
  • 网络The Times Higher Education;THES
  1. 《泰晤士高等教育》(TimesHigherEducation)出版的另一份世界大学排名将于本周发布。

    Another list , the World University Rankings published by Times Higher Education , will be released this week .

  2. 目前,只有两家能登上《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)排名等著名榜单:东京大学(TheUniversityofTokyo)和京都大学(KyotoUniversity)。

    Currently only two make the cut in prominent lists like that of Times Higher Education : the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University .

  3. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new 100 Under 50 report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  4. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new " 100 Under 50 " report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  5. 《泰晤士高等教育》和法国顾问公司Emerging于11月19日发布的“2020年全球就业竞争力排名”研究了过去十年全球范围内为毕业生提供最多机会的国家和地区。

    The Times Higher Education magazine and French consultancy Emerging on Thursday released Employability Rankings 2020 , a 10-year survey into the places that provide the best opportunities for graduating students around the world .

  6. 该排行评估了各大学在教学和研究上的国际声誉。这一排行基于对131个国家的1.3万名学者的调查。该调查是IpsosMedia公司为《泰晤士高等教育》杂志的排行数据供应商汤姆森路透集团在2010年开展的。

    It is based on a survey of 13388 academics from 131 countries , carried out in 2010 by Ipsos Media for the Times Higher Education magazine 's ranking-data supplier Thomson Reuters .

  7. 同时两校都是中国一流大学,吸引着全球范围内的优秀学生,并鼓舞着其他国家高校的发展,泰晤士高等教育排名的编辑PhilBaty表示。

    Both act as national flagship institutions , attracting global talent and inspiring others , said Phil Baty , editor of Times Higher Education Rankings .

  8. 目前,世界上有四种权威通用的全球性大学排名榜单:QS世界大学排名,美国新闻与世界报道——世界大学排行榜,世界大学学术排名以及泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名。

    Currently there are four versions of such lists regarding top world universities : QS World University Rankings , Academic Ranking of World Universities ( ARWU ) , US News Best Clobal Universities and Times World University Rankings .

  9. 泰晤士高等教育昨天公布了新的世界大学排名。

    Times Higher Education published its new world universities rankings yesterday .

  10. 2020泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名前十名

    Top 10 Times Higher Education World University Rankings

  11. 泰晤士高等教育发布2020年世界大学排名,牛津大学连续第四年排名居首。

    Oxford University has been ranked first in an international league table for the fourth year in a row .

  12. 在泰晤士高等教育世界大学年度排名榜单中,剑桥大学排名第三,伦敦帝国理工学院排名第十。

    The annual Times Higher Education world rankings put Cambridge in third place and Imperial College London in tenth .

  13. 泰晤士高等教育的分析称,这可能反映出德国大学体系得到了更高水平的投资。

    The analysis from the Times Higher Education says this could reflect higher levels of investment being put into Germany 's university system .

  14. 作为世界上最著名的大学排名体系之一,《泰晤士高等教育》自2004年起每年都会公布世界大学排名。

    One of the most prestigious world university ranking systems , the Times Higher Education has published the World University Rankings every year since 2004 .

  15. 英国泰晤士高等教育特刊近日公布最新全球大学名气榜,哈佛大学与麻省理工学院高踞前两名,美国大学在上榜的百所大学中优势明显。

    Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are top of a global league table of university reputation in a top 100 dominated by US institutions .

  16. 英国泰晤士高等教育2019年世界大学排名于上周三揭晓,清华大学全球排名第22位,高于名列第31位的北京大学。

    The THE 's World University Rankings 2019 listing , published last Wednesday , puts Tsinghua University in 22nd place globally , followed by Peking University at 31st .

  17. 《泰晤士高等教育》近日发布了2021年世界大学排名,位于北京的清华大学成为首所跻身前20名的亚洲大学。

    Times Higher Education has released its World University Rankings 2021 , with Tsinghua University in Beijing becoming the first Asian institute to ever break the top 20 .

  18. 英国《泰晤士高等教育》专刊于上周四公布的一项调查显示,中国内地两所高校入选亚洲大学前三名。

    Chinese mainland is home to two of the top three universities in Asia , according to research published last Thursday by the Times Higher Education ( THE ) .

  19. 据2016至2017年《泰晤士高等教育》大学排行榜显示,澳大利亚有35所顶尖大学,其中有六所跻身前100名,这就意味着这里的选择并不少。

    There are 35 top universities in Australia , according to Times Higher Education 's World University Rankings 2016-2017 , and six of them feature in the top 100 , meaning there is no shortage of choice .

  20. 根据《泰晤士高等教育》排行显示,澳大利亚最好的大学是墨尔本大学,它在世界排名当中位居前50(33)。

    The best university in Australia , according to the THE rankings , is the University of Melbourne - a university in the country to make the top 50 of the overall world ranking ( 33 ) .

  21. 泰晤士高等教育上周三发布了第13版世界大学排行榜。中国内地共有52所高校上榜,其中,北京大学和清华大学分列第29和第35名。

    A total of 52 universities from Chinese mainland are included in the 13th edition of World University Rankings released by the Times Higher Education last Wednesday , with Peking University and Tsinghua University ranking 29th and 35th respectively .

  22. 据泰晤士高等教育表示,这份研究由人力资源顾问公司委托进行、对大型跨国公司中2500名招聘经理进行了调查,结果显示美国大学仍然对全球雇主们拥有巨大的吸引力,在榜单150强中占据了37个席位。

    THE said the research -- commissioned by HR consultancy Emerging and drawn from 2500 recruitment managers from large international companies -- shows U.S. institutions continue to have a strong grip among global employers , taking 37 places in the 150-strong ranking .

  23. 英国泰晤士高等教育特刊于去年开始发布,前五名高校与今年相同,两所位于波士顿的名校、哈佛大学和麻省理工学院也位于前两位。

    The first such ranking by the Times Higher Education magazine , published last year , had the same top five as this year - with the two Boston - based institutions , Harvard and MIT , in first and second place .

  24. 泰晤士高等教育(THE)上周三发布了《全球大学就业能力排行榜》,中国共有14所大学进入该榜单。据榜单显示,用人单位认为在培养具备职场所需技能的毕业生方面,香港科技大学是中国做得最好的大学。

    Times Higher Education ( THE ) last Wednesday published the annual Global University Employability Ranking , revealing that 14 Chinese universities make into the ranking . The ranking shows that employers consider Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( HKUST ) to be the best Chinese institution at producing graduates with the skills they need for the workplace .