
  • 网络Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle;HFCV
  1. 这款氢燃料电池汽车是在B级紧凑型轿车平台上制造的。

    The F-Cell is built on the company 's B-Class compact car platform .

  2. 1月24日,宝马(BMW)与丰田(Toyota)宣布,至2020年,两家公司将联合生产一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    On January 24 , BMW and Toyota ( TM ) announced that they would collaborate to release a hydrogen fuel cell-powered car by 2020 .

  3. 而最近,戴姆勒(Daimler)、福特(Ford)和日产汽车(Nissan)也于1月28日共同宣布结盟,四家公司将在2017年之前推出一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    More recently , Daimler , Ford ( f ) , and Nissan one-upped the pair , announcing on January 28 that , together , they would bring a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle to market by 2017 .

  4. 2015年,本田将开始销售用于民航业的首款飞机——HA-420本田喷气机,以及一款全新的氢燃料电池汽车FCV。

    It will be a year when the automaker begins selling its first airplane , the HA-420 Hondajet for general aviation , as well as a new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle , the FCV .

  5. Mirai等氢燃料电池汽车被一些人视为对纯电动汽车的改进,因为氢动力汽车的续航里程和补充燃料所费时间可与汽油车和柴油车媲美。

    Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles such as the Mirai are seen by some as an improvement on pure electric cars , as they offer range and refuelling time that is competitive with petrol and diesel models .

  6. 氢燃料电池汽车的成本高于传统公交车。

    Hydrogen fuel cell buses cost more than traditional buses .

  7. 纯氢燃料电池汽车性能的仿真

    Performance Simulation of Fuel Cell Vehicle Based on Pure Hydrogen

  8. 和电池动力汽车一样,氢燃料电池汽车也没有尾气排放。

    Like battery-powered cars , hydrogen fuel cell vehicles boast zero tailpipe emissions .

  9. 不要期望在路上会看到许多氢燃料电池汽车。

    Don 't expect to see a lot of F-Cells on the road .

  10. 在众多新能源汽车中应用较为广泛的是氢燃料电池汽车。

    Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is relatively widely used among various of new energy vehicles .

  11. 一种氢燃料电池汽车用新型储氢材料&NaAlH4的研究进展

    Progress in study of sodium alanate & on a new hydrogen storage material for fuel cell vehicle

  12. 采用复合材料制成的全缠绕复合气瓶主要应用于氢燃料电池汽车高压储氢容器、呼吸器及车用压缩天然气燃料气瓶等领域。

    The full-wrapped composite cylinders are mainly used as high-pressure hydrogen storage containers , respirators and compressed natural gas cylinders .

  13. 随着氢燃料电池汽车的发展,国际上正在兴起加氢站建设的高潮。

    With the development of fuel cell vehicles , the climax of building hydrogen refueling stations is emerging all over the world .

  14. 氢燃料电池汽车通过氢氧化学反应发电,排出的燃烧产物只有水蒸气。

    Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity from the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen , creating water vapor as their only exhaust product .

  15. 丰田的这款氢燃料电池汽车能将氢气转化为电力,驾驶平稳加速强劲,同时无一氧化碳排出。

    This hydrogen fuel cell vehicle from Toyota converts hydrogen into electricity , has a smooth ride , strong acceleration , and leaves no carbon monoxide behind .

  16. 这种新的生物酶方式相对于旧的方式可以产生3倍的氢气或更多,这可能意味着通过这些酶为氢燃料电池汽车生产氢气将更具可行性。

    The method produces three times more hydrogen than an older enzymatic method does , suggesting that it might be practical to use such enzymes to produce hydrogen for fuel-cell vehicles .

  17. 在东京举行的网络直播发布会上,丰田汽车研发部总裁兼董事会成员加藤光久表示,公司的氢燃料电池汽车将于明年四月份在日本上市,并于2015年夏登陆美国和欧洲市场。

    At a presentation webcast from Tokyo , head of R & D and board member Mitsuhisa Kato said the company aims to launch the car , powered by a hydrogen fuel cell , in the Japanese market in by April next year , and in the U.S. and Europe by the summer of 2015 .

  18. 本田(Honda)昨日发布了汽车业第一部面向零售客户的氢动力燃料电池汽车,定于2008年中交付使用。

    Honda yesterday unveiled the auto industry 's first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle destined for retail customers , who are due to receive the cars in mid-2008 .

  19. 发展氢燃料电池电动汽车应关注的几个问题

    Challenges of Developing Fuel Cell Vehicles

  20. 丰田已向马自达供应混合动力传动技术,但小饲雅道否认如下传言,即马自达将求助于其合作伙伴,开发氢动力燃料电池汽车。

    Toyota already supplies Mazda with hybrid drivetrain technology , but Mr Kogai dismisses speculation it will turn to its partner to develop a hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle .

  21. 尽管过去20年里,生产只需灌水即可开动的氢动力燃料电池汽车始终是众汽车厂商的梦想,但上市时间却一拖再拖。

    A hydrogen-powered fuel cell car that emits only water has been the Holy Grail of automobile manufacturers for 20 years , but deadlines for its introduction have proved elastic .

  22. 从能量利用的角度分析了压缩空气动力汽车的效率问题和可行性,并与目前最为看好的氢燃料电池电动汽车的多种特性进行了全面的对比。

    In the paper , the efficiency problem and feasibility of compressed air driven vehicles are analyzed on the viewpoint of energy utilization , and their various characteristics are fully compared with that of the most challenging hydrogen fuel cell vehicles .

  23. 运用生命周期评价方法对使用不同氢源的燃料电池汽车进行了分析。

    Modelling and parameter estimation of Li-ion battery in a fuel cell vehicle ;

  24. 氢燃料电池技术及其在汽车领域的应用现状

    Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology and Its Current Status of Application in the Field of Vehicle

  25. 具有比强度和比刚度高等优点的纤维全缠绕高压储氢气瓶在氢燃料电池汽车供氢系统中是一个关键部件。

    The fully-wrapped composite tanks for on-board storage of high pressure hydrogen which has high specific strength and stiffness is a key components in the hydrogen supply system .

  26. 氢燃料汽车与氢燃料电池汽车

    Hydrogen Fuel Motor Vehicle and Hydrogen Fuel cell Motor Vehicle

  27. 复合材料氢气瓶承压能力强,质量轻,耐腐蚀性能好,是当前氢燃料电池汽车用氢气瓶的首选型式。

    Composite cylinder as the first choice for on-board hydrogen storge has the advantages of high-pressure-resistant ability , light weight and corrosion resistance .

  28. 氢能源由于使用清洁、来源广泛,其发展备受关注,而采用氢为燃料的燃料电池汽车更成为当前汽车科技研究的热点。

    Hydrogen energy , for its no pollution and abundant sources , is absorbing greater attention . Nowadays , the fuel cell vehicle , which uses hydrogen as fuel , is the hotspot for research of automotive technology .