
  • 网络Hydrogen powered vehicle;hydrogen energy automobile
  1. 介绍了氢能汽车动力装置的最新研制、发展动态,通过对氢内燃机(H.I.C.E)和质子膜燃料电池(PEMFC)性能数据比较分析,对21世纪汽车动力装置的发展趋势和前景提出了观点。

    By analyzing the performance data of H.I. C. E and PEMFC , the viewpoint is presented on the trends and prospects of automobile power devices in the 21st century . The paper generalized the progress on the fuel cell vehicles gained by several famous companies in the world .

  2. 经济、高效和安全的车载氢源系统是目前阻碍氢能汽车产业化的主要瓶颈之一。

    However , one of the main bottlenecks preventing the industrialization of hydrogen-powered vehicle is the development of a high efficient , safe and economical on-board hydrogen source system .

  3. 与传统燃油汽车相比,氢能汽车排气污染小,噪声低,在新能源利用和环境保护方面都具有可持续发展的特征。

    Hydrogen-powered vehicle has many advantages comparing with the traditional gasoline-powered automobile , e.g. , lower noise and lower pollution , it is a continuously developing energy mode in view of the utilization of the new energy sources and environmental protection .

  4. 说明发展氢能燃料电池汽车、分散供电、供热都将是我国经济持续发展的新的增长点。

    Fuel cell vehicles , distribution power station are new economical points in the future of China .

  5. 最后为我国发展氢能和燃料电池汽车提出了建议。

    Finally , the paper puts forth suggestions for China to develop hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicle .