
mó tèr
  • model;mannequin
模特儿 [mó tè ér]
  • (1) [model]∶作为艺术家或作家所用的原型或灵感源泉的人或物

  • (2) [mannequin]∶艺术家、裁缝等的人体模型

模特儿[mó tèr]
  1. 当模特儿似乎给她增添了一定的魅力。

    Being a model invests her with a certain glamour .

  2. 她的确丰姿娴雅,看上去像模特儿一样。

    She has class all right ─ she looks like a model .

  3. 凯特决心成为时装界最高薪的超级模特儿。

    Kate is poised to become the highest-paid supermodel in the fashion world .

  4. 她作为超级模特儿的辉煌日子已一去不复返。

    She 's had her day as a supermodel .

  5. 为时装表演,公司签约聘了三名顶尖模特儿。

    The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show .

  6. 最优秀的模特儿会受到明星级的待遇。

    The best models receive star treatment .

  7. 图利奥已为桑德拉做了11年的模特儿。

    Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years .

  8. 她15岁就开始在巴黎做时装模特儿。

    She began modelling in Paris aged 15 .

  9. 玛莎百货最近聘请模特儿琳达·埃万杰利斯塔为其发布新系列产品。

    Marks & Spencer recently hired model Linda Evangelista to launch its new range .

  10. 这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。

    The seamstresses cluck around a dummy , discussing a tuck here and there .

  11. 她在艺校上学时曾为人体写生课当过模特儿。

    She had once posed for Life classes when she was an art student .

  12. 男模特儿并不总像人们说的那样愚蠢。

    Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be .

  13. 我不是到这里来当时装模特儿的。

    I wasn 't here to model clothes

  14. 丝凯作为黄金海岸大红大紫的模特儿,自结婚以后从来就没有错失过任何机会。

    Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast 's spectacular models since her marriage .

  15. 他画过裸体模特儿。

    He has painted nude models .

  16. 她为一位插图画家当模特儿。

    She models for an illustrator .

  17. 她离开学校到服装公司当时装模特儿。

    She left school to go to work as a dress model in the garment company .

  18. 我的工作是做画家的模特儿。

    I work as an artist 's model .

  19. 那个代表想让纳塔利做化妆品广告的模特儿

    The representative wanted Natalie to be a model in cosmetics commercials .

  20. 时装模特儿的身材都较高。

    The dress models are tall of stature .

  21. 我知道这一点,是因为我花了许多时间观看电视真人秀节目,比如《学徒》(TheApprentice)和《全美超级模特儿新秀大赛》(America'sNextTopModel)。

    I know this because I have spent many hours watching reality TV shows such as The Apprentice and America 's Next Top Model .

  22. CNN特派员周艾琳:那模特儿自己怎么想呢?

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : And the models themselves ?

  23. model:模型,模范,模特儿我可不用Vera的模特。

    Eleanor : I don 't use Vera 's models . , -

  24. 模特儿经纪公司竞相争夺混血美女,欧亚混血儿俨然成为音乐频道MTV及ChannelV的宠儿。

    Modeling agencies are scrambling for women with mixed blood , while Eurasians are becoming the darlings of music stations MTV and Channel V.

  25. 66岁的女演员拉楚儿·薇芝是Mac化妆品公司的新代言人,她说错不在模特儿。

    Actress Raquel Welch , who at 66 is Mac Cosmetics new beauty icon , says she doesn 't fault the models .

  26. 海莉这位模特儿穿着粉色如同第二层皮肤的长袖长袍,在后背的装饰中有一个透明的“Wang”的别针。

    The model looked like a retro Barbie come to life in her pale pink , second-skin , long-sleeve column gown which featured an exposed like thong detailing in the back accessorized with a crystal " Wang " pin .

  27. 由广告公司BUTTER设计,12幅图片中的模特儿摆出了各种姿势,但是与标准的沙滩装不同的是,我们所看到的是典型的虚无空白的X光片。

    Developed by ad agency BUTTER , the12 images display models in a variety of poses , but instead of the typical beach setting we 're confronted the characteristic nothingness of an X-ray film .

  28. CNN特派员周艾琳:她们一直以来都这么纤瘦,但现在有一些伸展台上的模特儿却不只是瘦,她们是十足的皮包骨。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : They 've always been thin , but some of the models on the catwalk these days are not just skinny , they 're downright skeletal .

  29. 在洛杉矶,一年一度的E3游戏展以穿着暴露的展品模特儿闻名。

    Technology shows such as the annual E3 games conference in Los Angeles have become known for their scantily clad ' booth babes ' designed to attract people to stands .

  30. 周一在社交媒体上,《ELLE》的杂志模特儿说,非常感谢上帝,让她找到命中注定的那个人。没有什么能够话语能够表达自己的感谢

    Taking to the social media on Monday , the Elle model confessed that she was ' utterly grateful to God ' and had ' no words ' to express her gratitude after finding the one .