
tài wù shì hé
  • the Thames;Thames River
泰晤士河 [tài wù shì hé]
  • [Thames River] 英国的主要河流。源出英格兰西南部科茨沃尔德山,流经英国南部6个郡,向东流往伦敦后,注入北海。全长346公里

泰晤士河[tài wù shì hé]
  1. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。

    The Thames was in spate , with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver .

  2. 泰晤士河从牛津向正南方向流去,穿过阿宾顿的集镇。

    The Thames flows due south from Oxford , through the market town of Abingdon .

  3. 它位于泰晤士河北岸。

    It 's on the north bank of the Thames .

  4. 往来的车辆把泰晤士河上的桥都堵死了。

    The traffic clogged the Thames bridges .

  5. 我们沿着泰晤士河的堤岸散步。

    We walked along the Thames embankment .

  6. 很多桥横亘在泰晤士河上。

    Many bridges span the Thames .

  7. 如果泰晤士河环绕着大本钟,伦敦人将很快面临排放问题。

    If the Thames were lapping around Big Ben , Londoners would face up to the problem of emissions pretty quickly .

  8. 泰晤士河和塞文运河耗时更长。

    The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer .

  9. 《泰晤士河群岛》,由米兰达·维克斯所著。

    Eyots and Aits — Thames Islands , by Miranda Vickers .

  10. 泰晤士河有许多岛屿。

    The Thames had many islands .

  11. 泰晤士河上有27座桥。

    There are twenty-seven bridges over the River Thames .

  12. 它显示的是伦敦附近的泰晤士河上一艘古老的帆船——泰米尔号。

    It shows the old sailing ship , the Temeraire , on the River Thames near London .

  13. 它是泰晤士河上唯一一座可以在中间升起和打开的桥梁。

    It is the only bridge over the Thames that can be raised and opened in the middle .

  14. 特纳观察了战艇无畏号最后一次在泰晤士河航行的情景,但在画中改变了一些小细节。

    Turner watched the Temeraire taking its last journey up the Thames , but he changed some of the details .

  15. 每年3月底或4月初,英国泰晤士河上都会举行划船比赛。

    Every year , in late March or early April , a boat race takes place on the Thames River , England .

  16. 塔桥建于1894年,横跨伦敦泰晤士河,是世界上最宏伟和最著名的桥梁之一。

    The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world .

  17. 鳗鱼在泰晤士河下游寻食。

    Eels have been on the feed in the Lower Thames .

  18. 我们的住处靠近泰晤士河入海口。

    We live near the Thames estuary .

  19. 始终未能画完那副弥漫烟雾的《泰晤士河上的滑铁卢桥》(ThamesAboveWaterlooBridge)的草图,因为根本就没有买家。

    J.M.W. Turner never finished his rendering of the smoke-swathed " Thames Above Waterloo Bridge " because it lacked a buyer .

  20. 其中的亮点包括一项探究伦敦在莎士比亚(WilliamShakespeare)剧作中所扮演角色的展览以及在泰晤士河(ThamesRiver)沿岸舞台上举行的系列音乐会。

    Some of the highlights include an exhibition examining London 's role in William Shakespeare 's plays and concerts on stages along the Thames River .

  21. 在2002年,他的第一个案例:在泰晤士河中发现的一名为亚当(Adam)的男孩的残缺躯体。

    His first case , in 2002 , involved the mutilated torso of a boy they named Adam , found in the River Thames .

  22. 大卫•卡拉瑟斯(DavidCarruthers)坐在伦敦一间俯瞰泰晤士河的餐馆里,令人砰然心动的伦敦金融城清晰可见。

    David Carruthers was sitting in a London restaurant overlooking the Thames , a clear view of the City beckoning .

  23. 之后政府加固了河堤,后来又在伍尔维奇(woolwich)修筑了泰晤士河水闸(thamesbarrier)以防再发生洪水。

    The authorities reinforced the river bank and later constructed the Thames Barrier at Woolwich to stop the floods from occurring .

  24. 谁真的相信,规划中沿着维多利亚堤岸(VictoriaEmbankment)修建的“自行车高速公路”会真的有用?它只会让泰晤士河沿岸原本行进缓慢的车流几乎停止前进。

    And who truly believes the planned " cycle superhighway " along Victoria Embankment will do anything but slow the miserable snake of cars along the river to a near standstill ?

  25. 徐嘉慎开玩笑称,香港先前的统治者们或许是思念家乡的泰晤士河(Thames),打算将维多利亚港变成维多利亚河。

    Mr Chu jokes that Hong Kong 's former rulers , perhaps homesick for the Thames , set out to turn Victoria Harbour into Victoria river .

  26. 到1845年,西敏斯特也人满为患,比赛又转至泰晤士河上游普特尼(Putney)。

    By 1845 , with Westminster too crowded , the race moved up river to Putney .

  27. 作为某网站宣传策略的一部分,大黄鸭途径O2体育场,金融中心金丝雀码头,然后沿着泰晤士河经过伦敦塔桥和贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰。

    It floated along the Thames past the O2 , the glittering towers of Canary Wharf , and on towards Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast as part of a publicity stunt organised by a website .

  28. 她说:我们觉得如果让这只巨大的橡皮鸭游过泰晤士河,对FUNdation基金将会是一个很好的宣传方式,同时看到它的人也会很开心。

    She said : ' We thought a giant rubber duck floating down the River Thames was a great way to kick the FUNdation off , and it definitely raised a smile and a chuckle from everyone who saw it .

  29. 该项目占地1400万平方英尺,沿着泰晤士河绵延1.4英里。Quintain首席执行官马克思•詹姆士(MaxJames)表示,KnightDragon的投资标志着Quintain在试图释放该项目价值的过程中,达到了一个转折点。

    Max James , Quintain 's chief executive , said the investment from Knight Dragon marked a turning point in his company 's bid to unlock the value of the 14m sq ft scheme , which runs along 1.4 miles of the River Thames .

  30. 上世纪60年代我还是个小孩,那时候我曾站在我家位于伦敦克佑区(Kew)的花园小路,亲眼看着泰晤士河涨潮产生的洪水沿着马路涌到离我们一步之遥的地方。

    When I was a child in the 1960s , I stood on our garden path in Kew , watching the flood waters from a tidal surge in the Thames flow along the road to within inches of us .