
  • 网络smash;boom
  1. 还记得美国全国广播公司NBC的剧集《名声大噪》一经首播便获得剧评家们的一致好评吗?

    Remember when NBC 's Smash premiered to a standing ovation from critics ?

  2. 英国画家LS劳里的画作描述了工业时代下的、工人阶级的英国,因此在英国名声大噪。

    British artist LS Lowry 's paintings of industrial , working-class Britain brought him popular fame in the UK .

  3. 近期,该公司随着电影《猿族崛起》(RiseofthePlanetoftheApes)的成功而名声大噪。

    He launched Chernin group , a production and investment group that recently had success with the movie rise of the planet of the apes .

  4. 她以像Complicated和Sk8erBoi这样的受朋克摇滚启发的流行打击乐而名声大噪。

    She made a name for herself with her punk rock inspired pop hits such as Complicated and Sk8er Boi .

  5. 沃森系统曾在智力比赛综艺节目《危险边缘》(Jeopardy!)中打败人类参赛者,从而让其名声大噪。

    Watson , which became famous for beating human contestants on the game show Jeopardy ! ,

  6. 公司在今年3月宣布将与电子游戏厂商Valve合作开发虚拟现实Vive头盔,Valve(威乐软件)因其电子游戏半条命等系列游戏和Steam在线服务名声大噪。

    The company announced the Vive in March as part of a partnership with Valve , which is known for its Half-Life video games and Steam online store .

  7. 上个月,由美国全国广播公司NBC打造的梦露主题的百老汇音乐剧《名声大噪》初次亮相。

    Last month , a new NBC series , Smash , about a fictional Monroe-themed Broadway musical , made its debut .

  8. 除了在电影行业名声大噪外,BourneWood也是一个重要的保护区——它是一些稀有动物的栖息地。

    Besides its prestige in the film industry , Bourne Wood is also an important area environmentally - it 's home to several rare animal species .

  9. 今天,这块蛋糕仍存放在Rosemeier办公室的玻璃盒子里,还使GeorgeStevens学院名声大噪!

    Today , the cake sits on display in a glass case in Rosemeier 's office and is known as George Stevens Academy 's claim to fame .

  10. 自称“性格腼腆”的JK罗琳说过:“我从没过想过名声大噪,即使在我最疯狂的梦里。”

    The self-proclaimed " shy " author said : " I never in my wildest dreams expected this popularity . "

  11. 自从2000年以来,宝马向MINI注入了大量工艺和生产技术,生产了一批格调与性能兼备的精品小车,使MINI品牌名声大噪。

    Since 2000 , BMW has infused a healthy dose of engineering and manufacturing in the brand , creating vehicles with the taut feel and performance that made Bimmers famous .

  12. 2011年初,希兰发布了首张个人EPNo.5CollaborationsProject。这首歌令他在iTunes名声大噪,并且引起了(英国摇滚歌星)艾尔顿•约翰的注意。

    In early 2011 , the young artist released his first EP No. 5Collaborations Project , which prompted a surge in his popularity on iTunes and brought him the attention of Elton John .

  13. 中国著名歌手、演员周杰伦加盟本部影片,饰演一位名叫Li的魔术师。而因为饰演哈利波特而名声大噪的演员丹尼尔·雷德克里夫也将会出现在本部影片中。

    Chinese singer / actor Jay Chou has joined the cast as a magician named Li , while actor Daniel Radcliffe , who 's famous for playing the boy wizard Harry Potter , and is also set to join the film .

  14. 想必大家最近都听说了这个重大新闻:沃尔沃汽车公司(Volvo)重金聘请了名声大噪的华裔NBA球星林书豪,替自己在中国的高端汽车市场上代言。

    It became huge news recently when Volvo cars signed an endorsement deal with Knicks basketball sensation Jeremy Lin to cash in on the booming market for upscale cars in China .

  15. 但是最常与他的名字联系在一起的,则是吴哥窟,他在1860年首次发现了这座高棉帝国(Khmerempire)的遗迹后,令其在欧洲名声大噪。

    But his name is most associated with the Angkor ruins , which he made famous in Europe after first encountering those remnants of the Khmer empire in 1860 .

  16. 高管教练马西娅&12539;雷诺兹(MarciaReynolds)称:在我的行业中有这么一个人,他通过绝妙地宣传自己的工作而变得名声大噪。

    ' There 's a man in my field who has made a big name for himself by so brilliantly promoting his work , ' says executive coach Marcia Reynolds .

  17. 曾任伟创力公司(Flextronics)老板的迈克尔?马克斯(MichaelMarks)临时出任首席执行官,直到因创立一种电脑存储器生产企业而名声大噪泽夫?

    Former Flextronics boss Michael Marks stood in as interim CEO before the arrival of Ze'ev Drori , who made his mark with a company that produced a type of computer memory .

  18. 知情人称,在12月份她因在电影《一个明星的诞生》饰演主角而名声大噪的时候“Gaga已经非常开心了。”

    An insider told that ' Gaga is so over the moon at the moment ' in December with the buzz surrounding her role in A Star Is Born .

  19. 《小黄人》(Minions)是去年最大的动画电影赢家,《神偷奶爸3》远胜前两部,在全球范围内名声大噪,又有《小黄人2》推波助澜,最终全球票房高达8.795亿美元。

    Minions became the biggest animated film of last year while Despicable Me 3 has outdone the previous two films with worldwide takings of $ 879.5 ( £ 674m ) .

  20. 卢米斯家族买了巴菲特那家小公司伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)的股票;我们也成为了巴菲特一家的好友;后来,我还成为了他名声大噪的年度致股东公开信的无偿编辑。

    The loomises bought stock in his small company , Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKa ) ; we became good friends of the Buffetts ; and ultimately I became the pro bono editor of his increasingly famous annual letter to shareholders .

  21. 值此最新版Roomba推出之际,请随我们一道,从头回顾下iRobot这家不寻常的公司,以及让它名声大噪的产品。

    On the occasion of the latest Roomba release , we take look back at this curious company and the product that put it on the map .

  22. 该影片的导演是GretaGerwig,去年因执导《伯德小姐》而名声大噪,而且西尔莎凭借该影片获得了最佳女演员的提名。

    It will be directed by Greta Gerwig , who earned much critical acclaim last year for her work on the coming of age film Lady Bird , which also earned Saiorse an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress .

  23. 她沉默一时期以后,现在又名声大噪了。

    After suffering an eclipse , she is now famous again .

  24. 结果谁名声大噪?你猜猜。

    So who gets the publicity ? Figure that out .

  25. 保罗·提贝茨还会在另一次空袭中名声大噪

    Paul Tibbets will be famous for another bombing run ,

  26. 这只猫之所以名声大噪主要是因其独一无二的愤怒表情。

    The cat 's fame is largely due to her unique peeved look .

  27. 不过,本周这位纽约时装设计师却名声大噪。

    But the New York fashion designer had his dose of fame this week .

  28. 这工作可使人名声大噪。

    This job carries a lot of prestige .

  29. 烹饪曾是妇女的一项家务,却突然名声大噪,大受欢迎。

    Cooking , once a woman 's chore , became suddenly sexy and prestigious .

  30. 索罗斯1973年创立量子基金并凭借其出色的交易能力使量子基金名声大噪。

    Mr Soros started Quantum in1973 and developed a reputation for trading on instinct .