
  • 网络TRY;Turkish Lira;LIRA;YTL
  1. 洛肯的签名古龙水(售价25土耳其里拉;按照1美元等于2.20里拉计算,约合11.30美元)堪称嗅觉的盛宴,它是店主斋南浦·开曼(ZeynepKeyman)研制的,从玫瑰、无花果、茶和含羞草等经典的土耳其香料中提炼精致而成。

    A feast for the nose awaits in Lokum 's signature colognes ( 25 Turkish lira , or about $ 11.30 at 2.20 lira to the dollar ) , which were developed by the owner , Zeynep Keyman , from classic Turkish essences like rose , fig , tea and mimosa .

  2. 美国国债收益率上升,巴西雷亚尔和土耳其里拉遭到抛售。

    Treasury yields rose and the Brazilian real and Turkish lira sold off .

  3. 美联储(FederalReserve)将缩减债券购买规模的表态造成利率上涨,土耳其里拉等新兴市场货币的汇率急跌。

    Indications that the Federal Reserve would pull back on its bond buying caused interest rates to rise , and the currencies of emerging market nations such as Turkey to tumble .

  4. 此外,由于土耳其里拉是合法的货币,其弱小而敏感的经济很容易受到影响。

    Moreover , the small , vulnerable economy has suffered because the Turkish lira is legal tender .

  5. 交易包括做空巴西雷亚尔兑智利比索或土耳其里拉汇率。这些国家的经济出现了不同程度的放缓。

    Trades include shorting the Brazilian real against the Chilean peso or the Turkish lira , as their economies slow at different rates .

  6. 交易员们称,昨日上午对冲基金在买入美元,并构建了针对兰特、卢布和土耳其里拉等新兴市场货币的空头头寸。

    Traders reported dollar buying by hedge funds taking short positions against emerging market currencies yesterday morning , including the rand , the rupee and the lira .

  7. 人民币不是第一种获准成为抵押品的新兴市场货币:交易员已经可以使用墨西哥比索和土耳其里拉。

    The renminbi is not the first emerging market currency to be accepted as collateral : traders can already use the Mexican peso and the Turkish Lira .

  8. 波兰兹罗提和保加利亚列弗等货币兑美元汇率自今年5月以来也有所上涨,印度卢比和土耳其里拉则跌至纪录低点。

    Currencies such as Poland 's zloty and the Bulgarian lev also are up against the dollar since May , while India 's rupee and Turkey 's lira have slid to record lows .

  9. 土耳其里拉随后反弹,原因是该国央行宣布,将在今日午夜举行特别会议。在里拉汇率连续11天下跌后,此举令人预期利率将会上调。

    The Turkish currency rebounded after the central bank said that it would hold an extraordinary meeting at midnight tonight , prompting expectations of an interest rate rise after 11 straight days of lira declines .

  10. 令人奇怪的是信贷紧缩没有打击到饥渴投资者对于两种货币的信心:巴西的雷亚尔和土耳其的里拉。

    Curiously the crunch has not shaken faith in two currencies favoured by yield-hungry investors : the Brazilian real and Turkish lira .

  11. 特别是欧元区东部邻国可能会遭受重创,例如,过去一周,土耳其货币里拉面临贬值压力,暗示着大量资金正流出欧元区。

    The euro zone 's eastern neighbours may be hit particularly hard : the Turkish lira , for instance , has come under pressure in the past week , a hint that money is flowing out .