
  • 网络levi;Livy;Levi Strauss;Livius
  1. 李维(Livy)的《建城以来史》(Aburbecondita)是保留至今唯一的一部出自罗马人之手详细记载罗马早期历史的著作。

    Livy 's The History of Rome from its Foundation ( Ab urbe condita ) narrated the early history of Rome in detail , it was the unique historical work written by Roman historian and preserved up to now .

  2. 著名的罗马历史学家包括李维、塔西佗和萨卢斯特。

    Roman historians of note include livy , tacitus , and sallust .

  3. 该年5月,他和李维一起代表“中国好声音”赴伦敦参加当地“TheVoice”总决选。

    In May , he went to London to attend The Voice UK with Li Wei on behalf of The Voice of China .

  4. 而对业内有些人来说,包括同样健谈的Box公司首席执行官亚伦o李维,这种改变还不会很快实现。

    For some in the industry , including the also voluble CEO of Box , Aaron Levie , the change couldn 't have come too soon .

  5. 最后,李维把文学技巧应用到历史写作之中。

    He also applied the skill of literature on historical writing .

  6. 为什么保罗·李维以他的著名警告而如此成功?

    Why did Paul Revere succeed with his famous warning ?

  7. 乔治李维试演的是梅伦史塔克的角色。

    George Reeves will be reading for the role of Maylon stark .

  8. 比较引人兴趣的是克里斯托夫?李维的命盘。

    Of particular interest is the chart of Christopher Reeve .

  9. 他需要一个生意伙伴,这时他第一个想到的人就是李维•施特劳斯。

    He needed a business partner and he immediately thought of Levi Strauss .

  10. 论李维对罗马历史的道德重构

    Livy 's Moral Reconstruction of Roman History

  11. 你叔叔长得像不像克里斯多夫李维?

    Doesrt your uncle resemble Christopher reeve ?

  12. 你是说乔治李维是被谋杀的?

    You saying George Reeves was murdered ?

  13. 论李维的历史方法

    On the Historical Method of livy

  14. 7月,他与李维一起发行了音乐专辑《回味》。

    He then released a cover album ' After taste ' together with Li Wei in July .

  15. 1872年,雅各布给李维写了一封信,信中提出两人可以共同拥有这项专利。

    In1872 Jacob wrote a letter to Levi to suggest that the two men hold the patent together .

  16. 对于各向同性或特殊各向异性弹性楔形体,由于面内位移和面外位移不耦合,楔形体承受液体压力和体力时的应力场为经典的李维解。

    The in-plane displacement and the anti-plane displacement are uncoupled for an isotropic or a special anisotropic elastic wedge .

  17. 他提倡艺术,保护像维吉尔、李维和贺拉斯这些歌颂罗马历史的作家们。

    He encouraged the arts and patronized writers like virgil , Livy and horace who glorified the destiny of Rome .

  18. 嫉妒是个瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外啥也不知道&T。李维,罗马历史学家。

    Envy is blind and knows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others & Titus Livins Livy , Roman historian .

  19. 李维第一次爬珠峰时距离登顶只有几百英尺,一场暴风暴袭来。

    The first time Levine climbed Everest , she was just hundreds of feet from the summit when a storm rolled in .

  20. 专利受到保护之后,李维雇佣了雅各布•戴维斯,并派他到李维•施特劳斯公司位于旧金山的工厂监督铆钉裤的生产。

    With the patent secured , Levi hired Jacob Davis to oversee production of the riveted pants at the Levi Strauss & Co.

  21. 专利权过期之后,很多制衣厂纷纷开始模仿李维•施特劳斯公司出品的这种广受欢迎的铆钉服装。

    When the patent expired , dozens of garment manufacturers began to imitate the original riveted clothing made popular by Levi Strauss & Co.

  22. 如今,特斯科是通过从欧洲其它国家的所谓“灰色市场”买进便宜的李维的产品,然后再卖出去。

    Now , Tesco has started buying cheap Levi 's from the so-called " gray market " in other EU countries and selling them on .

  23. 雅各布是拉脱维亚人,住在内华达州的里诺市。他总是定期从李维•施特劳斯的批发行购买成匹的布料。

    Originally from Latvia , Jacob lived in Reno , Nevada , and regularly purchased bolts of cloth from the wholesale house of Levi Strauss & Co.

  24. 因为每一位作者都有自己的风格:西塞罗的深沉与丰富,撒鲁斯的枯干与简洁,李维的坚硬的华贵。

    For every writer has his proper style : Cicero his sonority and richness , Sallust his dry and succinct expression_r , Livy his rough grandeur .

  25. 并提出三种试函数:1.梁函数,2.李维(M.Levy)函数,3.短梁(二个广义位移梁)函数。

    Three trial functions are thus pre sented : 1 ) beam function ; 2 ) Levy function ; 3 ) short-beam ( two generalized displacement beams ) function .

  26. 作为罗马历史的重构者之一,李维把罗马传统道德作为重构的主线,把罗马过去胜利和强大归因于罗马传统的美德。

    As one of the reconstructors , Livy attributed the Roman past triumph and greatness to Roman traditional virtues and reconstructed the history of Rome from the moral perspective .

  27. 可口可乐、李维牛仔裤超越了文化、国界、年龄,为人共知,阿斯匹林也一样,不过这样的品牌很少。

    Aspirin , like Coca Cola and Levis , is one of only a handful of brands to have transcended cultures , borders and generations to enjoy almost universal recognition .

  28. 李维•菲利克斯是该营的创办人之一,他在接受路透社的采访中说,虽然大部分营员都正在或曾经在硅谷工作,但是该夏令营不只为技术工作者打造。

    Co-founder Levi Felix has stressed it is not just an experience for tech workers , although current and former Silicon Valley employees make up a big part of the clientele .

  29. 李维的爱国主义和道德教化的著史动机使他着意于赞颂罗马先民的英雄业绩,激发读者的爱国热忱,劝诫罗马人避恶扬善。

    His patriotism and morality impulsed him to glorify Roman ancestors , to stimulate the patriotism of the readers , and to persuade them to prevent from evil and conduct goodness .

  30. 为了满足加利福尼亚的那些大老粗金矿工人的需要,住在旧金山的犹太商人李维•施特劳斯将这种结实耐磨的牛仔裤引进了市场。

    The durable denim pants were brought to market by Levi Strauss , a Jewish merchant living in San Francisco , to meet the needs of uncouth miners in California 's gold fields .