
mínɡ mó
  • Supermodel;famous model
  1. 步入影坛时,她已是名模和海报女郎了。

    She was already a famous model and pin-up by the time she made her film debut .

  2. 当个名模感觉怎么样?

    So what was it like being a famous model ?

  3. 摇滚歌星与顶级名模结成伉俪。

    Rock star to wed top model .

  4. 超级名模简·布拉克内尔扮演一个性感女郎来勾引他。

    Supermodel Jane Bracknel plays a nubile temptress out to seduce him .

  5. 这么说,你想成为超级名模喽。

    So you want to be a top model

  6. 国际名模劳拉.斯通是CK一号的代言人,她的代言为CK一号争取了年轻女孩的市场。

    Supermodel Lara Stone is the face of CK One , which is directed at a younger , trendy crowd .

  7. 现在60岁的卡萨布兰卡所创立的Elite塑造了包括辛迪-克劳馥和呶米-坎贝尔在内的许多世界超级名模,他被指控对一未成年少女进行性侵犯。

    Casablanca , 60 , whose Elite agency has represented supermodels such as Cindy Crawford ( news ) and Naomi Campbell , is accused of sexual abuse of a minor .

  8. 小天后希拉里·达芙与名模TyraBanks的客串并没有停止《绯闻女孩》寻找客串明星的脚步。

    Not stopping at Hilary Duff and Tyra Banks ," Gossip Girl " is moving forward with signing one more major guest star .

  9. 目前,很多艺术家将动物标本运用到他们的作品中,如波莉•摩根(PollyMorgan)&她的顾客包括名模凯特•摩斯(KateMoss)。

    Now many artists - such as Polly Morgan , who counts the model Kate Moss among her customers - use taxidermy in their work .

  10. 她也许很可爱,但这位即将亮相最新一期《Vogue》时尚杂志的“名模”还有一些特别之处&她身材矮胖、腿短,还有胡子。

    She may be cute , but the latest top model to make her debut in Vogue is also podgy with short legs and whiskers .

  11. Topshop与设计师(从J德森(JWAnderson)到麦奎斯奥美达(Marques’Almeida))及名模肯达尔(KendallJenner)与凯丽礠娜(KylieJenner)姐妹进行了全面合作。

    Topshop has collaborated with designers from JW Anderson to Marques'Almeida , and Kendall and Kylie Jenner .

  12. CNN特派员周艾琳:巴西名模安娜·卡罗琳娜·芮丝顿去年死于厌食症引起的并发症,当时她的体重只有88磅(39.9千克)。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : When Brazilian model Anna Carolina Reston died last year of complications related to anorexia , she weighed just 88 pounds .

  13. amateur:业余的你应该选AlessandraAmbrosio而不是个业余者,(时装名模)。

    You should have Aleksandra ambrosio , Not an amateur . -

  14. 名模纳奥米·坎贝尔(NaomiCampbell)被传唤到海牙国际法庭,回答关于13年前在南非的一个夜晚的问题。

    Supermodel Appears at Charles Taylor War Crimes Trial Naomi Campbell was called to The Hague to answer questions about an evening in South Africa 13 years ago .

  15. 巴西超级名模吉赛尔邦辰(GiseleBündchen)最近披露,每天睡觉前,她都会在心里数一数自己感恩的事情。

    Brazilian supermodel Gisele B ü ndchen revealed recently that before going to sleep she mentally ticks off the things for which she is thankful .

  16. 让超级名模祖兰德(Zoolander)们手臂上缠着一卷卷绳子和皮革招摇吧。

    Let the Zoolanders flaunt coils of rope and leather that creep up their forearms .

  17. 但这款产品已经在媒体上公开亮相,在本周一发行的《VOGUE服饰与美容》11月刊封面上,它被戴在了超级名模刘雯的手腕上。

    But there it is , the Apple Watch , accessorizing the wrist of fashion supermodel Liu Wen on the cover of Vogue China 's November issue , scheduled to hit the stands Monday .

  18. 贾斯汀·比伯今年23岁,曾获格莱美奖,在《超级名模2》(Zoolander2)和《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)中露过脸,据《美国周刊》(UsWeekly)报道,贾斯汀目前想将重点放在影视领域。

    Now the 23-year-old Grammy winner - who has already appeared in Zoolander 2 and CSI - wants to take acting more seriously , according to UsWeekly .

  19. 但是,虽说《Vogue》亮光型拍摄风格以及Studio54录音室让如此造型在杰瑞•霍尔(JerryHall)与玛丽•海尔文(MarieHelvin)等名模身上光彩照人,但它们基本仍属于那个时代的风格。

    But while these sorts of looks were great on Jerry Hall and Marie Helvin under the bright lights of a Vogue shoot or the disco-balls of Studio 54 , it was very much a look of its time .

  20. 雯是中国的第一个超级名模,有着迷人的笑脸,她是雅诗兰黛(EsteeLauder)的代言人,也是巴黎、米兰和纽约T形台的常客。

    Liu Wen is the first Chinese supermodel , the kittenish face of Estee Lauder , a runway regular in Paris , Milan and New York .

  21. 布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家网站专门为单身旅行者提供旅游指南和当地一流夜总会的VIP优惠服务项目。即使你无缘与夜总会里香艳的名模们坠入爱河,你还是很多机会找到你梦中的那位情人,如你身边翩翩起舞的舞伴。

    ToursGoneWild.com , a guide for singles on the move , offers packages with VIP perks to the best A-list clubs , but even if you don 't luck out with one of the stunning models that frequent them , there 's still plenty of opportunity to meet a fellow single .

  22. 亚洲女性在世界超级名模的舞台上表现不多,部分原因是她们身高较矮,而在这个行业中170cm的身高都被认为是偏矮的。

    Asian women are underrepresented among the world 's supermodels , in part because few have the height to compete in an industry where 170 centimetres ( 67 inches ) is considered short .

  23. 3月8号,品牌创始人兼知名名模米兰达可儿在其好莱坞的家中进行了直播,直播自己经营的澳洲奢侈品护肤品牌KORAOrganics在天猫上开了第一家店。

    On March 8 , founder and supermodel Miranda Kerr launched Australian luxury skincare brand KORA Organics ' first Tmall store in China via livestream from her Hollywood home . The event attracted over 223000 live viewers , with KORA Organics offering exclusive giveaways for spectators .

  24. 超级名模肯德拉·斯皮尔斯登上了2014年5月刊泰国版《Vogue》封面,照片由时尚摄影师MarcinTyszka掌镜,肯德拉所穿家居服饰由造型师EkaterinaMukhina设计,其妆容由化妆师TiinaRoivainew打造。

    Top model Kendra Spears teams up with fashion photographer Marcin Tyszka for the cover story of Vogue Thailand 's May 2014 edition . For the House of Style Kendra was styled by Ekaterina Mukhina , with hair by Christophe Hasenbein , and makeup by Tiina Roivainew .

  25. 时尚杂志《女装日报》系列访谈栏目“对话名模”这周的嘉宾是俄罗斯金发超模VikaFalileeva,2012年春季的所有大秀她都走过了。Vika在栏目中透露纽约时装周的巨大压力,同时,还分享了一些有趣的小秘密。

    Women 's Wear Daily continued its " Model Call " series this week with Vika Falileeva , a tall Russian blonde who walked all of Spring 2012 's top shows . Vika kindly divulged details on the unique stress that is New York Fashion Week , including this interesting tidbit .

  26. 刘雯说出了她对超级名模地位的感受。

    Liu explains about how she feels about her supermodel status .

  27. 歌手蕾哈娜和名模海蒂•克拉姆也榜上有名。

    Singer Rihanna and supermodel Heidi Klum also made the list .

  28. 在纽约难道只有那些超级名模才能被约出去吗?

    Only supermodels can get a date in New York ?

  29. 萨科奇总统于去年与名模兼歌手卡拉•布吕尼结婚,这是他的第三次婚姻。

    Sarkozy married supermodel-turned-singer Carla Bruni last year , his third marriage .

  30. 这个是给那些超级名模使用的吗?

    Which is the one that those supermodels use ?