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  1. 割礼师会留下一个小开口用来排尿和经血。

    The cutter leaves a tiny opening to permit urination and menstruation .

  2. 举个例子,为了让图片上的汉堡包看起来很美味,食物造型师会在面包上用胶水整齐有序地粘上一粒粒芝麻。

    For example , to make a photo of a hamburger that looks delicious , food stylist may use glue to cover the bun methodically with sesame seeds .

  3. 咨询组织,如IBMGlobalBusinessServices(GBS),开发了一些私有解决方案,他们的咨询师会使用这些解决方法来实现面向服务系统的有效开发。

    Consulting organizations , such as IBM Global Business Services ( GBS ), have developed proprietary solutions that their consultants use to enable them to effectively develop service-oriented systems .

  4. 杰克·多尔西(JackDorsey)创办的支付业务公司Square拥有一间闪亮的咖啡吧,那里的咖啡师会宣讲调制咖啡的最佳手法。

    Square , Jack Dorsey 's payments business , boasts a gleaming coffee bar with a barista who hosts classes on the best ways to brew .

  5. 在旧金山的Abbot'sCellar等餐馆,侍酒师会为客人斟上Baladin2009年产的XyauyuEtichettaOro(相当于葡萄酒中的波特(Port)酒)等著名年份佳酿。

    At restaurants like San Francisco 's Abbot 's Cellar , the cicerones , beer 's equivalent of sommeliers , pour celebrated vintage brews like Baladin 's Port-like 2009 Xyauyu Etichetta Oro .

  6. 或者,一位室内装潢师会去如何改善一辆汽车。

    Or how a interior designer would improve a car .

  7. 不然拍卖师会以为你在出价。

    The auctioneer is going to think that you 're placing a bid .

  8. 配镜师会给您配制出一副新的您满意的眼镜。

    The optometrist will work out a pair of new spectacles to your satisfaction .

  9. 健康护理师会为你提供更有针对性的指导。

    Your healthcare provider will be able to provide you with more specific guidelines 。

  10. 第十装甲师会监督清理工作。

    10th armored are gonna supervise cleanup .

  11. 培训师会确保在必要的时候给学员短暂的休息时间。

    Trainers will ensure learners are given the opportunity to take short breaks as necessary .

  12. 侧写师会填补空白的

    The profiler fills in the blanks .

  13. 按摩师会从指尖感触到你那似乎比弦乐器上的高音琴弦还紧绷的背部肌肉;

    Your masseuse knows that your back muscles are tighter than the strings on a soprano ukulele ;

  14. 在下面的篇章中,诺氏告诉我们真明师会从亚洲来。

    In the following passage , Nostradamus informs us that the true master will come from asia .

  15. 期间,培训师会向游客们介绍大象的脾性,以及跟大象交流的技巧。

    During the tour , the trainers explain to visitors the communication and the temperament of the elephants .

  16. 当你购买咖啡豆时,咖啡师会询问你是否需要已经研磨好的?抵住诱惑!

    When buying beans , some baristas may ask , Would you like these ground ? Resist the temptation .

  17. 有时候拍卖师会限定最低报价增幅,从而使下一次竞价必须高于当前的最高价格。

    Sometimes the auctioneer sets a minimum amount by which the next bid must exceed the current highest bid .

  18. ..烘焙师会先把酵母加到面团中,再把面包揉捏成型。

    A baker carefully adds yeast to his dough before kneading and shaping it into the perfect sized loaf .

  19. 她说,我丈夫去理发的地方,当没有顾客的时候,理发师会把灯都关掉。

    ' He goes to a place where the guy turns out the lights if there 's no one there .

  20. 塔罗牌算命师会将牌摊开,以牌陈列的方式找出特殊涵义。

    Tarot readers will spread out the cards and find a certain meaning in the way different cards are placed together .

  21. 当你购买咖啡豆时,咖啡师会询问你“是否需要已经研磨好的?

    When buying beans , some baristas may ask , " Would you like these ground ? " Resist the temptation .

  22. 印心的时候,明师会让我们一次就永远突破无明的捆绑。

    So at the time of initiation , the master gives us a chance to break through , once and for all .

  23. 杰奎琳盖斯特纳每年发起一个沙龙,在那里一些优秀珠宝师会出售其作品,其中部分收入将用于慈善事业。

    Jacqueline Gestetner organises an annual salon where a selection of jewellers sell their work with a portion going to charitable causes .

  24. 上周我们讨论了限制退休计划的投资风险,那么,财务咨询师会建议人们如何投资呢?

    Last week , we discussed limiting investment risk in retirement planning . So what are financial planners advising people to invest in ?

  25. 在所有情况下,首席验船师会决定是否需要发出新的声明书或证明书。

    In all cases the principal surveyor of ships will decide whether or not it will be necessary to issue fresh declarations or certificates .

  26. 在线教学服务师会帮助教师设置和连接课堂,回答学生提交的问题,解决技术难题。

    An online teaching assistant / an online learning consultant helps instructors with classroom setup and connectivity , answers questions submitted by students , and addresses technical difficulties .

  27. 如发现存在问题,评估师会提出整改意见并告知相关费用,该意见可作为房产调价和最后定价的依据。

    If problems or symptoms are found , the inspector may recommend further evaluation , and they can also be used in setting the final price of the home .

  28. 大部分传统针灸师会试图说服你,针灸是一个名副其实的万能药,治疗的范围,从痤疮到带状疱疹。

    Most traditional acupuncturists will try to convince you that acupuncture is a veritable panacea , a treatment that works for anything and everything ranging from acne to zoster .

  29. 假如修理东西的费用超过了给顾客的估算,修理师会通知顾客并征求他们同意来支付超额的部分。

    If the cost to repair an item is above the estimate given to the customer , the repairman will call the customer and ask for permission to exceed the estimate .

  30. 罗伯特:一位有经验的按摩师会问你想要承受多大的压力,如果你不满意他/她的服务,你可以说出来。

    Robert : An experienced massage therapist will ask you the amount of pressure you want and you can speak up if you don 't like what he or she is doing .