
zhù jié
  • resident;permanent senat;be stationed in a country
驻节 [zhù jié]
  • [be stationed in a country] 旧指高级官员驻在外地执行公务

驻节[zhù jié]
  1. 梵蒂冈的使节通常比世俗国家的使节驻节时间更长(一名教廷大使曾在都柏林带了26年)。

    Vatican envoys usually stay longer en poste than secular ones ( one nuncio was in Dublin for 26 years ) .

  2. 至于那些想从外部进攻这个国家的人,就必须非常谨慎,因为当君主驻节其地之日,想把它从君主手里夺取过来是极困难的。

    He who would attack that state from the outside must have the utmost caution ; as long as the prince resides there it can only be wrested from him with the greatest difficulty .