
  • 网络gosho aoyama;Aoyama Gosho;yoshimasa;Gosho Boyama
  1. 作者为日本推理漫画家青山刚昌,目前仍在连载中。

    The author is a Japanese manga artist Gosho Aoyama reasoning , is still serialized in .

  2. 侦探柯南由青山刚昌创作,讲述了17岁的侦探工藤新一的历险故事,他在调查一宗非法交易时被变成了一个小孩子。

    Detective Conan , written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama , follows the adventures of Kudo Shinichi , a17-year-old detective who is transformed into a child while investigating an illegal trade .

  3. 那里从玩具到标签儿、笔记本、手机挂件等十分齐全,当然所有的商品都离不开柯南和青山刚昌。

    There , from toys to label children , laptop , mobile phone accessories such as a very complete , of course , all are inseparable and Conan Gosho Aoyama .

  4. 走进馆内,首先就被“青山刚昌的世界”展区所吸引,在青山刚昌的书房墙上,一个大银幕下面有三个按钮,分别是三种语言。

    Into the museum , the first was " Gosho Aoyama 's World " exhibition attracted by Gosho Aoyama 's study at the wall , below a large screen has three buttons , which are in three languages .