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shī mén
  • teacher;master;master's (home) gate;school/sect founded by a master
师门 [shī mén]
  • (1) [master's homegate]∶师傅的家门

  • 半年不入师门

  • (2) [teacher or his instructions]∶科举时代考取进士的人称考官为师门,后来泛指老师

  • 同出师门

  1. 第四章,分两节探讨师门文学群体的文学意义与影响。

    Chapter four discusses literature meanings and influences of literature colony of master 's homegate in two .

  2. 这个名为“北落师门b”的系外行星是第一个用可视光拍到的行星。

    The exoplanet Fomalhaut b was the first one photographed with visible light .

  3. 另一组更倾向于“北落师门b”是笼罩在尘云中的系外行星这一假设。

    The other group favors the hypothesis that Fomalhaut b is an exoplanet , albeit one shrouded in dust .

  4. 注意到没有,在北落师门星的附近没有任何其他星星。

    Notice that there are no other bright stars near Fomalhaut .

  5. 女牧师门的几位反对者加入了天主教。

    Several opponents of women priests were received into the Catholic church .

  6. 卡那斯领导使用哈勃来探索北落师门行星的小组。

    Kalas led the team using Hubble to discover Fomalhaut 's planet .

  7. 然而,实际上北落师门并不是最孤独的恒星,至少已经不是。

    Fomalhaut , however , is not actually the most isolated bright star , at least not anymore .

  8. 图片看起来模糊的一个重要原因是,恒星北落师门比其行星亮度高1亿倍。

    One big reason the picture looks fuzzy is that the star Fomalhaut is100 million times brighter than its planet .

  9. 宋代文人群体意识空前增强,师门内的群从生活成为他们个体生活方式的一种现实需要。

    Scholars ' unprecedented increasing consciousness of team working also makes scholars being disciples a practical need of their individual life .

  10. 宾夕法尼亚州州立大学的工程师门采用的这个新方法是把产生电子的细菌和微生物燃料电池中的一个小电荷结合在一起来产生出氢气。

    The method used by engineers at Pennsylvania State University however combines electron-generating bacteria and a small electrical charge in a microbial fuel cell to produce hydrogen gas .

  11. 同时,也对师父自身的道德素养、技艺水平、教授方法、及维护师门荣誉提出了严格要求。

    At the same time , it sets strict requirement for the master in their own virtue , skill level , teaching method and also maintenance of school honor .