
  • 网络dow;DOW CHEMICAL
  1. 简要介绍了美国的道化学公司、杜邦公司,德国的巴斯夫公司开发的PVC清洁生产工艺技术,同时也介绍了我国开展PVC清洁生产的情况。

    Clean production processes developed by Dow Chemical Company , DuPont Company and BASF Company are introduced briefly . The situation of domestic clean production of PVC is also introduced .

  2. 同时集成了各类数据库(物性库、案例库、设备库等)和辅助评价工具(FTA、ETA、蒙德分析工具、道化学分析工具等)。

    At the same time , integrated many databases ( physical properties database , case library , equipment library , etc. ) and evaluation assisted-instruments ( FTA , ETA , Mond analytical tool , Dow chemical analysis tool , etc. ) .

  3. 道化学”公司作为一个技术专利执证者(专门技术所有者)参加此项工程

    The Dow takes part in this project as a patent licenser . “

  4. 道化学当前在美国HPMC市场占有统治地位;

    Dow currently has the dominant market position in the U.S.ethical HPMC market ;

  5. 持久性有机污染物质量平衡模型主要有Borgmann-Whittle模型,包括基于胃肠道化学动力学的质量平衡模型和基于污染物同化-排泄的质量平衡模型;

    The persistent organic pollutant mass balance models , represented by the Borgmann-Whittle Models , including the model based on chemical kinetics across the gastrointestinal tract and the model based on a constant contaminant assimilation rate and direct excretion ;

  6. 道化学法在热媒系统安全评价中的应用

    Application of Dow Chemical 's Method in the Safety Assessment of Heat Medium System

  7. 其主要原因是道化学公司的火灾爆炸指数法考虑了安全措施对事故后果的抵消作用。事故影响范围应以事故后果分析法为计算依据。

    The compute of the accident influence area should be based on consequence analysis .

  8. 对一道化学平衡计算题的讨论

    Discussion on a Problem of Chemical Balance Counting

  9. 道化学火灾、爆炸指数分析法在油库安全评价中的应用

    Application of Dow Chemical Fires and Explosive Index Analysis Method in Oil Depot Safety Evaluation

  10. 解决同一道化学问题时,在不同被试之间会有策略选择、使用及效率的差异。

    There are some differences in strategy selection , application and efficiency among different experimented students while solving a same chemistry problem .

  11. 道化学的销售将以适当的比率增长,紧挨在美国的产业增长比率,并且公司被认为将仍然保持它的市场统治地位。

    Dow 's sales will grow at modest rates , close to industry growth rates in the United States , and the company is expected to retain its dominant market posture .

  12. 通过火灾爆炸事故危害后果模拟分析和道化学火灾爆炸危险指数评价法,确定了装置发生火灾爆炸后的损失和伤害。

    Through the fire against the consequences of the explosion simulation analysis and Dow Chemical fire explosion hazard index evaluation method to obtain device exploded after a fire loss and injury .

  13. 采用道化学火灾、爆炸指数评价法进行定量评价,定量地对液态烃罐区及所贮存物料的实际潜在火灾、爆炸危险性进行了分析评价。

    The paper uses the Dow Chemical fire , explosion index evaluation method for quantitative evaluation , and quantitative analyzes the actual potential fire and explosion risk of the liquid hydrocarbon tank area .

  14. 分别运用道化学公司的火灾、爆炸指数法和重大事故后果分析法对液化石油气储罐进行安全评价,估算其爆炸的影响范围。

    Safety assessment on liquefied petroleum gas tank is conducted by respectively applying Dow Chemical Company Fire & Explosion Index Method and consequences analysis method for serious accident and the destroy area of explosion is evaluated .

  15. 在分析顺酐生产过程中火灾爆炸危险因素的基础上,运用美国道化学公司的火灾、爆炸危险指数评价方法对顺酐生产装置进行安全性评价。

    Fire explosion risk factors in the production of maleic anhydride are analyzed and risk index assessment method of Dow 's Chemical Company is used to conduct safety assessment on the production equipment of maleic anhydride .

  16. 首先,依据美国道化学公司的火灾爆炸指标评价法,对装置各单元进行危险度定量评价,确定装置的危险等级,分析危险性可接受的程度。

    First , quantitative analysis of fire and explosion indices is to be conducted for each unit according to the US DOW method , in order to determine the hazard level and analyze the acceptable hazard degree .

  17. 采用道化学公司的火灾、爆炸危险指数评价方法对年产65kt己内酰胺装置酰胺化反应器的潜在火灾、爆炸和反应性危险进行评价分析并提出预防措施。

    Potential risks of fires , explosion and reaction is estimated and analyzed for lactamization reactor in 65 × 103t / a caprolactam plant by Dow Chemical Corporation 's fires and explosive index estimated method and preventive measures are proposed .

  18. 运用道化学火灾、爆炸危险指数法对齐鲁石化公司腈纶厂丙烯罐区的火灾、爆炸风险进行了分析评价,从而提出了预防火灾爆炸事故的建议和措施。

    Fire and explosion assessment for the propylene tank farm of the acrylic fiber plant is performed using the Dow F & EI in Qilu petro-chemical company . So , suggestion and measure are offered to prevent the fire and explosion accidents .

  19. 运用美国道化学公司的火灾爆炸危险指数评价方法(第七版),对碳二馏分加氢反应装置的火灾爆炸危险性进行了定量计算和评价,得出其火灾爆炸危险等级为非常大。

    Utilizing the assessment method of dangerous index of fire and explosion by Dow Chemical Company ( 7th edition ) to calculate and estimate the dangerous of fire and explosion for acetylene reactor . The result indicate that the fire and explosion dangerous rank is highest .

  20. 利用道化学公司火灾爆炸危险指数法安全风险评价程序对茂名石化乙烯公司环氧乙烷/乙二醇装置进行了安全评价,并提出了改进措施。

    The risk assessment for epoxyethane / glycol plant of Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene Industrial Com ˉ pany was carried out by utilized the risk assessment proce ˉ dure of risk index method of fire and explosion of Dow Chemical Company , and improvement measures are sug ˉ gested .

  21. 马尾松防火道及果园化学除草试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Chemical Weeding at Fire Belt and Fruit Orchard

  22. 许氏平鲉消化道的组织化学研究

    A Study of the Histochemistry on the Digestive Tract of the Sebastes schlegeli

  23. 目的:胰腺癌是恶性度极高的消化道肿瘤,化学治疗是一种重要的治疗手段。

    Objective : Pancreatic carcinoma is a kind of alimentary canal tumor with high mortality .

  24. 研究了在化学镀镍溶液中添加分子量在3000-5000的PAA(聚丙烯酸)对沉积速率和不同规格微道沟的超级化学镍填充的影响。

    The deposition rate of the electroless nickel and bottom-up filling behavior for different sub-micrometer trenches were also investigated by electroless deposition solution with an addition of PAA ( Mw : 3000-5000 ) .

  25. 以PAP和双PAP法对大鼠胃肠道进行免疫细胞化学观察,结果表明:NT免疫反应性产物主要分布于小肠上皮内分泌细胞和肌间神经丛内。

    By using PAP and double PAP immunohistochemical method , the gastrointestinal tract of rats is investigated . The results : the neurotensin-immunoreactive substance ( NT-IS ) mainly exists in the endocrine cells of intestinal epithelium and myenteric plexuses .

  26. 欧洲鳗鲡胃肠道激素免疫组织化学的研究

    Immunohistochemical study of gut in European eel , Anguilla anguilla

  27. 采伐对集材道表层土壤主要化学性质影响的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies of Felling Influence on the Surface Soil 's Main Chemical Properties on Skidding Road

  28. 目的:对乌药不同提取部位进行相关胃肠道和血清药物化学实验研究,为阐明辛味药行气物质基础提供实验依据和理论平台。

    Objective : To study the gastrointestinal tract and serum related pharmaceutical chemistry experimental research , using different extracted parts of Lindera .

  29. 本文报告在铁路碎石道碴中进行化学灌浆,以使减少列车运行时引起地基振动对周围环境影响的技术开发成果。

    In this paper a new vibration-reducing technique for ballast by chemical grouting to solve the environmental problem caused by train shock is reported .

  30. 马尾松茎树脂道发育的组织化学研究用马尔柯夫过程理论进行马尾松优化密度探讨

    Histochemistry of resin ducts developmental processes in the stem of Pinus massoniana A Study on Optimal Density of Masson Pine Pulp Plantation with Markov Theory