
  • 【地名】【韩国】Cheong Wa Dae
  1. 作为一家建筑公司的主管,李明博建造了韩国总统官邸青瓦台(BlueHouse)。

    As a construction boss , he built the presidential palace , the Blue House .

  2. 韩国通信委员会表示,从周二起,总统府青瓦台(BlueHouse)、国防部、国会以及私营公司网站被恶意软件产生的密集流量瘫痪。

    The South 's Communications Commission said that the websites of the presidential Blue House , defence ministry and national assembly as well as private companies were inundated by heavy traffic generated by software , beginning on Tuesday .

  3. 保守报纸《东亚日报》(DongA)以一张夏季暴风密云笼罩青瓦台的图片纪念总统就职百天。青瓦台是总统的办公场所和官邸。

    Dong A , a conservative newspaper , marked Mr Lee ' s100 days in office with a picture of summer storm-clouds louring over the Blue House , the office and residence of the president .

  4. 青瓦台改组内阁的迹象已不复存在。

    The Blue House has dropped hints of a cabinet shuffle .

  5. 韩国总统府青瓦台的工作人员人士也纷纷表示:“总统戴眼镜后,原本尖锐的形象温和了不少。”

    Employees at the Blue House also said ," Glasses make the president 's sharp image much gentler . "

  6. 他希望对手尽可能用力击球,青瓦台的一名官员表示。

    He wants his opponent to hit the ball as hard as they can , said one Blue House official .

  7. 韩国则列出了国防部、国民议会,青瓦台总统府和一些银行。

    The South Korean list included the Defence Ministry , the National Assembly , the presidential Blue House and some banks .

  8. 2月25日李明博佩戴褐色边框的眼镜出席了青瓦台邀请大国家党党员举办的午宴,结果引起热议。

    Lee aroused heated discussion after he wore a pair of brown-frame glasses to attend a midday banquet Thursday at Blue House , hosted by the Grand National Party .