
  1. 世界师范教育制度发展的历史考察。

    The historical survey of the development of normal educational system of theworld .

  2. 师范教育制度带有“人治”色彩,这直接导致师范教育改革与发展“随意性”过大。

    Teachers'education system used to be controlled by man which had the feature of'being too casual ' .

  3. 1904年癸卯学制标志着中国近代师范教育制度的确立,从此,我国的师范教育得到飞速发展。

    Finally , the system of teacher education was established in Gui Mao school system in 1904 . After that , our teacher education was forging rapidly ahead .

  4. 第三部分,我国高等师范教育学费制度现状分析。

    The third part , my tuition teacher education system of higher analysis .

  5. 近代我国师范教育学费制度嬗变研究

    Research on the Evolution of Schooling Expenses System of Normal Education in Modern China

  6. 教师候选人选拔:问题与对策&兼评师范生免费教育制度

    Selection of Teacher Candidates : Issue and Strategy

  7. 师范教育服务期制度是师范教育制度的重要组成部分,是师范教育效果顺利达成的保障制度。

    The period of service system of normal education is an important component of the normal education system . It 's the system which guaranteed the effect of normal education effectively .

  8. 师范教育转型从教育制度变革的层面来看,其功能主要体现为教师教育一体化、教师教育开放化、教师职业专业化。

    In the view of educational system reform , the function of normal education transformation gives expression to the integration of teacher education , the opening of teacher education and the professionalization of the teacher vacation .

  9. 本文的最后对师范教育体制及收费制度等方面进行了深入的思考,并提出了对策性建议,以期在保证教育公平的基础上进一步完善高等师范院校的收费制度。

    At the end of this thesis , it makes further study of the teacher 's higher education system and tuition system , and contributes some constructive suggestions in the hope that the tuition system of teacher 's universities will be improved on the basis of education 's fairness .

  10. 摘要免费师范生制度是普及义务教育的产物,是独立师范教育制度的典型特征,是政府调节义务教育师资、实现教育公平的重要手段。

    As a product of popularizing compulsory education , the system of free normal education is a characteristic typical of independent normal education and an important means of government adjusting the teaching faculty of compulsory education to realize educational justice .

  11. 而综合性大学中师范教育的集中管理模式,并非是传统师范教育封闭模式的简单回归,而是在继承传统师范教育优良制度和作风基础上的制度创新。

    Concentrated administration of normal education in universities should be an institutional innovation rather than a simple regress to the traditional closed model .