
  • 网络Lee Soo Kyung;Soo-kyeong Lee;Lee Su-Kyung;Lee Soo-kyeong;Lee Kyeong-soo
  1. 李秀景(LeeSoo-­kyung,见右图)的姣好面容似乎与领子邋遢的衬衫不相称。此刻,她瞪着眼前热气腾腾的盘子,狼吞虎咽地吃下一大口米饭,对距离自己的脸仅一根筷子开外的摄像机并不在乎。

    Eyes bulging at the steaming plate before her , Lee Soo - ­ kyung eagerly wolfs down a mouthful of rice , unperturbed by the film camera hovering a chopstick 's length from her face .

  2. 剧组人员再次加满菜盘之际,李秀景悄悄地把一小口嚼了一半的饭菜吐进身边的桶里。

    As crew members top up her plate once more , Ms Lee discreetly spits a half-chewed morsel into a bucket by her side .