carbon economy as a strategic objective , make use of regulatory instruments around low-carbon technology innovation such as carbon taxes , carbon emissions trading , carbon funds , and have obtained significant effects .

  17. 目前,各国碳融资的资金主要由本国的政府、金融机构、企业供给,此外还有国际资本通过碳基金及项目合作流入国内。

    Currently , the capital for carbon finance are mainly supplied by their own government , financial institutions and enterprises . In addition to this , international capital flows into a country through carbon funds and projects cooperation .

  18. 投资者既可投资于能从碳排放交易市场盈利、或从这些盈利中获得好处的公司,也可以投资于碳排放交易基金。

    Investors can either invest in those companies that can profit from the carbon emissions trading market and benefit from those profits or invest in a carbon emissions trading fund .