
  1. 但军国民教育与军国主义教育有着本质的区别。

    But both are different in essence .

  2. 由于他们的军国主义教育,骑士可以发挥巨大的盔甲和使用重武器。

    Thanks to their militaristic education , knights can wield massive armor and use heavy weaponry .

  3. 青少年时代所接受的军国主义教育,无论在文学上、还是政治上都给石原以极大的影响。

    The militarism that has been received in youth immensely influences on both his literature and politics .

  4. 近代国家主义教育、军国主义教育以及民族沙文主义、种族主义膨胀的结果

    It is also the result of their modern education in nationalism and militarism , and of the expansion of their national chauvinism , and racism

  5. 德、日等近代国家或为了建立统一国家或为侵略扩张,大都实行军国主义教育,为军国民教育起了借鉴作用。

    Most modern states such as Germany and Japan had implemented the militarism education either for building up a united nation or for aggressive expansion , being the reference for such education in China .

  6. 在军国主义教育下,日本民众一度积极支持日本政府的对外侵略战争,并把参与这种战争直至战死,看作是一种伟大的爱国表现。

    Under the militaristic education , the Japanese had once supported positively the government 's invasive war toward foreign countries and taken the action of joining the war until being killed on the battlefield as a " great " and " patriotic " behavior .