
pīn yīn wén zì
  • alphabetic/phonetic writing/script
拼音文字 [pīn yīn wén zì]
  • [alphabetic writing] 用符号(字母)来表示语音的文字。我国的藏文、蒙文、维吾尔文等也都是拼音文字

  1. 母语为拼音文字的学习者汉字正字法意识发展的研究VFP中汉字拼音首字母的获取及应用

    A Study on the Orthographic Awareness among the Students Possessing Alphabetic Writing ; Acquirement and Application of the First Letter of Pinyin in VFP

  2. 要应用拼音文字,请至少选定一个字符。

    To apply a Ruby , select at least one character .

  3. 汉字不是拼音文字,而是意音文字。

    Chinese characters are not alphabetic writing but meaning-phonetic writing .

  4. 拼音文字背景的外国学生汉字书写错误研究

    A study of character writing errors by foreign learner using alphabetic writing

  5. 泰语使用拼音文字,汉语使用表意文字。

    Thai language use alphabetic writing , while Chinese language use ideogram .

  6. 汉语认知加工以左半球优势为主,与西方拼音文字的半球偏侧化规律相同,此结果进一步澄清了汉语加工半球偏侧化的问题。

    It 's same as the alphabetic language in laterality for Chinese cognition .

  7. 与拼音文字大不相同,汉字具有它独特的规律。

    Different from alphabetical languages , the Chinese characters have its unique discipline .

  8. 而且非常完备的古文体系·信息包含量远远大于拼音文字。

    Classical and very complete system is much greater than the phonetic information is contained .

  9. 行为实验已经发现,语音能力的缺损是拼音文字发展性阅读障碍的核心。

    Behavioral studies found that deficits in phonological processing plays a major role in developmental dyslexia .

  10. 汉字相对于拼音文字而言,具有自己的构形优势。

    The Chinese writing has its own formational advantages , comparing it with the sound one .

  11. 拼音文字/纵横混排文字中不能有段落标记、制表符或其他特殊字符。

    You may not have return , tab , or other special characters in Ruby / IHIV text .

  12. 采用了拼音文字可能说明何以公元前600年左右的文化活动繁荣起来。

    The adoption of the alphabet may account for the blossoming of cultural activity about 600B . C. .

  13. 家族密度和词频因素在中英双语者的英语词汇辨认中均呈现出促进作用,这一发现与以往在拼音文字中的研究结果相似。

    Neighborhood density and frequency facilitate the English word recognition , similar to the result of the alphabetic language .

  14. 汉字在越南运用极广、影响极深,字喃和越南拼音文字深受其影响。

    Chinese character is widely used in Viet Nam and has deeply affected Zi Nan and Vietnamese alphabetic writing .

  15. 在“拼音文字”框中,输入要应用于选定文字的拼音指南。

    In the ruby text box , enter the phonetic guides that you want to apply to the selected text .

  16. 汉语分词是汉语处理与拼音文字语言处理的一个不同点。

    Chinese Word Distinguishing ( CWD ) is one of the differences between Chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing .

  17. 第一讲介绍汉字的特点以及汉字和拼音文字的主要区别。

    The first chapter introduces the characteristics of Chinese characters , and the major difference between characters and alphabetic writing .

  18. 中文是世界上独特的意象文字,非常不同于英文这样的拼音文字。

    Languages may vary in the type of writing system used , in the degree of correspondence between symbols and sounds .

  19. 汉语作为一种表意文字,其有别于英语等拼音文字的复杂空间二维结构,更容易产生注意力和情感反应。

    Chinese , as a kind of ideogram , which had complicated two-dimensional structure , was more associated with attention and emotion .

  20. 要学好外语(拼音文字类),需积极地开发其威尔尼克语言区。

    For Chinese , to study a second language well , what they should do is to develop their wernicke 's area .

  21. 因此,拼音文字与其语言之间的主仆关系并不存在于汉字与汉语之间。

    Therefore , the ascendance of pronunciation over writing is not true for Chinese characters even if it is true for phonetic systems .

  22. 正字法意识是在识字过程中发展起来的。母语为拼音文字的学习者汉字正字法意识发展的研究

    However , constructive features do affect the development of the awareness . A Study on the Orthographic Awareness among the Students Possessing Alphabetic Writing

  23. 已有研究发现:对西方拼音文字的加工,右利手正常人大多显示左半球优势;

    There were many researches using alphabetic language stimuli , from which it was found that most right-handed persons showed an advantage of left hemisphere .

  24. 汉字是华夏文明的重要标志之一,与拼音文字相比,其文化内涵更为丰富。

    One of the important symbols of Chinese Culture is Chinese character , which is much richer in cultural connotation when compared with alphabetic letters .

  25. 本文探讨了汉字构字类化现象,阐述了汉字构字类化在理论和实践上的重要意义,在其基础上把汉字和拼音文字相比较,认为汉字有着自身独特的优越性。

    By comparison between Chinese characters and pronunciation 's character , Characters ' assimilation peculiar superiority , so it possesses the important meaning in theory and practice .

  26. 这为另一种西来的以拼音文字为记录符号的语言&拉丁语、葡语、英语等与汉字汉语的接触奠定了良好的基础。

    These approaches laid a good foundation for the later coming European languages , such as Latin , Portuguese , and English , which also use alphabetic writing .

  27. 拼音文字的字不仅可以与汉字进行比较,而且通过比较可以揭示不同文字系统的性质和特点。

    The words of alphabetic system of writing can not only be compared with Chinese characters but also reveal the attributes and characteristics of different word systems by comparison .

  28. 为了满足传教的需要,传教士们在越南教民的帮助下,创建了拉丁化越语拼音文字,也就是越南现行的国语字。

    In order to preaching , the western missionaries created the Vietnamese Latin Pinyin characters by the helping of Vietnamese believers , and that evolved into the subsequent modern Vietnamese characters .

  29. 汉字排版总是需要花更多的时间与精力,才能达到与英文(国内应用最多的拼音文字)排版同样的视觉效果。

    I always pass that character layout takes more time and effort in order to achieve and English ( the most widely used alphabetic writing country ) the same visual layout .

  30. 由于汉字具有区别于拼音文字的自身特点,对外汉字教学历来被认为是对外汉语教学中的一大难点。

    Since Chinese characters bear their own characteristics which are different from the phonetic system , Chinese characters teaching has been long considered as a difficult point in TCSL / TCFL .