
  • 网络military budget
  1. 日本刚刚宣布小幅提高军费预算。

    Japan has just announced a small increase in its own military budget .

  2. 军费预算继续上升。

    Military budget continues to spiral .

  3. 尽管美国五角大楼(Pentagon)正在大幅削减总体军费预算,但它花在网络安全上的开支却有增无减。

    The Pentagon has committed to spend more on cyber security even as it slashes its overall budget .

  4. 目前,欧洲国家正在通过削减军费预算来应对全球经济危机。在欧洲的北约(Nato)成员国中,有16个左右在2008年至2010年间削减了年度军费开支。

    European states are responding to the global economic crisis by cutting military budgets , with some 16 Nato member states in Europe reducing annual expenditure between 2008 and 2010 .

  5. 从伊拉克巴士拉(Basra)和阿富汗赫尔曼德(Helmand)的战场失利中返回的军队,又遭遇军费预算被全面削减的前景。

    The armed forces have returned from defeats in Basra and Helmand to the prospect of sweeping reductions in military budgets .

  6. 军费预算编制方法改革的实践与思考

    Reform of the method of drawing up the budget of military expenditure

  7. 军费预算综合信息系统的宏观构建

    Macro construction of comprehensive information system of military expenditure budget

  8. 改进和完善军费预算决策系统的探讨

    Improvement and perfection of the policy decision system of military expenditure budget

  9. 正确认识和处理军费预算规范性与机动性的统一协调

    Achieving coordination between normalization and flexibility of defense budgeting

  10. 而常常被吹捧为下一个超级大国的中国,军费预算还不到这一水平的七分之一。

    The military budget of China , so often touted as the next superpower , is less than one-seventh of that .

  11. 但他表示,中国最近的反卫星导弹试验与快速增长的军费预算传达了不同的信息。

    But he said China 's recent anti-satellite missile test and the rapid expansion in its military budget was sending mixed signals .

  12. 10%的增长将使今年军费预算总额达到大约1450亿美元,为全球第二大国防预算。

    A 10 per cent increase would bring the total military budget to about $ 145bn , the second-biggest in the world .

  13. 美国2001年的军费预算比2000年的2000亿美元又增加了126亿美元。

    The United States ' military budget for 2001 increased by US $ 12.6 billion compared with the US $ 200 billion for 2000 .

  14. 虽然仅仅是理论,但普遍认为朝鲜军费预算中的20%被用在了互联网行动。

    Although the threat is theoretical , up to 20 per cent of North Korea 's military budget is believed to go into online operations .

  15. 此外,随着五角大楼开始拨出资金扩编陆军和海军陆战队,武器采购可能不再是军费预算的优先项目。

    There is also likely to be a shift in priorities away from weapons procurement as the Pentagon sets aside money to build up the army and the Marines .

  16. 英国目前的军费预算仍居世界前列,但英军在阿富汗频遭挫折,民众对战争的支持也日渐下降。

    United Kingdom is still the biggest military budget the world , but the British troops in Afghanistan , frequently frustrated , the public support for the war is also declining .

  17. 在军事财力的获取与分配阶段,改革军费预算体制和预算编制方法等,实行规划、计划与预算一体化管理;

    Integral management of planning and budgeting is carried out and military monetary budget institutes and compiling manners should be reformed during the whole process of attainment and allocation stages of military finance .

  18. 回头看看阿赫罗梅耶夫的想法,他希望通过假装有大量军费预算被隐藏起来,以此在国际社会上为苏联恶劣的经济状况作出辩护。

    He wanted to be able to defend the poor state of the Soviet economy in the international arena , and he suggested explaining it by pretending to hide a vast defense budget .

  19. 正如特纳所说,对于前几名军火商之间的进一步整合,五角大楼兴趣已经不大。当然,如果军费预算从其创纪录高位回落,这一态度可能会变化。

    As Mr Turner says , there is little appetite at the Pentagon for further consolidation among the top players , though this could change if the defence budget falls back from its record run .

  20. 中国计划在今年将官方的军费预算增加11.2%。目前,中国正努力在军队现代化与保持军费支出与经济建设协调发展的必要性之间达到平衡。

    China plans to boost its official defence budget by 11.2 per cent this year as it balances the modernisation of its armed forces against the need to keep military spending in line with economic development .

  21. 尽管用于“反恐战争”的支出在未来几年仍将非常庞大,但军工企业预计,当美军在伊拉克和阿富汗的军事行动开始减少时,美国的整体军费预算将会收缩。

    But while spending for the " war on terror " should remain high in the years to come , defence companies are expecting tighter budgets overall when the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns start winding down .

  22. 军费预算的具体操作是由各级军队的预算逐级汇总而成,从而各级军队的部门预算的重要性也被凸显了出来。

    The specific operation of the military budget is made by the military budget at all levels step by step summary to the importance of the armed forces at all levels of departmental budgets are also highlights .

  23. 这个国家的军费在预算中增加了4%。预算中相对于国防支出的民用支出

    The military expenditure of this country went up 4 per cent in the budget

  24. 军队的人数增加很多,军费开支占国家预算的比重增大,把很多钱花费在人员的穿衣吃饭上面。

    The size of the armed forces has increased substantially and military expenditures take up a larger proportion of the state budget than before , with a lot of money being spent just on food and clothing .

  25. 尽管中国军费支出仍然仅仅是美国军费预算的一小部分,但许多分析家仍认为中国的军费支出实际数字比宣布的要高得多。

    Many analysts believe that china 's actual spending is much higher than announced , although it 's still only a fraction of the US budget .