
  • 网络Traffic signs;road traffic signs
  1. 北京市道路交通标志的心理学评价

    The psychological evaluation of traffic signs in Beijing

  2. 道路交通标志是道路语言的重要内容,在交通管理中发挥着重要作用。

    Traffic signs are a kind of road language , which plays an important role in traffic supervision .

  3. 为了降低交通事故率,道路交通标志识别系统TSR(TrafficSignsRecognition)应运而生。

    In order to reduce the rate of traffic accidents , Traffic Signs Recognition System emerges .

  4. 智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem)这一研究领域便应运而生,而道路交通标志识别系统是智能交通系统的重要组成部分。

    Intelligent Transport Systems have come into being in this research field . The road traffic sign recognition system is an important component of the intelligent transportation system .

  5. 在道路交通标志检测过程中,根据交通标志的颜色特性,在Lab彩色空间中应用MeanShift图像分割算法,从而将道路交通标志从自然场景中分离出来。

    In the process road traffic sign , according to the color characteristics of traffic signs , the application of Mean shift image in Lab color space segmentation algorithm , which will be road traffic signs from natural scenes .

  6. 可喜的是国内一些研究机构、大专院校也已经开始关注,并且着手研究道路交通标志识别系统(RSR),并且已经有一些初步成果。

    Fortunately , some research institute and university in our county have start pay attention to , and begin to study the road traffic sign recognition , and give some initial results .

  7. 由于本文检测道路交通标志为禁令标志,其颜色(红色)与形状(圆形)特征明显,在HSI颜色模型下基于上述两种特性来进行图像分割,以此提取感兴趣目标。

    Since this test road signs for the prohibition signs , its color ( red ) and shape ( round ) obvious characteristics , so image segmentation is based on the above two features in order to extract the object of interest .

  8. 为了降低光照强度对道路交通标志图像带来的影响,本文应用HSI彩色空间图像增强。

    In order to reduce impacts on the image of road traffic sign from illumination intensity , this paper applied the HSI color space of image enhancement , by the processing of luminance and saturation component so that the image for subsequent processing .

  9. 浅析普通公路道路交通标志的设置

    Simple Analysis of Setting up of Traffic Signs on Average Highway

  10. 这种防护层甚至可以保护道路交通标志免受天气侵害。

    It could even protect traffic signs from weather damage .

  11. 道路交通标志中对称结构效应的眼动研究

    Eye Movement Study on Symmetry Effect in Structure of Road Traffic Signs

  12. 道路交通标志的自动分割识别可以应用于车辆视频导航技术中。

    Traffic sign recognition can be applied to video guide of automobile .

  13. 城市道路交通标志设计新方法

    The New Method of Traffic Sign Design in Street

  14. 道路交通标志识别的研究现状及展望

    A Survey of the Research on Traffic Sign Recognition

  15. 对称性信息呈现方式对道路交通标志视认绩效的影响

    Symmetry of Information Presentation Form Influence on Recognition Performance of Road Traffic Signs

  16. 对道路交通标志牌设置的对比研究

    Comparison of Road Traffic Sign Setting

  17. 道路交通标志灯牌

    Traffic Sign Lamp Plate

  18. 本实验研究了道路交通标志中路名信息的对称性和布局方式对视认绩效的影响。

    The present study explored the eye movement mode of symmetry effect in structure of road traffic signs .

  19. 因此,在车载视觉系统中,如何有效地识别道路交通标志是一个非常重要的研究课题。

    Thus , in the automotive vision systems , how to effectively identify road signs is a very important research topic .

  20. 采集并识别不同光照条件下的道路交通标志可以验证道路交通识别系统的稳定性。

    By Collecting and recognizing the road traffic signs in different light conditions can verify the stability of the traffic sign recognition system .

  21. 目前我国道路交通标志牌使用板材大都是铝合金,由于铝合金板属于不可再生资源,随着资源逐年递减而成本逐年增加。

    At present , aluminum alloy , which belongs to non-rebirth resources , is mostly used as board materials of traffic signs in China .

  22. 一个巨大的不同类型的卡车,一套脚手架、道路交通标志、工具等。

    A big playset of different kinds of trucks , set of scaffoldings , bridege parts , road signs , tools and poseable figures .

  23. 通过分析交通标志设置基础、设置功能、设置方式和设置场所选定,为正确设置道路交通标志提供参考与借鉴。

    Analysis of setting basis , setting function , setting way and setting place has provided reference and use for rightly setting the traffic signs .

  24. 本文对自然场景中道路交通标志检测方法进行了研究,总结出一套道路交通标志实时检测算法。

    In this paper , traffic signs detection methods in the natural scenes are studied , and then a real-time traffic signs detection algorithm is summarized .

  25. 本文主要论述了道路交通标志作为高速公路交通安全设施的重要组成部分,对它所存在的质量问题作了系统的分析,并提出了如何处理的方法,仅供参考。

    The paper mainly discussed that the Road traffic sign is an important and analyzed quality problems by the numbers , and put forward the solution , for reference only .

  26. 研究驾驶人交通标志信息记忆量随时间的变化规律,能够为城市道路交通标志设计及实施应用提供有力支撑。

    To reveal the pattern the amount of drivers'memory of traffic sign information changes over time could shed bright light on the design and installation of ur-ban road traffic signs .

  27. 本实用新型公开了一种智能化道路交通标志线,包括埋设在交通标志线下的应答器;

    The utility model relates to an intelligentized traffic lines , comprising a responder buried below the lines and a radiofrequency reader and a micro director arranged in the vehicles .

  28. 探讨采用新材料取代现有道路交通标志牌用材,以解决交通标志牌材料价格上涨和交通标志牌维护问题,达到节约资源,保护环境,降低成本的目的。

    Close attention is to be drawn to search new kinds of materials used as a substitute for aluminum alloy of traffic signs to decrease the cost and save the resource and protect the environment .

  29. 当外界光照强度发生变化、天气变化,交通标志牌倾斜,采集到的交通标志存在尺度变化都会影响道路交通标志识别系统的识别效果。

    When the illumination intensity or the weather changes , the traffic signs tilt or the collected traffic signs have scale change , they all could affect the recognition effect of the traffic sign recognition system .

  30. 道路交通标志作为一种视觉语言,其用图形符号和文字传递给驾驶员和行人当前道路环境信息,对维护交通秩序、保障行车和行人的安全都起着极其重要的作用。

    As a visual language , road traffic signs passed the information of road environment to the driver by graphic symbol and characters . Road traffic signs are important to guarantee the safety of pedestrian and traffic order .