
  • 网络H/C
  1. 对于CnHm-空气系统,δ函数只与温度有关,而与燃料氢碳比以及燃气当量比无关。

    The & function is dependent only on temperature and independent of hydrogen-carbon ratio of the fuel and fuel-air ratio for CnHm-air system .

  2. 结果表明,CO2平衡转化率随温度的升高而下降,增大反应体系的压力和采用高的氢碳比,对提高CO2平衡转化率有利。

    The results show that the equilibrium conversion rate of CO2 decreases with increasing temperature , decreasing pressure and the ratio of n ( H2 ) / n ( CO2 ) in the reaction gas .

  3. 非限制性气体中,GTL柴油温室气体排放主要以CO2为主,而GTL柴油成分主要是饱和烷烃,其氢碳比要比柴油高,C原子含量相对较少,所以GTL柴油的CO2排放较低。

    For regulated gases , greenhouse emission is mainly CO2 , dominant sector of GTL are Paraffinic Hydrocarbons , the Ratio of Hydrogen to Carbon is higher than diesel , C Atom Concentration is lower , so using GTL has lower CO2 emission .

  4. 在费-托合成催化剂中,铁基催化剂由于操作灵活、价格低廉、具有较高的水煤气变换反应(WGS)活性,适用于低氢碳比的煤基合成气费-托合成。

    Iron-based catalysts are widely used because of their low cost , excellent flexibility and high activity for water-gas shift reaction in the production of liquid fuel from coal-based syngas with low H2 / CO ratio .

  5. 甲醇新鲜合成气氢碳比的优化方法探讨

    Probe on Optimization Method of Ratio of Hydrogen and Carbon of Fresh Synthesis Gas for Methanol

  6. 因此为了达到甲醇生产的节能降耗,实现甲醇新鲜合成气的氢碳比最优化是其中的一个关键。

    So the key method is making the hydrogen-carbon ratio of the fresh synthetic gas of methanol optimized for the purpose of energy-saving .

  7. 结果表明,原料的裂化转化率不仅取决于其氢碳比,还与其中的硫含量和氮含量有关,经多元线性回归可得到相关性相当好的经验关联式。

    The results show that the cracking conversion of the feedstock not only depends on their H / C but also the contents of sulfur and nitrogen .

  8. 在生物油的催化裂化精制过程中,引进了化合物有效氢碳比的概念并考察了生物油内酮类、羧酸化合物与高氢碳比醇类的共裂化性能。

    In the catalytic cracking researches . concept of effective hydrogen to carbon ratio was introduced , and the co-cracking of compounds in bio-oil with ethanols was done .

  9. 焦炭中氢碳比由改造前的12.29%降低到6.78%,焦炭产率下降1.17个百分点,目前装置运行状况良好,取得了较好的经济效益。

    After revamping , the hydrogen / carbon ratio in coke decreased from 12.29 % to 6.78 % , the yield of coke decreased by 1.17 percent points .

  10. 通过计算混合制氢弛放气前后的氢碳比,得知天然气混合制氢弛放气后氢碳比得到优化。

    By calculation , it was found that the ratio of hydrogen to carbon had been optimized after adding the exhaust gas from hydrogen plant to natural gas as feed mixture gas of the steam reformer .

  11. 简述传统的天然气一段蒸汽转化及煤气在制取甲醇新鲜合成气中的缺陷,详述几种优化新鲜合成气氢碳比的方法。

    Briefly introduce disadvantage of fresh synthesis gas prepared by conventional primary reforming of natural gas , and coal gasification , describe several ways of optimization of hydrogen and carbon ratio of fresh synthesis gas in details .

  12. 该工艺既脱除了氧,对甲醇生产来讲又给原料气补了碳,可改善生产甲醇原料气的氢碳比,提高甲醇的产量。

    This process can not only remove the oxygen but also increase the carbon in the feedstock gas for methanol production , which will increase the output of methanol as a result of carbon / hydrogen ratio improvement .

  13. 重质油中烃类族组成含量与氢碳原子比、芳香度之间关系的研究

    Study on Relationships Between Atomic Ratio of Hydrogen to Carbon , Aromaticity and Hydrocarbon Type Content in Heavy Oils

  14. 抽出油的芳烃含量达90%,氢碳原子比为1,芳碳率为0.6。

    The aromatic content in extracted oil reached up to 90 % , the H / C value ( atomic ratio ) was 1 , and the aromatic-carbon ratio is 0 . 6 .

  15. 研究了湿式燃烧条件下的燃料消耗量、视氢碳原子比、燃烧前缘推进速度和空气需要量等参数,以及注水量与注空气的比值对火烧油层性能的影响。

    Many parameters have been achieved , such as fuel consumption , apparent atomic ratio of hydrogen to oxygen , fire front advance speed , air consumption , etc. the influence arising from the ratio of water injected to air injected upon combustion performance are also studied .

  16. 微量注射进样法测定汽油窄馏分的氢/碳原子比

    Determination of H / C for Gasoline Narrow Distillation Cut by Micro-Injection Sample Introducing

  17. 考察了方法的准确度和精密度,并成功测定了一组汽油窄馏分(初馏点-200℃)的氢/碳原子比(2.368~1.941)。

    A series of H / C ratio for gasoline narrow distillation cut was determined .

  18. 催化部分氧化法制氢的水碳比控制与探讨

    Control and Discussion on Water-Carbon Ratio

  19. 如果火星上的甲烷是生命现象产生的,那么释放出的甲烷和水应该明显表现出氢和碳的同位素比。

    Methane and water released on Mars should show distinctive ratios for isotopes of hydrogen and carbon if life was responsible for methane production .

  20. 通过对市售汽油特性参数间关系的统计分析,得到了汽油密度同汽油的平均氢碳原子数之比和汽油空气混合气的理论空燃比之间的线性关系式。

    The statistical analysis of relationship between parameters of property of gasoline sold on market was carried out . The linear equations between the density and hydrogen carbon ratio H / C , and the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio for gasoline sold on market were obtained .

  21. 本实验采用配氢的方法来调节氢碳比。

    In this paper , the regulating H / C way adopted matching hydrogen .

  22. 挥发分、氢含量、氮含量和氢碳比随惰质组含量的增加而下降,碳含量、芳碳率和缩合环数随惰质组含量的增加而增加。

    Volatile matter , hydrogen content , nitrogen content , H / C , oxygen content in oxygen functional group decrease with the increasing of inertinite content . But carbon content , aromaticity and the number of condensed ring are opposite .

  23. 根据不称重法测定化合物碳、氢、氮原子比的理论,建立了微量注射法测定强挥发性液体样品的氢/碳原子比的方法。

    Based on the principle of non weighting determination of C 、 H 、 N atomic ratio , a micro injection sample introducing method was developed for determination of H / C ratio for volatile reagent .