
  • 网络Masashi Kishimoto;Kishimoto Masashi
  1. 不久之前,《火影忍者疾风传》的动画版进度已经赶上了作者岸本齐史的漫画内容,并且还将佐助和鹿丸等人物的外传小说制作成了TV版动画。

    The anime caught up with Masashi Kishimoto 's manga some time ago and has been animating post-finale epilogue novels concerning Sasuke and Shikamaru .

  2. 在这部全球最畅销的连载漫画中,作者岸本齐史为我们描绘了一个神秘莫测的忍者世界,每个人都性格迥异,深不可测。。

    In this global best-selling manga series , Masashi Kishimoto draws out a mysterious world of ninjas with unprecedented abilities and unique personalities .