
  • 网络Send Me No Flowers
  1. 莉莎已是名花有主了。

    Liza is already spoken for .

  2. 她可能会在谈话的时候不着痕迹地对她的“未婚夫”作些评论,这样他便会认为她已经名花有主了。

    She 'd probably drop some comment about her ' fianc é ' into the conversation so that he 'd think she was already spoken for

  3. 我早就应该想到你名花有主了。

    I knew there had to be a catch somewhere .

  4. 但她名花有主而且脚踩多条船。

    But she 's taken and always play the field .

  5. 名花有主的美女们想让另一半为自己做些神马?

    Entirely women want half for yourself doing god horse ?

  6. 和她跳舞没有用的,她已经名花有主了。

    It is no good dancing with her , she is already attached .

  7. 不如说是让人误以为名花有主。

    Let us say she would be labeled .

  8. 你最好不要一直眼盯着玛丽,她已名花有主了。

    You 'd better keep your eyes off mary . she 's spoken for !

  9. 我爱的人名花有主,爱我的人惨不忍睹!

    I love who you are , I love people too horrible to look at !

  10. 好的人都名花有主了。

    All the good ones are taken .

  11. 终于使雁城首批100家名店、100个名师、100道名菜名花有主。

    Finally wild City Noted Place the first batch of100,100 teacher , 100 municipal entirely .

  12. 两个女孩都已名花有主了。

    Both girls were spoken for .

  13. 但在将名花有主的异性朋友视为潜在的浪漫对象的程度上,男女之间存在差别。

    However , men and women differed in the extent to which they saw attached friends as potential romantic partners .

  14. 但这也会导致已婚男人过于招蜂引蝶。研究显示,已经“名花有主”的男性比单身男性更吸引人。

    But the phenomenon could lead to married men attracting unwelcome attention , with research showing that men who are already taken are much appealing than their single counterparts .

  15. 没错,他的帅气伙伴也会和我坠入爱河,但我会告诉他我名花有主了,而他却不死心。

    Oh , and his cute best friend falls in love with me , but I tell him that I have a boyfriend , but he doesn 't take no for an answer .

  16. 开发商表示,在这个英国最贵公寓楼盘的总计86户公寓中,有50多户已名花有主,其中90%的买家来自海外。

    But people are buying . The developers say more than 50 of the 86 flats , the most expensive in the UK , have been sold . Ninety per cent of the buyers are from abroad .

  17. 如果你已经名花(草)有主,那5月27日,土星和海王星的相会(09年共有3次哦)将会是值得纪念的一天。

    If you are attached , the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune for three times in2009 , starting May27 , will be a blessing .