
tǔ dì jī jīn
  • land fund
  1. 合并后,土地基金仍然是独立的政府基金。

    The Land Fund has remained a separate government fund since the merger .

  2. 外币资产存放在外汇基金及土地基金。

    The foreign currency assets are held in the exchange fund and the land fund .

  3. 土地基金运作模式的国际比较及其对我国的启示

    Foreign Land Fund and Reference for China

  4. 城市土地基金主要适用于投资项目比较大、不确定因素比较多、投资周期长的土地项目。

    Urban land fund is feasible for those projects which are large-scale , high uncertain and long-period .

  5. 金管局年报首次列载土地基金的详尽账目。

    Detailed accounts of the land fund are shown for the first time in the HKMA annual report .

  6. 政府今日宣布,土地基金的资产将会并入外汇基金内。

    The government announced today that the assets of the land fund will be merged into the exchange fund .

  7. 一九九七年七月一日,土地基金信托的资产拨归香港特区政府所有。

    On July 1 , 1997 , the assets of the Land Fund Trust were vested in the Hong Kong SAR Government .

  8. 土地基金既然是一种基金,就必然会受到市场经济的影响,存在一定的风险。

    Since the land fund is a kind of fund , it will be influenced by market economy inevitably and have a certain risk .

  9. 要有效解决这些问题,首先是要构建适合我国国情的土地基金模式。

    To solve these problems effectively , the most important is to construct a land fund modes that is suitable for our national conditions .

  10. 金融管理局将香港特别行政区政府的官方储备,即外汇基金和土地基金作为两个独立的投资组合来管理。

    The HKMA manages the official reserves of the HKSAR Government as two separate portfolios , namely the exchange fund and the land fund .

  11. 土地基金现时由金融管理局根据财政司司长的指示管理,独立于外汇基金。

    The land fund is now managed by the HKMA under the direction of the financial secretary as a separate portfolio from the exchange fund .

  12. 土地基金是土地与金融结合的有效组织形式,是现阶段我国土地金融发展的方向。

    Land fund is regarded as an effective way of integrating land and finance , indicating the direction of developing land finance system at this time in China .

  13. 鉴于亚洲金融风暴在区内产生连锁效应,土地基金早于夏季已采取预防措施,减少在亚洲市场的投资比重。

    Amidst the Asian turmoil which had a contagion effect within the region , precautionary steps were taken early in the summer to reduce the holdings in the Asian markets .

  14. 香港特别行政区于一九九七年七月一日成立后,土地基金信讬的资产拨归香港特区政府所有。

    Upon the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on July 1 , 1997 , the assets of the Land Fund Trust were vested in the Hong Kong SAR Government .

  15. 论我国城市土地储备基金的运行模式

    On operation model of urban land reserving fund of China

  16. 通过建立土地储备基金,为城市土地收购储备筹集所需资金,已成为我们的研究方向。

    By establishing land reserving fund , raising the fund for buying urban land is our study direction .

  17. 土地开发基金由土地开发与市政配套设施金、土地使用费、土地增值费及土地上的其他收益构成。

    The land development funds are composed by land development and municipal accessory facilities fee , land use fee , increment fee of land value and other profits on the land .

  18. 新的主要结构为:消费型增值税、资源税、权益金、矿产资源利用减免(处罚)金、环境税、转产基金、安全基金和土地复垦基金。

    The new tax construction included consume value-added tax , resource tax , rights and interests , mineral resource exploit remit ( punish ) money , environment tax , fund of change products , safety fund and fun of land re-cultivate .

  19. 第四部分则是通过对前文理论分析和实证检验进行总结的基础上论证得出本文的结论&设立农村土地流转保障基金是有必要的。

    The fourth part is the basis of the foregoing through theoretical analysis and empirical arguments on the summary of the conclusions drawn in this article-Rural Land Protection Fund set up is necessary .

  20. 运用CAPM模型和线性回归分析,对土地储备投资信托基金的适用性进行了研究,并以西安市土地储备的平均水平作了实证分析。

    This paper also analyzes the plausibility of using land reserve investment trusts in Xi ' an through CAPM model together with linear regression analysis .

  21. 土地储备投资信托基金的监管模式研究

    The Research of Supervising Pattern in the Land Reserve Investment Trust

  22. 陕西城市土地储备投资信托基金的适用性研究

    A Study on the Applicability of Shaanxi Urban Land Bank Investment Trusts

  23. 土地投资与土地基金

    Land Investment and Land Fund

  24. 土地注册处营运基金

    Land Registry Trading Fund

  25. 运用证券投资、信息经济学等理论,提出我国将建立的土地储备投资信托基金模式应是开放型公司基金。

    Moreover , this paper suggests that land reserve investment trusts of China should be the model of company and openning .

  26. 对资源开发项目征收环境资源补偿费,对已污染的土地建立土地恢复基金制度,并提出了环保部门在农村生态环境保护中应尽的职责。

    Levying compensation fee for projects which exploit local resources and establishing funding system for the purpose of curing polluted land . Also , this paper has mentioned the responsibilities the environmental protection departments should assumed in protecting rural ecology environment .

  27. 土地管理部门应当制定土地使用权出让金和土地开发基金年度使用计划,并报市政府批准。

    The Land Administration Department shall make the yearly utilization plan of the transfer fees of land-use right and land development funds and submit them to the Municipal Government for approval .

  28. 建立和完善我国城市土地制度,关键是要构建科学合理的土地储备运行机制,建立城市土地基金,健全和完善土地市场以及城市土地储备制度的法律支持体系。

    The key in setting up and perfecting this system is to construct scientific and reasonable running institution for land reserve , to set up the fund for urban land , to perfect the legal support system for land market and urban land reserve system .