
  • 网络Mold Drawing;die drawing
  1. 汽车覆盖件模具图存档与通信系统的关键问题研究

    Automobile Covering Panel Mold Drawing Archiving and Communication System

  2. 玻璃容器模具图自动参数化绘制

    Automatic and Parametric Drawing for the Mould of Glass Container

  3. 组合冲模虚拟设计系统中同名模具图管理的研究

    Research on Management of Cognominal Mold Drawings in Visual Design System of Assembled Molds

  4. 注塑模具图的参数化法

    Parameterized Drawing for the Plastics Injection Mold

  5. 呈现目标和深度模具图面的多级采样类型必须相同。

    The multisample type must be the same for the render target and the depth stencil surface .

  6. 对该生产线的主要工艺技术作了分析说明,给出了工步图与成形模具图。

    The process flow diagram of crankshaft forging and the forming die diagram are also shown in the paper .

  7. 根据设计结果由绘图机绘制热锻件图和模具图。

    According to the design result , the drawings of hot forging and forging dies can be drawed by plotter .

  8. 通过分析铝合金模锻工艺的特点,确定合理的铝合金连杆模锻工艺并绘制了模具图。

    By analyzing the characteristics of aluminum alloy forging process , a reasonable forging process of aluminum alloy was determined and a drawing of reasonable forging mold was designed .

  9. 为任何尺寸的玻璃钢船或者内装的应用进行绘制传统式或者“最先进的”CNC模具切割图。

    Traditional or " State of the Art " CNC tooling for any sized FRP vessel or interior application .

  10. 汽车覆盖件模具DL图设计法

    DL drawing design of moulds for automobile covering pieses

  11. 在组合冲模CAD系统中,模具装配图的数据库管理方法,对于能够按照特征信息正确保存和准确找出所需要的模具装配图是至关重要的。

    In the CAD system of assembling die , the mould assembling diagram database management method is very important for saving and searching for the needed mould assembling diagrams according to their features .

  12. 塑料模具装配图隐藏线消除的研究

    Hidden Line Removing For Plastic Mould Assemble Graph

  13. 文中插入了非标准零件图,以及模具结构图。

    Have inserted the non-standard part picture , and mould structure chart in the article .

  14. 最后,根据分析得到的最佳参数组合建立钴始极片的冲压成形模具结构图。

    In the end , the drawing of the die structure is established in term of the optimal parameters .

  15. 介绍了几种实现模具装配图消隐的方法,分析了各种方法的缺陷。

    In the paper , some hiding methods of assembly drawing are introduced , and defects of these methods are presented .

  16. 针对模具装配图的消隐问题,提出了一种新的消隐方法&图形实体重构法;

    Aiming at the hiding problem in the assembly drawing of stamping die , a new hiding method-the reconstruction of graphics entities is given .

  17. 装配钳工的首要工作是去除凸凹模的机加工痕迹,获得模具零件图上标注的形状及尺寸。

    The bench fitter 's first job is to produce a cavity and core free of machine marks and to the shape and dimensions specified on the mould detail drawing .

  18. 绘制了模具装配图;阐述了模具的动作过程;设计了注射工艺参数。

    Based on the analysis , plastic injection molds gear is designed , die assembly drawing is finished , and the mold action process and design of the injection process parameters are also expounded .

  19. 针对模具装配图设计,在零件图参数化基础上,通过装配建模记录零件间的装配关系,从而在装配模型实例化时自动产生相应零件图的变换矩阵;

    In this paper , aimed at the die assembly drawings design , assembly relations are recorded by assembly modeling on the basis of parametric design of part drawings . The transforming matrixes of part drawings are automatically created when assembly model is instanced .

  20. 生产绘图〔成衣业〕该图形处理技术不仅适用于模具装配图的生成,而且可用于其他机械产品设计中装配图的表达。

    Production sketch [ clothing industry ] This kind of graphic manipulation method not only can be used in the generation of die assembly drawing , but also can be widely used in the expression of assembly drawing in design of other kings of mechanical products .

  21. 制瓶机模具参数化作图及实现

    Parameterized drawing and Implementation for the mould of I. S. machine

  22. 并绘制了两套模具的装配图和主要的零件图。

    And mapping the two sets of mold assembly and the main parts of the map .

  23. 通过前面的设计方案画出模具各零件图和装配图。

    The design project passing before draws an each spare parts of molding tool diagram with assemble the diagram .

  24. 给出了模具设计装配图、主要工作部件的设计参数及工艺要点。

    The mould design assemble diagram , data of main work parts and the main points of the process are put foreward .

  25. 最后给出了模具总装配图,该模具结构主要特点是采用三板式点浇口自动脱落浇口形式,型腔采用复合结构,产品脱模采用多推杆一次顶出。

    The characteristic of the mould structure included automatic falling off of pin point gate , combined cavity and multi-ejector pin demolding .

  26. 该程序采用简单的人机交互方式,在不需要手工绘图的情况下就能得到叶片模具实体工程图;

    In the new design method , using simple human-computer interaction dialog box , users can get drafting of turbine blade-mold without any manual drawing .

  27. 研究内容如下:首先,本文在模具项目网络图的基础上,提出了单项目生产成本产生的主要原因以及影响的不确定因素。

    The contents of research as follows : Firstly , based on analyzing Project Network Diagram of Mould , the paper propose the maintain causes and uncertain factors of the cost of the single project .

  28. 不锈钢压塑模具凹形装饰图纹的电化学蚀刻

    Etching Decorative Pattern by Electrochemical Machining on Forming Die Made of Stainless Steel

  29. 系统可输入的筒形件后自动完成优化拉深工序设计,最后生成全部工作零件的实体图以及各工序拉深模具的实体装配图。

    The CAD system can inputs a part , then carries out the operation design to it automatically , and creates the solid of whole working part and assembles the solid of the drawing die lastly .

  30. 按你们提供的缩水率千分之五,这个模具的尺寸已经做到了模具图面要求。但注塑出来的产品不符合你们的产品图。请确认你们的材料的缩水率是否正确?

    Acording to the shrinkage one over two hundred , the mold has been done in the right dimension , but the part falls short to your part drawing , are you sure the shrinkage is right ?