
  • 网络USFJ;United States Forces Japan;U.S. Forces Japan
  1. 它回敬了驻日美军司令博尔顿菲尔德(burtonfield)将军在记者招待会上呼吁中国“尊重航行自由”的说法。

    It was responding to a press conference by general Burton field , the commander of American forces in Japan , at which he called on China to respect the freedom of navigation .

  2. 这起案件导致对全体驻日美军实行宵禁。

    The case prompted a Japan-wide curfew for U.S. service members .

  3. 问题2驻日美军何时才被告知这一事件?

    Question 2.When did the U.S. forces in Japan know about the incident ?

  4. 近年来,驻日美军频频犯罪。

    In recent years , US troops stationed in Japan have frequently committed crimes .

  5. 驻日美军及其对日本居民造成的影响一直以来都是个棘手的问题。

    The U.S. military presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a thorny issue over the years .

  6. 据悉,驻日美军10月下旬才被告知这一事件。

    U.S. forces in Japan was informed of the August incident in late October , a public information officer said .

  7. 驻日美军人数总共有四万七千多人,其中有近一半人在日本最小的县冲绳。

    More than 47000 U.S. troops are stationed in Japan , about half of them on Okinawa , Japan 's smallest prefecture .

  8. 自那以后,韩国已经把驻军减少到了2300人。近年来,驻日美军频频犯罪。

    Since then it has reduced the contingent to 23-hundred . In recent years , US troops stationed in Japan have frequently committed crimes .

  9. 驻日美军司令萨尔瓦托雷·安赫莱利亚称,朝鲜发射卫星计划令局势非常危险。

    The commander of the US armed forces in Japan , Salvatore Angelella has described North Korea 's planned satellite launch a dangerous situation .

  10. 有一天,在二战刚刚结束的日本,身为驻日美军的我和两个战友一起乘坐火车。

    One day in Japan , during the early days of the occupation following World War II , two of my friends and I boarded a train .

  11. 控制日本参议院的反对党派已提出修改有关驻日美军法律地位的美日防务条约。

    Opposition parties , which control the upper house of parliament , have petitioned to revise the pact that governs the status of U.S. forces in Japan .

  12. 每次事件都激发了美军基地周围日本居民的愤慨,而且再度引发如何整治驻日美军的争议。

    Each incident has inflamed emotions in the Japanese communities around U.S. bases , and has renewed an old debate about how to keep U.S. troops in line .

  13. 即使驻日美军的犯罪率很低,只有一般人口犯罪率的一半,但是我们在这里是客人,即使只出一件事也是不可容许的。

    Even though we as U.S.military here in Japan have very low crime rate , half that of the local population , still we are guests here and one incident is one too many .

  14. 除了华盛顿与东京之间协定的关于驻日美军及其家属的相关条款外,对于为何延迟将嫌疑人移交给警方,尚未给出明确的解释。

    There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police , other than it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo covering U.S. forces and their dependents in Japan .

  15. 随着美军士兵近来出现一连串犯罪,美军和驻日美军基地附近日本居民之间的关系愈发紧张。

    Series of Crimes Spark Renewed Anger Against US Troops in Japan Relations between U.S. military personnel and Japanese communities that host military bases are growing emotional following a spate of crimes committed by U.S. servicemen .

  16. 美国在西太平洋地区保持10万规模的驻军,主要有驻韩美军、驻日美军、美国第七舰队以及分布在太平洋岛屿和东南亚各国的美军人员和设施。

    Over 100,000 US soldiers are stationed in West-Pacific region , including US Forces , Korea , US Forces , Japan , and The US 7th Fleet with other troops and instruments stationed in South-East Asia in addition .