
  1. 龙华寺,要算是上海地区历史最久,规模最大,建筑最宏伟的名刹了。

    Longhua Temple is believed to be the oldest , largest and most magnificent temple in Shanghai .

  2. 绕环岛路观赏东海岸风光并游览福建名刹-南普陀寺及厦门著名之胡里山炮台;

    Tour of Xiamen city including scenic drive along Round Island Road , the famous ancient Buddhist temple-South Putuo Temple ;

  3. 在韩国的另一位客户出资让奥尔森和他太太去度假一周,入住酒店、参观历史名刹。

    Another client , in Korea , sent Mr. Olson and his wife on a weeklong vacation to historic temples and inns .

  4. 作为东南名刹,在明清两代,上至帝皇,下至杭州地方官员,都与灵隐寺发生过一定的关系。

    During Ming and Qing dynasties , Lingyin Temple , as a famous monastery in the southeast of China , had some connections with the emperors as well as the magistrates .