
  1. 伯纳德•芒亚吉夏瑞(BernardMunyagishari)被指控在卢旺达阴谋杀害了数万名图西人和胡图人。

    The man , Bernard Munyagishari , is accused of being a mastermind in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda .

  2. 韩国现代汽车一直专注于中型车和紧凑型车,特别是仅针对中国的车型,比如悦动、朗动和名图(Mistra)轿车。

    South Korea 's Hyundai has focused on mid - and compact-sized vehicles , focusing on China-exclusive models such as the Yuedong , Langdong and Mistra sedans .

  3. 典型的Eclipse习惯是使用Java包名(图4)。

    The typical Eclipse convention is to use a Java package name ( Figure 4 ) .

  4. 数量的规定:对于食品的动物,以能力,他们的嘴里;至于男子,一名干图是标准的。

    The quantity is regulated : as regards the food of animals , to the capacity of their mouth ; as regards man , a dried fig is the standard .

  5. 在并行设计中,设计特征模型和加工特征模型通过面名历史图共享零件的实体模型,设计特征的变动通过局部特征识别自动地转换为相应的加工特征。

    In the concurrent design , the design feature model and the machining feature model share the same solid model of a part through a history graph of each face 's identity , while design feature changes are converted into corresponding machining features automatically and incrementally by local feature recognition .

  6. 一旦您这样做了,您应该参看图1a中的抓屏来确定项目的文件名和位置;图1a中的抓屏还提供了流程名称(processname)的缺省值和名称空间(namespace)的缺省值。

    Once you do so , you should see the screenshot in Figure1a to determine the filename and location for the project ; it also supplies default values for the process name and namespace .

  7. 警方后来追查到了另外两名嫌犯——明图?萨卡尔(MintuSarkar,与阿尼玛没有亲属关系)和拉祖?比斯瓦斯(RajuBiswas)。

    Police later tracked down two other suspects , Mintu Sarkar ( no relation to Anima ) , and Raju Biswas .

  8. 120名正常人心阻抗图测定分析

    Measurment and analysis of impedance cardiogram in 120 normal individuals

  9. 102名健康人心阻抗图测定

    Measurement of Impedance Cardiogram in 102 Normal Subjects

  10. 大卫是一名拥有潘全息图的女奴隶与宙斯间的孩子。

    David was the child of a slave female of Pan hologram and Zeus .

  11. 244名正常人脑电阻图分析

    Analysis of rheoencephalogram of 244 normal subjects