
  1. 岸田文雄担任外务大臣,而防卫大臣则由小野寺五典担任。

    Fumio Kishida is the new foreign minister , while Itsunori Onodera becomes the new defense minister .

  2. 自民党政策负责人岸田文雄称,他希望确保日本在应对全球挑战方面发挥更大的作用。

    LDP policy chief Fumio Kishida says he wants to ensure that Japan will play a bigger role in addressing global challenges .

  3. 克里星期天会晤日本外相岸田文雄之后在记者会上说,如果朝鲜迈出放弃核武器的步伐,美国愿意与之谈判,寻找和平化解朝鲜半岛紧张局势的途径。

    After a meeting Sunday with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida , Kerry told a news conference that Washington is willing to negotiate with North Korea for a peaceful resolution of tensions on the Korean peninsula if Pyongyang takes steps toward abandoning nuclear weapons .