
  1. 大约20名商务部女性职员参加了由瑞雅礼仪学院(InstituteSarita)的RebeccaLi讲授的半日课程。

    About 20 women signed up for a half-day course offered by Rebecca Li of the etiquette school Institute Sarita .

  2. 去年8月,另外一个高加索北部共和国印古什的MagomedYevloyev被关押,并被一名内务部的保镖“走火”射中,他是一名记者,同时还拥有一家反对党网站。

    Last August Magomed Yevloyev , a journalist and owner of an opposition internet site in another north Caucasus republic , Ingushetia , was detained and " accidentally " shot by an interior ministry guard .

  3. 近80000名国防部文职工作人员都存在风险。

    Nearly 80000 Defense Department civilian jobs are at risk .

  4. 开场白:作为一名预订部销售文员处理预订是我们每天主要的工作。

    Prologue : as a reservations sales agent making reservation is our main working .

  5. 一名外交部女发言人指出发达国家在峰会上并没有良好的表现。

    A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said developed countries did not perform well at the talks .

  6. 一名外交部发言人表示,中国对安南的辞职表示遗憾,并对安南工作中的困难表示理解。

    A Foreign Ministry spokesman said China regrets his resignation and understands the difficulties of his work .

  7. 一名国防部的发言人星期二证实,这盘图像带是由墨西哥空军成员摄制。

    Defense Department spokesman confirmed Tuesday that the videotape was filmed by members of the Mexican Air Force .

  8. 开场白:作为一名预订部销售文员我们会遇到有特殊要求的预订。

    Prologue : as a Reservations Sales agent , we will meet the situation of require special request .

  9. 一名国防部官员称,罗伯茨和一名与其私通的女性发生肢体冲突。

    A defense official said Roberts got into a physical altercation with a woman with whom he was having an affair .

  10. 我们从爱德华·斯诺登的最新进展开始,这名国防部承包人透露政府2大监控程序,

    We begin though with very latest on Edward Snowden , the defense contractor who revealed 2 big government surveillance programs ,

  11. 周二,一名内务部官员在车臣被杀,其他两名在同叛乱者的枪战中受伤。

    On Tuesday , an Interior Ministry officer was killed in the republic and two others were wounded in a gun battle with rebels .

  12. 喀土穆三名南部政客被逮捕,抗议者在南部某城镇向苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔政党办公室防火。

    Protesters set alight the office of Sudan President Omar al-Bashir 's party in a southern town after three southern politicians were arrested in Khartoum .

  13. 一名国防部官员周三告诉记者几名军事顾问少于10人正在前往尼日利亚首都阿布贾。

    A Defense Department official told reporters on Wednesday that a handful of military advisers less than 10 were going to the Nigerian capital , Abuja .

  14. 同样在星期一,卡塔尔国家通讯社援引一名外交部官员的话说,卡塔尔承认利比亚反政府委员会作为利比亚人民的唯一合法代表。

    Also Monday , Qatar 's state news agency quoted a foreign ministry official as saying the country has recognized Libya 's rebel council as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people .

  15. 云南省一名内政部发言人表示,死亡总数可能不止此数,因为地震造成的通讯和交通设施严重受损,给收集信息造成很大困难。

    The death toll may climb further , as the quakes have seriously damaged telecommunications and traffic infrastructure , making it difficult to collect information , said a spokesman with the provincial Civil Affairs Department .

  16. 埃及一名外交部官员表示这个决定是错误的,埃及已经准备实施一项他称为政治线路图的计划。该计划包括来年的选举。

    An Egyptian Foreign Ministry official says the decision is wrong . He says his country is prepared to carry out what he called a political road map , which includes plans for elections next year .

  17. 如今,他的权力和金钱所受到的威胁越来越大,一名国防部官员和一名军人被捕意味着,贿赂调查已不再限于警方。

    Now , the threats to his power and money are mounting as the arrests of a Ministry of defence official and a member of the armed forces imply that bribery investigations have spread beyond the police .

  18. 开场白:作为一名预订部销售文员处理预订是我们每天主要的工作。会议将开两天,每年都由营销处组织,各地区的经理和销售人员都来参加。

    Prologue : As a Reservations Sales Agent making reservation is our main working . This is a two-day event which the Marketing Department organizes every year and which is attended by all the regional managers and salesmen .

  19. 方法采用问卷调查法,对乐山市和眉山市的12所二级综合医院、27所二级专科医院和1所肿瘤专科医院的40名护理部主任及197名执行静脉化疗操作的护士进行调查。

    Method 40 nursing department directors and 197 nurses from 12 second-level general hospitals , 27 second-level specialty hospitals and 1 cancer hospital were investigated with questionnaires . Results All of the 40 basic-level hospitals adopt dispersive management system for chemotherapy manipulation .

  20. 一名美国财政部高官表示,CFIUS对待中国投资的态度,与对待其他国家毫无区别。

    A senior treasury official said that CFIUS treated investments from China no differently than it did any others .

  21. 梅奥诊所(MayoClinic)研究人员进行的一项新研究发现,在三年的时间里,193名因手部被猫咬伤而前来就诊的病人中,有30%的人不得不住院治疗,其平均住院时间为3.2天。

    A new study by researchers at the Mayo Clinic has found that of 193 patients who came in for cat bites on their hands over a three-year period , 30 % had to be hospitalized for an average stay of 3.2 days .

  22. 一名叙利亚外交部官员也否认了这一消息,称其完全没有根据。

    A Syrian Foreign Ministry official dismissed the report as absolutely baseless .

  23. 目前备受瞩目的中国移动四川分公司受贿案又有了一些进展。一名移动客服部高管涉嫌设备采购受贿,因而接受调查。

    Some developments now on the high-profile bribery case at China Mobile 's Sichuan branch .

  24. 这架直升机的拥有者是一位私人承包商,一名伊拉克国防部官员说该商人的工厂已经关闭。

    The chopper belonged to a private contractor and an Iraqi defense official says it was shot down .

  25. 举个例子来说,你可能已经看过“玫瑰之名”这部电影或是书了。

    You have seen the film ''The name of the Rose ''or read the book , for example .

  26. 希望可以成为公司的一名人力资源部成员,学以致用。

    The hope becomes a human resource department of company employee , learning with a view to its application .

  27. 假想你是一名印度南部地区喀啦啦邦北部沿海的一名渔夫。

    YOU are a fisherman off the coast of northern Kerala , a region in the south of India .

  28. 一名巴基斯坦外交部官员称,在华盛顿的伊朗官员告诉他,他们正在安排将阿米里送回伊朗。

    A Pakistani foreign ministry official said Iranian officials in Washington had told him they were working on arranging Amiri 's repatriation to Iran .

  29. 一名美国国防部官员指出,美国国防部起初以为台湾收到了另一种电池,还告诉台湾销毁这批货物。

    The Pentagon initially thought Taiwan had received a different kind of battery and told Taiwan to destroy the shipment , said one defence official .

  30. 一名韩国统一部官员表示,韩国将遵循朝韩协议,并为朝鲜半岛的副科与繁荣做出努力。

    A South Korean unification ministry official said his country will follow the inter-Korean agreement while making efforts for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula .