
  • 网络USFK;U.S. Forces Korea;United States Forces Korea
  1. 驻韩美军说,1970年代有其他脱叶剂埋在营地内,但在几年内就挖出并移走了。

    The USFK says that during the late seventies barrels of other defoliants were buried on base , but were dug up within a few years and removed .

  2. 韩国同意承担2014年驻韩美军总额为9200亿韩元的防卫费(约8.7亿美元),较去年8695亿韩元的总额上涨5.8%。

    South Korea agreed to pay 920 billion won ( 870 million U.S. dollars ) in 2014 for the USFK presence costs , up 5.8 percent from last year 's 869.5 billion won .

  3. 夏普上个月接任驻韩美军司令。

    Sharp assumed command of U.S. forces stationed in Korea last month .

  4. 驻韩美军基地整合及其动向效应

    The Adjustment of the U.S. Garrison Base in South Korea and Its Tendency Effect

  5. 但是他说,如果驻韩美军对第三方采取行动,中国不能视若无睹。

    But he said Beijing cannot turn a blind eye if American troops act against a third party .

  6. 郑仁哲说,《驻韩美军地位协定》将整个责任丢给韩国并不公平。

    Activist Jung In-chul says it is unfair that the SOFA places the entire burden on South Korea .

  7. 但是驻韩美军最高指挥官贝尔将军警告北韩,不要重蹈对韩国采用武力的覆辙。

    General Burwell bell & commander of American forces in Korea - warns the North should not make the mistake of using force against the south .

  8. 金泰荣向一个国会委员会表示,韩国政府将考虑要求美国重新在韩国部署战术核武器。美国于1991年撤走了驻韩美军的战术核武器。

    Kim Tae-young told a parliamentary committee that Seoul would consider asking the US to redeploy tactical nuclear weapons , which were withdrawn from the country in 1991 .

  9. 韩国和美国就28,500名驻韩美军防卫费的分担问题达成最终协议,这一协议有效期为5年。

    South Korea and the United States have reached a final agreement to share annual defense costs for the 28 , 500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea over the next five years .

  10. 但很多人担心,驻韩美军军力的任何增强,都可能让韩国与朝鲜以及中国之间的紧张关系出现恶化,在某种情况下还有可能破坏当地的生活方式。

    But many also fear that any expansion of the American military presence could worsen tensions with the North and with China , and in some cases could damage local ways of life .

  11. 上述官员表示,五角大楼担心华为的设备可能被用于截取军事通信内容,并就韩国与华为的电信交易将对驻韩美军造成怎样的影响进行了一次评估。

    The Pentagon was concerned the equipment could be used to intercept military-to-military communications and launched a review of how the telecommunications deal would affect U.S. forces in South Korea , officials said .

  12. 但是,根据管理美军在韩国运作的协议《驻韩美军地位协定》,美国并没有责任。

    But according to the U.S. - Republic of Korea Status of Forces Agreement , or SOFA , the treaty that governs how the military operates here , the United States is not responsible .

  13. 自1991年以来,韩国一直分担美国驻军的维护费用,包括驻韩美军雇佣的韩国文职人员的费用以及军事设施的建设和后勤支援。

    Since 1991 , South Korea has shared the upkeep cost for U.S. soldiers , including costs for South Korean civilians hired by the U.S. Forces Korea , construction of military installations , and logistics support .

  14. 美国在西太平洋地区保持10万规模的驻军,主要有驻韩美军、驻日美军、美国第七舰队以及分布在太平洋岛屿和东南亚各国的美军人员和设施。

    Over 100,000 US soldiers are stationed in West-Pacific region , including US Forces , Korea , US Forces , Japan , and The US 7th Fleet with other troops and instruments stationed in South-East Asia in addition .

  15. 整合后的驻韩美军不仅将具备更强大的震慑力量和更快速的反应能力,亦将成为美国构建全球范围下国家安全战略网络的先驱部队。

    The U.S. garrison in Republic of Korea will not only have more powerful deterrent & more quickly reactive capability after the integration , but also will become the pioneer army of military security strategy web around the world which the U.S. established .

  16. 文章同时指出,美国之所以坚持在未来朝鲜威胁不复存在的情况下继续保留驻韩美军,既是其亚太安全总体战略的一种直接体现,也是对东北亚安全形势未来发展的一种政策因应。

    The United States ' persistence in stationing forces in South Korea even after the " North Korean threat " disappears in the future not only directly demonstrates its strategy in Asia-Pacific security , but also shows the coping of policy with new security situation in the future .

  17. 目前还不清楚北韩星期四有关“军事对抗措施”的威胁到底意味著什么。但是驻韩美军最高指挥官贝尔将军警告北韩,不要重蹈对韩国采用武力的覆辙。

    It is unclear precisely what North Korea may have meant Thursday , with its reported threat of " military countermeasures . " However , U.S. General Burwell Bell -- Commander of American forces in Korea - warns the North should not make the mistake of using force against the South .