
  • 网络Harald V;Harald V of Norway
  1. 2008年8月15日,国王哈拉尔五世(KingHaraldV)授予奥拉夫爵位,并在授予典礼上声明奥拉夫在各方面都有资格获得骑士爵位的荣誉和尊严。

    He was knighted on 15th August , 2008 , which was approved by King Harald V , who stated during the ceremony that Nils was in every way qualified to receive the honour and dignity of knighthood .

  2. 早些时候威廉和凯特和挪威国王哈拉尔五世、他的妻子宋雅王后、包括哈康王储和王储妃梅特玛丽特一起共进欢迎午宴,气氛融洽。

    William and Kate had earlier enjoyed a welcome lunch with King Harald V of Norway , his wife Queen Sonja and members of their family including Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit .

  3. 此外,这只帝企鹅又被授予了一枚代表着新的晋升和头衔的臂章。此前,挪威国王卫队的士兵在2008年访问爱丁堡时,经挪威国王哈拉尔五世批准,授予了它爵士爵位。

    The king penguin was also awarded another arm badge for new promotion and title after the honor of a knighthood , which was approved by Norwegian King Harald V , in a visit by the Guard soldiers in 2008 .