
  • 网络thb;Thai Baht
  1. 在金融危机中,国际投机资本不仅仅运用各种金融工具,还充分利用中央银行的防御手段,进行全方位的投机。我以对泰国泰铢的投机冲击为例进行了分析。

    In crises international speculative capital use not only financial instruments , but defensive measure of central banks .

  2. 国际投机者对这个亚洲市场肥肉早已经虎视眈眈,并在1997年7月发动了货币追击行动,於是全球最大规范的亚洲金融危机,就由泰国泰铢的贬值拉开序幕。

    Finally they began to chase the money of Thailand on July of 1997 and the Baht was beginning to fall down .

  3. 泰国让泰铢汇率自由浮动,亚太区的货币顿时陷入一片混乱状态,所引起的震荡,甚至波及澳洲。

    Thailand floated the baht and the Asia Pacific Region entered into a period of dramatic currency turmoil , the ripples of which have even touched these shores .

  4. 1997年对冲基金光顾泰国,使泰铢大幅贬值,并由此引发东南亚金融危机;

    In 1997 , it patronized Thailand , making babt heavily devalued . And this initiated the financial crisis of southeast Asia .

  5. 1997年,泰国政府试图将泰铢维持在被高估的水平。

    In 1997 the Thai government tried to maintain the Thai bhat at an overvalued level .

  6. 由于最近泰国实施了一些极端的控制手段,泰国银行已不被允许向进行投机的外国投资者出售投资者出售其本国货币,外国投资者也不能再出售泰国股票换成泰铢。

    For Thailand fulfilled some extreme controls recently , Thailand banks are not allowed to sale its currency to foreign arbitrage investors , and foreign investors can no longer exchange their Thailand stocks into Thai baht .