
  1. 穿流栅板塔设计及其在氟化氢吸收中的应用

    Design of the Turbogrid Tray Tower and its Application in HF Absorption

  2. 组合氯化氢吸收塔净化技术的应用

    Application of purification technology of hydrogen chloride complex absorbing tower

  3. 硫酸法硫酸钾生产中氯化氢吸收系统的技术改进

    Revamping HCl Absorption System in Production of SOP

  4. 氯化氢吸收与解吸

    Absorption and desorption of hydrogen chloride

  5. 以下,吸收液盐酸浓度达25%,本文对低水量、高分离要求氯化氢吸收过程作了分析和讨论。

    This paper analyzes and discusses the absorption process of hydrogen chloride with lower water flow and high separating requirements .

  6. 介绍传统硫酸法生产硫酸钾过程中,氯化氢吸收系统的工艺流程及生产情况。

    The technology process and production situation of the chlorine hydride absorption system in potassium sulphate process with traditional sulphuric acid process is introduced .

  7. 根据平均原子模型和类氢光吸收系数,近似地计算了Ne、Ar、Kr、Xe等惰性元素高温、高密度等离子体的Planck和Rosseland不透明度。

    Calculations of Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for Ne , Ar , Kr , Xe plasmas with high temperature and great density have been carried out on the basis of the average atom model and the hydrogen like photoabsorption coefficients .

  8. 分子氮影响了蓝藻Anabaena7120对氢的吸收

    H_2-Uptake by Anabaena 7120 Under the Influence of Molecular Nitrogen

  9. 而氢不能吸收其它物质,仍然以氢气状态存在。

    In the presence of calcium , the sulfur reacts to form calcium sulfide ( CaS , a solid'non-gaseous'particle ) .

  10. 介绍了高浓度氯化氢气体吸收、低浓度氯化氢气体吸收、浓盐酸脱吸、稀盐酸脱吸的工艺现状及石墨设备在这些工艺中的应用。

    The existing state of processes on absorption of high - and low-concentration hydrogen chloride gas , desorption of concentrated and dilute hydrochloric acid and application of graphite equipment in these processes are introduced .

  11. 通过测量部分酯化聚醚和全酯化聚醚的酯氢~1H-NMR吸收峰面积的积分比率计算端羟基比例,且用酯氢测定聚醚分子量。

    This is a method for the determination of the fraction of end hydroxyl by measuring the ester-H ratio of 1H-NMR absorption peak areas for the partly esterified polyether and the completely esterified polyether . The molecular weight of polyether can be determined by ester-H groups .

  12. 九个类星体的氢Lα吸收线的统计研究

    The statistical analysis of La absorption lines from a uniform sample of nine high redshift QSOs

  13. 类金刚石a-C:H膜的热释氢和红外吸收研究

    An investigation on hydrogen evolution and IR absorption of a-c : h films

  14. 所获得的结果表明:该材料具有突出的吸氢能力,其吸收容量R为40.8ml/g,吸收效率为80%。

    Method and experimental devices are described . Results showed that sponge palladium possesses outstanding ability of absorbing hydrogen . Absorption capability R was 40ml / g and absorption efficiency was 80 % .

  15. 中子辐照含氢FZ-Si的红外吸收研究

    Infrared absorption studies on neutron irradiated FZ-Si containing hydrogen

  16. 这显然是原子氢,被钢吸收或溶解于钢,会影响其挠性和韧性。

    It is apparently atomic hydrogen , absorbed or dissolved in steel , that affects it flexibility and ductility .

  17. 由记录的等离子体发光过程的上升前沿,确定了氘和氢氘等离子体光谱吸收系数随光学波长变化。

    The variation of the opacity of the plasma with wavelength is measured by recording the risetime of the emitted light .

  18. 磷化氢和砷化三氢对紫外光的吸收比硅烷强烈得多,因此,它们就沉积在容器的器壁上。

    The phosphine and arsine absorb the ultraviolet light much more strongly than does silane , causing them to be deposited out on the walls of the container .

  19. 水氢氢冷发电机绝缘吸收比偏低的原因及对策

    Analysis on Causes of Insulation Absorptance on Low Side Standard of Water-hydrogen Generator and Its Countermeasures