
  • 网络SHINHAN;ShinHan Bank
  1. 先于三星采取动作的是斗山(Doosan)、SKEnergy、S-Oil石油公司和新韩银行(ShinhanBank)等企业,它们都推出了每年两周的必休假期。

    The move follows some other companies such as Doosan , SK Energy , S-Oil and Shinhan Bank that have instituted a compulsory annual two-week holiday .

  2. 新韩银行甚至采取了强制手法——禁止“工作狂”员工在休假期间登录公司计算机系统。炼油企业S-Oil则帮助员工用完两周的必休假期,办法是在员工休假时,指定一名同事顶替其职责。

    Shinhan even uses some strong-arm tactics to keep its workaholic employees out of the office during the holiday by locking them out of the computer system while oil refiner S-Oil helps staff to use up all two weeks of mandatory leave by naming a colleague to take the employee 's place while they are away .