
  • 网络mentor;Mentoring;apprenticeship;Mentorship
  1. 师徒制与新教师专业发展的个案研究

    A Case Study of Mentoring and Its Promotion on Novice Teacher 's Professional Development

  2. 第三部分是师徒制和新手教师身份认同的文献综述。

    The third part is the literature review of Mentoring and Identity of novice teachers .

  3. 师徒制下的隐性知识转移激励机制研究

    The Research of Incentive Mechanism under the Apprenticeship of Tacit Knowledge Transfer

  4. 师徒制在运行中包括心理和制度两种机制。

    The master-apprentice system includes psychological and system mechanisms .

  5. 我国现代企业师徒制重构探讨

    Research on Apprenticeship Reconstruction in Modern Enterprise of China

  6. 且说初任教师入职辅导中的师徒制

    Remark on the " the System of Teachers and Students " of First Assuming Teachers Vocation Guidance

  7. 学校层面应通过建立师徒制和组建学习型组织等形式,为班主任的成长提供良好平台,促进中学班主任能力的提高。

    As for school , it should offer a good platform by setting up mentoring and organizing learning group .

  8. 隐性知识的培养当注重实践,应当尽量为隐性知识的传播提供环境,应当建立师徒制。

    For tacit knowledge training , we should pay attentions to practice and provide environment for the spread of tacit knowledge .

  9. 提出了师徒制技能提升模型,主张按专业技能、复合技能、创新技能的培训程序,实现隐性知识的组织学习,最终完成知识共享与创新。

    The " Apprenticeship Skill Improvement Model "( ASIM ) is constructed and it is proposed that the training process should follow the order of professional skill-multiple skill-innovative skill .

  10. 因此,如何改善现有师徒制不足之处,提供教师专业发展新的增长点有待于深入研究。

    Therefore , how to improve the inadequacies of the existing mentoring , and provide a new growth point of the professional development of teachers need to be in-depth study .

  11. 其次,发挥思想政治教育师徒制的作用,加强教育者行为及人格对受教者的影响,强化思想政治教育意会成分的传递及传承。

    Secondly , the role of ideological political education " mentoring " role , strengthening education Behavior and Personality effects on recipients of , and strengthen sense of ideological and political education , transfer and transmission components .

  12. 在中国,师徒制是一种久远的人才培养方式,对技术工人需求量大的装备制造企业来说,师徒制是培养技术员工掌握专业技能的一种宝贵的制度。

    In China , Mentoring is an ancient training method . As for equipment manufacturing enterprises who demands for a large number of skilled workers , Mentoring is a valuable system for training the technical worker to grasp specialized skill .

  13. 通过这项研究来表明:英语教师在他们工作的初期,需要通过构建新的专业身份来调和他们多样的身份,并以此发现师徒制中内在特征和潜在关系。

    The research found that three interviewees , as newcomer of English teaching , needed to reconcile their various identities in order to construct each new professional identity to find the apprenticeship of intrinsic characteristics and potential relationships on it .

  14. 引入现实环境影响因素并用实证分析的方法探索师徒制功能的转变,研究结果为沈阳乃至全国的装备制造企业的人才培养提供可供参考的方法和路径。

    The study explores changes in mentoring functions by introducing realistic environmental effect factors and using the real diagnosis analysis method . The results of the study for Shenyang or even the national equipment manufacturing companies training the technical workers provide reference methods and paths .

  15. 通过丰富网络交流途径、完善网络组织结构、提高教师知识扩散意愿和完善网络试图制度等措施来提高网络环境下师徒制教师的知识扩散。

    Through measures of enriching the way of network exchanges , consummating the organizational structure of the network , improving the intention of teachers ' knowledge diffusion and consummating the mentoring in the network environment to enhance the mentoring teachers ' knowledge diffusion in the network environment .

  16. 对中小学新手教师实施师徒结对制,不仅可以促进新手教师的专业发展,还有利于新手教师形成身份认同。

    Implementations of Mentoring for novice teachers in primary and secondary schools in China not only promote novice teachers ' professional development , but also help them form identity .