
  • 网络Palazzo Venezia;Palazzo di Venezia;Piazza Venezia;Palazza Venezia
  1. 当那一队人马到达威尼斯宫的时候,第二遍燃放爆竹的声音响了起来,宣告街道已经肃清。

    When the detachment arrived at the Piazza di venezia , a second volley of fireworks was discharged , to announce that the street was clear .

  2. “至尊精选”系列中除了这座城堡酒店外,还包括了威尼斯的格里提宫酒店,巴黎的加勒王子酒店以及贝弗利山庄的SLS酒店。

    TheCastle Hotel joins other properties in The Luxury Collection including TheGritti Palace , Venice , Prince de Galles in Paris , and the SLS HotelBeverly Hills .