
dào jiā
  • Taoists;Taoist school
道家 [dào jiā]
  • [Taoist school;Taoists] 先秦时期的一种思想流派,以老子、庄子为代表。道家的思想崇尚自然,主张清静无为

道家[dào jiā]
  1. 试论道家和道教的区别与联系

    Differences and connections between the Taoist school and the Taoist religion

  2. 试析道家个人伦理的价值意蕴

    Tentative analyses on value implication of individual ethics of Taoist school

  3. 哀公说:“我们鲁国有很多儒生,但是学习你道家学说的人却很少。”

    Ai Gong said : " There are many Confucian scholars in our country , but very few study your Taoist doctrines1 . "

  4. 道家的自然及现代启示

    " Nature " in Taoism and Its Enlightenment in Modern Times

  5. 深层生态学与中国道家生态伦理思想比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Deep Ecology and Taoism Ideology of Bioethics

  6. 王尔德的遁世美学及其折射的道家精神

    Oscar Wilde 's Escapist Aesthetics and the Taoist Spirit It Reflects

  7. 道家思想对徽州建筑文化的影响研究

    Study on taoist ideology influence of the cultural in Huizhou architecture

  8. 浅析王维、李白之诗对禅宗与道家“空灵之美”追求的差异

    The Difference in the Beauty of Emptiness between Zen and Taoism

  9. 关注生命是道家与道教的基本价值取向。

    Great concern about life is the main value of Taoists .

  10. 道教在哲学思想上基本采用道家思想,道家这一概念一定程度上涵盖道教这一概念。

    The Taoist religion has basically adopted Taoism as its philosophy .

  11. 道家旅游观与现代旅游的契合

    The Connection of the Touring Concept of Taoism and Modern Tourism

  12. 其三,用道家思想反思现代文明。

    Thirdly : using the Taoism thought to reconsider the modern civilization .

  13. 道家消费观的生态伦理意义

    The Ecological Ethics Research on the Consumption View of Taoism

  14. 道家学说与传统建筑理念浅析

    Elementary Introduction on Theory of Taoism and Traditional Architectural Idea

  15. 他的佛禅思想又与儒家、道家思想交融契合。

    His Zen thoughts also combine Confucianism and Taoism theories .

  16. 道家思想与汉初政治

    The Daoist Ideology and Politics in the Early Han Dynasty

  17. 道家全生避害思想解读

    An interpretation of Taoist living wisdom on life - protection and harm-avoidance

  18. 论传统道家思想对中国现代浪漫主义文学的影响

    On the Influence of Traditional Taoistic Philosophy on Contemporary Chinese Romantic Literature

  19. 道家一贯是普通的,绝对普通。

    A man of Tao remains ordinary , absolutely ordinary .

  20. 道家思想中的生命关怀及其对现代教育的启示

    The Caring for Life of Taoism and Its Inspiration on Modern Education

  21. 道家艺术与中国现代文学的自然之美

    The Taoist Arts and the Beauty of Naturalness in Modern Chinese Literature

  22. 道家学说中自然思想对设计艺术的影响

    Taoist Doctrine of " Natural " Effects on the Art of Design

  23. 和谐世界:中国和哲学与持久和平&以对道家、儒家、墨家和哲学的分析为中心

    Harmonious World : Chinese philosophy of He and Eternal Peace

  24. 所有这些思想都是当代新道家所应该发扬的。

    All these ideas should be absorbed by contemporary Neo-Taoists .

  25. 道家与道教既有联系,又有区别。

    Taoist school and Taoism is related and distinguished between each other .

  26. 道家管理伦理思想与现代企业管理

    The Taoist management ethics and the modern management of enterprises

  27. 比较儒家和道家关于“游”的审美观

    Comparison of aesthetic view on " Travel " between Taoism and Confucianism

  28. 王维在艺术思维和艺术人生上艺术化地光大了道家思想。

    Wang Wei artistically developed Taoist thoughts in art thoughts and life .

  29. 由此可见,玄学美学是道家美学向禅宗美学转向的审美中介。

    So , Metaphysics aesthetics is the guide of Zen Buddhism aesthetics .

  30. 自然美与艺术美:谁高谁低儒家与道家自然美文艺思想之比较

    Comparison of Confucianist and Taoist Literature and Art Thoughts of Natural Beauty