
  1. 一种分析RLCM网络的方法&道路法

    A Method for the Analysis of RLCM Network & The Path Method

  2. 新的道路交通法对事故车辆鉴定做了专门规定。

    The new road traffic accident vehicle law has made special provisions .

  3. 最后,介绍了我国道路交通法的发展历程。

    Finally , there is an introduction to the development process of the road traffic law in China .

  4. 并重点介绍了美国所形成的清晰的路权层级,以及日本通过及时修订道路交通法并体现交通政策。

    The chapter highlights the formation of clear hierarchy of the right-of-way in the United States and the timely amendment of the road traffic law in Japan .

  5. 本文是作者根据多年来的实际工作经历,在广泛吸收国内外有关交通事故分析处理的先进理论和方法基础上,并结合道路安全法的相关内容,经过深入的钻研和总结完成的。

    The paper was completed by thorough study basing on my work practice for many years and basing on road traffic safety law and advanced theory method .

  6. 而路权原则也是道路交通法的主要内容,通过对国内外道路交通法的发展历程,也可以看出路权原则不断发展、丰富的过程。

    The principle of the right-of-way is the main content of the road traffic law , whose development shows the continuous development and enrichment of the principle of the right-of-way .

  7. 在此基础上,又对路权的取得、路权的变更以及路权的范围等路权的基本概念进行了界定。第二章对国内外道路交通法的发展历程进行了回顾。

    On this basis , the first chapter defines the acquisition , change and scope of the right-of-way . Chapter ⅱ looks back on the domestic and international development process of the road traffic law .

  8. 然后,通过路权原则的重要载体&道路交通法的发展历程,提炼总结出路权的基本原则以及保护措施。

    Then , based on an important carrier of the principle of right-of-way the development process of the road traffic law , the paper summarizes the basic principles of the right way and its protection measures .

  9. 听说过道路交通法的中学生比例为85.7%,在学校接受过交通法教育的中学生只有68.1%。认为交通安全应该由行人、机动车和非机动车共同负责的学生比例为69.5%。

    85.7 % students have heard the law about road traffic , 68.1 % students reported that they were instructed in their schools , only 69.5 % students agreed that traffic safety should be take charge by foot passengers , motor vehicles , and cycles ;

  10. 浅析新《道路交通安全法》的新特点

    Elementary Analysis on a New " Road Traffic Safety Law "

  11. 新颁布的道路交通安全法述评

    A Commentary on Road Traffic Security Act of New Promulgation

  12. 论《道路交通安全法》第76条无过错责任之合理性

    On No-Fault Liability 's Reasonableness in Article 76 of Traffic Security Law

  13. 《道路交通安全法》第76条之法律经济分析

    Legal Economic Analysis of Article 76 of The Road Traffic Safety Law

  14. 谈道路交通安全法规定的交通事故认定

    On the Recognition of Road Traffic Accident Ruled by Traffic Safety Law

  15. 司法鉴定在道路交通安全法实施中的运用

    On How to Use Judicial Expertise in the Implementation of Traffic Safety Act

  16. 从《道路交通安全法》看我国车辆管理制度的完善

    Looking the Perfection of Vehicle Management System from " Road Traffic Safety law "

  17. 《道路交通安全法》主要内容解读及相关问题思考

    To Unscramble the Main Content of Road Traffic Safety Law and Ponder the Concerned Problems

  18. 这种争议在《道路交通安全法》实施后的第一案表现的尤为突出。

    This controversy sticks out especially in the first case after Road Traffic Safety Law .

  19. 《道路交通安全法》第七十六条及相关条款的伦理分析

    The Article 76 of " Road Safety Act " and the Ethical Analysis of Related Clauses

  20. 《道路交通安全法》的开始实施,使机动车第三者责任强制保险的法律地位得到认可。

    The Road Traffic Safety Law contains the forced automobile liability insurance for the third party .

  21. 《道路交通安全法》的博弈论分析

    Analysis on Law of The People 's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety through Game Theory

  22. 浅析《道路交通安全法》第76条在第三者责任险中的司法运用

    Justice Exertion of Article 76 of ' Road Traffic Safety Law ' in the Third Party Responsibility Insurance

  23. 其次,《道路交通安全法》第76条的归责原则是什么,尚有深入讨论的必要。

    Secondly , which principle of ascertain liability does the76th article of the Law of Traffic Safety take ?

  24. 《道路交通安全法》第76条之解析&法律运行实效的视角

    Interpretation and Analysis of Article 76 of Law on Road Traffic Safety : From the Perspective of Effective Enforcement

  25. 《道路交通安全法》立法后评估制度初探

    Explore on the System of After-legislation Evaluation of " People 's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law "

  26. 第一部分至第四部分阐述了道路交通安全法的基本概念、道路交通安全法律责任主体、道路交通安全法律责任类型和内容以及道路交通安全法律责任的设定依据。

    The first four parts respectively covers the basic concepts , subjects , criteria and content of Road traffic security legislation .

  27. 《道路交通安全法》的颁布实施,不仅没有终结道路交通事故领域的争论,反而制造了更多的问题。

    Instead of settling the dispute about traffic accident , the promulgation and implement of Traffic Safety Code produces more problems .

  28. 试论信赖原则在认定交通事故责任中的运用&兼评新近修订的《道路交通安全法》

    On the Use of Faith Principle in the Traffic Accidents Responsibility & Also on the Newly Amended Road Traffic Safety Law ;

  29. 结语部分对我国道路交通安全法法律责任设定现状及立法完善进行研究的基础上,笔者总结出法律责任设定应注意的几个基本原理。

    In the conclusion , the author summarizes a few basic principles of legal liability setting , based on the above-mentioned studies .

  30. 《道路交通安全法》颁布实施两年来,第76条的运行实效究竟如何?

    What effect in the world has Article 76 had since the Law on Road Traffic Safety came into effect two years ago ?