
  • 网络Haryana;Delhi-Haryana;IN-HR
  1. 哈里亚纳邦政府的信息部长K。

    The Haryana government 's information secretary , K.

  2. 瓦德拉的SkyLightHospitality在新德里及附近的哈里亚纳邦和拉贾斯坦邦还进行过其他一些交易。

    Mr. Vadra 's Sky Light Hospitality did other deals in New Delhi and the nearby states of Haryana and Rajasthan .

  3. 哈里亚纳邦污染控制委员会(HaryanaStatePollutionControlBoard)提交的书面陈述说,2003年,哈里亚纳邦开始禁止焚烧秸秆,之后还采取了其他一些措施,比如向购买机械堆肥机的农民提供补贴。

    Haryana banned the burning of leftover straw in 2003 and has since taken other steps such as providing subsidies to farmers who buy mechanical residue composters , the Haryana State Pollution Control Board 's affidavit says .

  4. 《印度教徒报》(TheHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都“无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告”。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all " ignored strong warnings from the   .   .   . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal . "

  5. 《印度教徒报》(theHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all ignored strong warnings from the # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal .

  6. 由哈里亚纳邦(Haryana)国大党领导的政府任命的一个调查委员会2012年对某土地官员质疑的一项交易进行了审查,未发现瓦德拉有违法行为。

    An investigative committee appointed by the state of Haryana 's Congress-led government reviewed one transaction questioned by a land official in 2012 and cleared Mr. Vadra .

  7. 哈里亚纳邦土地办公室高级官员阿肖像克・赫姆卡(AshokKhemka)对此项交易进行过调查,并得出结论称,瓦德拉的公司2008年买地时“没有足够的资源来支付”土地款项。

    A senior official at the Haryana state land office , Ashok Khemka , looked into the deal and concluded Mr. Vadra 's company ' did not own the resources to pay ' for the land when purchasing it in 2008 .

  8. 莱姆从距离新德里100公里的哈里亚纳邦的一个村庄乘公共汽车赶来。

    Balwan Ram took a bus from a village in Haryana state , 100 kilometers away from Delhi .

  9. 与此同时,疫情重灾区哈里亚纳邦已开始为期一周的封锁,以遏制冠状病毒的传播。

    Meantime , the state of Haryana , a virus hotspot , has begun a week-long lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus .

  10. 属于国大党阵营的哈里亚纳邦邦长下令将赫姆卡调至一家国营农业公司任职。

    The state 's chief minister , a Congress party politician , ordered Mr. Khemka transferred to a position in a state-run agricultural company .

  11. 两名印度人分别是28岁和50岁,来自哈里亚纳邦。他们最初否认相关指控,然而摄像头记录的视频证明他们是撒谎的。

    The two men from Haryana , aged 28 and 50 , initially denied the accusation but records in the cctv camera proved them wrong .

  12. 印度:哈里亚纳邦出资600卢比来试图提高农业。哈里亚纳邦政府已经要求规划委员会给国家拨动80亿卢布。

    India : Haryana seeks Rs600 cr to boost agriculture , Haryana Government has asked for allocation of Rs800 crore to the state from the Planning Commission .

  13. 警方面临着巨大的压力,迅速采取行动抓捕了第五名嫌疑人,据说此人为新德里边境和附近哈里亚纳邦最残忍的人。

    Under intense pressure to act quickly , police nabbed the fifth suspect said to be most brutal on the border of Delhi and the neighboring state of Haryana .

  14. 那几名男子已于周日被捕,哈里亚纳邦的首席部长称赞了两姐妹,他表示将在1月26日的印度国庆日上授予她们荣誉。

    The men were arrested Sunday , and Haryana 's chief minister lauded the two young women , saying they would be honored during India 's Republic Day celebrations on Jan. 26 .

  15. 在这一新闻发布两个月之前,印度一名名叫考尔的老人在北部城市哈里亚纳邦以70岁的高龄生下了第一个孩子。

    The news emerged two months after an Indian pensioner , Kaur , gave birth to her first baby at the age of 70 in the state of Haryana , northern India .

  16. 性别比例最扭曲的邦,比如旁遮普邦、哈里亚纳邦和古吉拉特邦,都是印度最富有的地区。这表明扭曲的性别选择将不会由于财富和政府的政策得以纠正。

    The states with the worst sex ratios Punjab , Haryana , Gujarat are among the richest , which suggests distorted sex selection will not be corrected just by wealth or government policy .

  17. 据书面陈述显示,哈里亚纳邦过去一年记录在案的试图限制秸秆焚烧的方法只有一种,这种方法就是广播有关秸秆焚烧副作用的短歌和广告。

    The state only documented one way it tried to limit burning in the past year , and that was by broadcasting jingles and advertisements about its adverse effects , the affidavit showed .

  18. 这个古鲁的机构位于哈里亚纳邦,他已经就2002年预谋杀害一名记者以及性骚扰女性追随者的指控而正面临审判。

    The guru , who heads the Dera Sacha Sauda organisation based in Haryana state , is already facing trial for conspiracy over the murder of a journalist in 2002 along with claims of sexually exploiting female followers .

  19. 怀孕之前,考尔在哈里亚纳邦的一家诊所接受了为期两年的试管婴儿治疗。根据法新社的报道,这名婴儿的孕育确实使用了这对夫妇的卵子和精子。

    Mrs Kaur underwent two years of IVF treatment at a fertility clinic in the northern state of Haryana , India before falling pregnant.The baby was conceived using the couple 's own egg and sperm , the news agency AFP reports .

  20. 这辆公车从罗塔克县开往索内帕特县,车上的一名乘客于11月28日拍下了这个视频。罗塔克县距新德里40英里,索内帕特县距新德里12英里,这两个县都属于哈里亚纳邦。

    The video was filmed Nov. 28 by a passenger on the bus that was traveling between Rohtak , about 40 miles from New Delhi , and Sonipat , about 12 miles from the Indian capital . Both towns are in the state of Haryana .