
  • 网络Tamil Nadu;Tamil Nadu State;Tamilnadu
  1. 这个事件发生在印度泰米尔纳德邦特鲁瓦纳马莱镇上的SriBalasubramaniar电影院。

    The incident occurred at the Sri Balasubramaniar Cinema in Tiruvannamalai , a town in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu .

  2. Venkataswamy医生在泰米尔纳德邦马杜赖建立了第一座Aravind眼科医院,当时仅有11张病床。

    Doctor Venkataswamy established the first Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai , in Tamil Nadu state , with only eleven beds .

  3. 将近150年来,印度的哈里森.马拉雅拉姆公司(HarrisonMalayalam)在印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦和喀拉拉邦大片土地上种植橡胶和茶叶。

    For nearly 150 years , Harrisons Malayalam has grown rubber and tea on massive plantations in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala .

  4. 金奈过去叫马德拉斯(Madras),位于印度泰米尔纳德邦(TamilNadu),长期以来被视为通向南印度大热旅游区喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的大门,其本身的吸引力却被低估。

    Chennai , in the state of Tamil Nadu ( and formerly known as Madras ) , was long considered the gateway to popular South Indian tourist destinations like Kerala but was overlooked as an attraction itself .

  5. 马汗萨里亚在位于印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦(TamilNadu)开办了第一家工厂,两年前,他还在抱怨,因为这个邦常年电力供应不足,自己不得不进入电力行业。

    Mr Mahansaria opened his first plant in Tamil Nadu and , two years ago , he was bemoaning the fact that he had to be in the power business as well - because of the perennial deficit of power in that southern state .

  6. 俄罗斯在南部的泰米尔纳德邦开始了两个核电站的建设工程。

    Russia is already constructing two units in the southern state of Tamil Nadu .

  7. 印度的许多地方都会庆祝这个节日,例如泰米尔纳德邦,安得拉邦和卡纳塔克邦。

    The festival is celebrated widely in Tamil Nadu , Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka .

  8. 这个项目在印度农业地区卡纳塔克邦和泰米尔纳德邦的12个村庄进行。

    The project works in12 villages in India 's rural Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states .

  9. 今年42岁的皮查伊出生于印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦。

    Pichai , 42 , is a native of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu .

  10. 在印度泰米尔纳德邦,城市化与一些非传染性疾病风险因素的流行程度相关。

    Urbanicity is associated with the prevalence of several NCD risk factors in Tamil Nadu , India .

  11. 传统印度舞者卡薇亚·瓦什尼(KaviaVarshini)是泰米尔纳德邦这一带的名人。

    Kavia Varshini , a traditional Indian dancer , is a celebrity in this part of Tamil Nadu .

  12. 但后来,拉吉夫自己又在泰米尔纳德邦的选举过程中遭遇自杀性爆炸袭击而身亡。

    Then he , too , was killed on the election trail in Tamil Nadu by a suicide bomber .

  13. 来自印度泰米尔纳德邦的一位母亲最近对我们最新的孩子及养育系列提出了一个问题。

    A mother in Tamil Nadu , India , recently had a question for our new series on children and parenting .

  14. 据消息人士称,公司最近先后考察了安得拉邦和泰米尔纳德邦,寻找一个当地合作伙伴。

    The company recently visited Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and , according to sources , is looking for a local partner .

  15. 这一消息是通过联邦部长在泰米尔纳德邦参加动力织机大型集群奠基仪式时透露的。

    This was revealed by the Union Minister while he was laying the foundation for Erode Powerloom Mega Cluster in Erode , Tamil Nadu .

  16. 小部分新教的传教士在泰米尔纳德邦和孟加拉的塞兰布尔经营起丹麦的工厂,但他们甚至有更小的影响。

    Small Protestant missions operated from the Danish factories of Tranquebar in Tamil Nadu and Serampore in bengal , but they were even less influential .

  17. 事实上,泰米尔纳德邦的蒂鲁巴和哥印拜陀市正在快速地取代古吉拉特邦的阿默达巴德和苏拉特,成为印度纺织业的中心。

    In fact , Tirupur and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu are fast displacing Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat as the leading textile centres of India .

  18. 以印度泰米尔纳德邦为例,机动渔船和拖网鱼船每年禁止在近海捕鱼45天。

    In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu , for example , mechanized boats and trawlers are banned from fishing for45 days in coastal waters every year .

  19. 而国内主要的需求是在南部地区,特别是泰米尔纳德邦,那边大部分的纺纱工厂都保持正常运转。

    In the domestic market , the demand is from the southern region , especially Tamil Nadu , as the spinning units in that region have become operational .

  20. 今年,印度泰米尔纳德邦政府请英国文化协会测试一组小学教师的英语口语技能。

    This year , the government of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu asked the British Council to test the English-speaking skills of a group of primary teachers .

  21. 我醒来之后,不是查收电子邮件和快速浏览在线新闻,而是翻看了前不久去泰米尔纳德邦旅行时拍摄的照片。

    I wake up and instead of checking my mail and glancing at the news online , I look at photos from a recent trip to Tamil Nadu .

  22. 我在一个叫Diggles的村子见过这种事,那是在英格兰西北部,到印度深处的泰米尔纳德邦的另一个村子,两者相距6千英里。

    I 've seen them do it from a village called Diggles in northwestern England , deep inside a village in Tamil Nadu , India , 6000 miles away .

  23. 2004年9月,印度最高法院的一个委员会表示,韦丹塔在该公司位于南部泰米尔纳德邦的一家工厂周围倾倒了数千吨含砷矿渣。

    In September 2004 , an Indian Supreme Court committee stated that Vedanta had dumped thousands of tons of arsenic-bearing slag around its factory in the southern state of Tamil Nadu .

  24. 泰米尔纳德邦的政府一向以慷慨闻名,尤其是前任首席部长贾亚拉利塔雅曾率先开办免费食堂,给穷人发放婚礼珠宝,提供婚礼场地。

    Tamil Nadu 's government is known for its largesse , particularly under former chief minister Jayalalithaa , who pioneered free food canteens and doled out wedding jewellery and venues to the poor .

  25. 2004年9月,印度最高法院的一个委员会表示,韦丹塔在该公司位于南部泰米尔纳德邦的一家工厂周围倾倒了数千吨“含砷矿渣”。

    In September 2004 , an Indian Supreme Court committee stated that Vedanta had dumped thousands of tons of " arsenic-bearing slag " around its factory in the southern state of Tamil Nadu .

  26. 印度泰米尔纳德邦政府日前表示,将免费为数万贫民提供彩色电视机。

    The government of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu said on Tuesday it would float a global tender for colour television sets that will be given free to tens of thousands of poor people .

  27. 路透社的尔科·达塔在泰米尔纳德邦拍摄了其中一张对印度海啸过后的拍摄中最有代表性且惊心动魄的图,并且获得了2004年的荷赛奖。

    One of the most representative and striking photos of the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami was taken by Reuters photographer Arko Datta in Tamil Nadu . He won the World Press Photo competition of 2004 .

  28. 例如,在印度北方邦和泰米尔纳德邦的研究发现,该区域的服务匮乏是排在支出费用之后卫生设施使用方面的第二大障碍。

    For example , research in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India found that after the cost , the lack of services in the area was the second most significant barrier to using health facilities .

  29. 在印度南部泰米尔纳德邦的一个小渔村,人们在准备“盗墓节”(MayanaKollai)的表演,一些舞者进入重度的出神状态,以至于看上去像是晕厥了。

    As they prepared to perform in the Mayana Kollai festival in a fishing village in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu , some of the dancers slipped into trances so deep it appeared they might have fainted .

  30. 虽然网上这些传言可能是哗众取宠,毫无可信度,但是有一事到现在还是未解之谜。印度一位65岁男性在泰米尔纳德邦的电影院里看《招魂2》,在影片高潮后突然直喊心口疼,之后变得气若游丝。

    While all these claims are highly dubious at best , one creepy event remains unexplained at the time of this writing : A 65-year-old man watching the film at a cinema in Tiruvannamalai , Tamil Nadu , India , fainted during the last part of the movie after complaining of pain in his chest .