
  • 网络road network planning
  1. 基于TDM的城市组团间道路网规划研究

    Research on the Road Network Planning between Clusters Based on TDM of Clustered Cities

  2. 关于风景区道路网规划设计的研究

    The Research about Road Network Planning and Designing in Scenic Spot

  3. 再谈我国城市道路网规划中的问题

    Again on Problems of Urban Road Network Planning in China

  4. 城市道路网规划评价指标体系研究

    Study on Evaluation Indicators System of Urban Road Network Planning

  5. 南京市道路网规划指标研究

    Research on Planning Indexes of Road Network of Nanjing City

  6. 森林公园道路网规划设计方法探讨

    The Approach of the Planning and Designing Method of Forest Park Road Network

  7. 城市道路网规划方案的交通质量评价指标体系研究

    Research for Index System of Traffic Quality Valuation In Municipal Traffic Network Planning

  8. 快速网盒结构模式在城市道路网规划中的运用

    Application of Express Net Box Structure Model in Planning of Urban Road Net

  9. 大城市道路网规划总体建设水平研究&以南京为例

    Study on Overall Construction Level of Planned Road Network in Large Cities-Practice in Nanjing

  10. 工矿企业道路网规划

    Road network planned for industrial and mining enterprises

  11. 武汉新区道路网规划研究

    Study of the Layout of the Road Network in the Wuhan New Developed Area

  12. 交通出行分配模型系统在西安市道路网规划中的应用

    Trafic-Assignment Model Application on Road-Network Programming in Xi'an

  13. 地下铁道路网规划的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Metro Network Planning

  14. 功能组团格局城市道路网规划研究

    Urban Road Networks Planning of Clustered Cities

  15. 路网规模研究是城市道路网规划的重要内容。

    The study on the urban road network scale is an important part of its transportation planning .

  16. 通过对组团式城市基于交通需求管理的特性分析,提出了城市组团间路网规划的要求和原则,并结合克拉玛依市道路网规划实例,对组团间通道的布置提出了具体的建议。

    Based on the analysis of TDM , this paper presented some road network planning requirement and principles for each hierarchy network .

  17. 最后,通过《金堂县旅游道路网规划》的实例,对所作研究进行了案例实证。

    Finally , the research results of this text were demonstrated by the case of " JinTang county tourism road network planning " .

  18. 虽然城市在道路网规划建设方面投入了巨大的物力与财力,但交通问题并未好转。

    Although the city planning and construction of the road network has a huge material and financial resources , but results were not satisfactory .

  19. 道路网规划是城市总体规划的重要组成部分,在特定的情况下,甚至起着关键的作用。

    Road network planning is an important part of Urban master plan . It can act as a key role in a certain situation .

  20. 区域公路网及城市道路网规划及可行性评价、交通工程项目评估、公路与桥梁设计咨询。

    Planning and feasibility evaluation of regional highway and city road network ; Evaluation of transportation engineering projects ; CAonsultation of design of highway and bridge construction projects .

  21. 因此各地政府在解决交通问题时,最先开展的便是开展综合交通规划,而道路网规划是其中的重中之重。

    When Local governments deal with the traffic problem , at first they develop an Integrated Transport Planning , but Road Network Planning is one of the most important parts in it .

  22. 在收集了吉林市经济发展与城市用地的资料后,对吉林市市区的交通需求情况进行了分析与预测,从而证明吉林市道路网规划是正确的和科学的。

    After analysing the materials of economic development and utility of land , traffic requirement in Jilin City is analyzed and forecasted . The project for the road web in Jilin City is scientifically testified .

  23. 讲述了道路网规划的基本思想是疏解,并从道路等级结构、道路网密度和道路网的结构形式三个方面阐述了道路网规划应重视的基本内容。

    Basic thought of road network planning is diversion of traffic . Basic contents of road network planning are expounded from three aspects of road category scale , road network density and road network shape .

  24. 由于统筹城乡发展区域独有的交通特征,无论是传统的公路网规划方法还是城市道路网规划方法都无法满足城乡道路一体化发展的要求。

    Due to the unique traffic characteristics in urban and rural regional development , whether the traditional highway network planning methods or urban roads network planning methods can not meet the requirements of development of integrated urban and rural roads .

  25. 最后,本文以咸宁市道路网规划为例,采用这种规划方法对咸宁市的道路网进行规划,收到了较好的效果。这对中小城市道路网规划的编制工作,提供了一种参考。

    In the end , the thesis sets Xianning City as an example using this set of planning method , and receives good effect , which provides the reference for the planning establishment to small and medium-sized city road network .

  26. 应用结果表明,指标量化计算中所需要的基础数据在城市道路网规划阶段便于获取,便于不同城市结合自身特点确定规划指标。

    Applied results indicate that the data to quantize the indices can be gained very easy during urban road network planning process , and can be defined under the different characteristics of different cities . 5 tabs , 2 figs , 9 refs .

  27. 关于大连城区道路网系统规划的对策研究

    Study on the Planning of Network System of Dalian City Road

  28. 城市道路网系统规划思想及实例解析

    Planning Thought of Urban Road Network System and Examples Analysis

  29. 最后研究了以改善路网行程时间可靠度为目标的道路网的规划与交通控制管理问题。

    Finally , we dwell on the issue of urban road network planning and traffic control to improve travel time reliability of urban road network .

  30. 道路网容量是科学合理的评价道路网规划设计方案的重要指标,是研究改善交通组织和城市道路交通管理的重要参数。

    Road network is the carrier of urban transport , road network capacity is an important parameter for scientifically and legitimately road network planning and design , improving traffic organization and management .