
tú qī
  • paint;japan;japanning;lacquering
涂漆[tú qī]
  1. 用刷子涂漆比用滚筒涂漆慢一些。

    Paint goes on more slowly with a brush than with a roller .

  2. 克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerCorp.)1957年取消了原有的产品计划,匆匆上马了一条新生产线,生产了一款大尾鳍、车身三色调涂漆的新车,从而在竞争中占得先机。

    Chrysler Corp. got a jump on the competition in 1957 by tearing up its product plans and rushing out a line of cars with big tail fins and three-tone paint jobs .

  3. 我们正在给房子的外面涂漆。

    We 're painting the exterior of the house .

  4. 我们正在给房子的外墙涂漆。

    We are painting the exterior wall of the house .

  5. 这些玩具汽车是由旭日实业有限公司(EarlyLightIndustrial)生产的。旭日实业是美泰在中国的合同制造企业之一,它又将玩具零部件的涂漆工作转包给了另一家企业。

    The toy was produced by Early Light Industrial , one of Mattel 's contract manufacturing facilities in China , which subcontracted the painting of parts of the toy to another company .

  6. 开展QC小组活动提高电阻涂漆工序合格率

    Improve Rate of Qualified of Resistors Painting Process by Holding QC Team Activity

  7. 高性能低VOC水性环氧聚酯浸涂漆

    High performance low VOC water-based epoxy-polyester coatings for impregnation

  8. 乳白石英远红外源在C(62A)型敞车涂漆烘干上的应用

    The Application of Milky White Quartz Far Infra-Red Source on Painting and Stoving for C_ ( 62A ) Vehicle

  9. 本文介绍了利用QC小组开展活动,运用质量管理的理论和方法,提高电阻器生产过程中涂漆工序的合格率,降低了质量成本。

    The article introduced how to reduce quality cost by applying quality management theory and method to improve rate of qualified of resistors painting process in QC team activity .

  10. 旋转射流喷嘴内旋流特性的PIV实验分析GB/T6741-1986均匀漆膜制备法(旋转涂漆器法)

    Experimental study on the swirling characteristics of a swirling water jet nozzle by using PIV Producing films of uniform thickness of paints and varnishes on test panel ( using spinner )

  11. 探讨了结构、模具设计、模压工艺条件、整形处理及涂漆等因素对不饱和聚酯树脂DMC模塑面板翘曲变形的影响,并提出相应的控制措施。

    The paper investigates the influence of structure , mould design , moulding process , regulating and coating on the warpage of UP resin DMC moulded panel , related control measures are also provided .

  12. 为XM-22B密封剂在金属涂漆零件粘接上的应用,提供了使用依据。

    For application of XM-22B sealant in metal-paint part bond offer usage basis .

  13. 应当遵循波音SOPM手册对部件进行翻修或电镀或涂漆。

    Boeing SOPM guidelines should be followed for the rework of any component and for all types of plating or coating .

  14. 硅钢片涂漆后的层间绝缘电阻高,可达1×106Ω·cm2,可用于H级电机、电器以及核电、军品电机的铁心冲片绝缘处理上。

    The insulation resistance between varnished steel sheets is high , and it can be up to 1 × 10 6 Ω· cm 2.The varnish can be used on the insulation treatment of the class H machines and electrical equipments , nuclear and military machines core lamination .

  15. 概述了XM-22B密封剂在金属涂漆零件粘接上的应用试验设计、试验结果。

    The application test design and test result of the XM-22B sealant on the metal-paint part bond were generalized .

  16. 为检验我们所提出的一种高电流密度超导磁体的新设计原则,即采用涂漆导线与层间窄液氦通道的可行性与优越性,设计与建造了内径20cm的超导螺管。

    To examine the mew design principle using vanish-coated conductor and narrow helium channels between layers for high current density magnets , a solenoid with 20 cm inner diameter has been designed and constructed .

  17. 设计师凯利・威斯勒(KellyWearstler)建议客户舍弃涂漆长餐桌,而采用一组较小的、以大理石或黄铜等耐用材质打造的“模块”,以便打造出一种更加随意的多功能房间,在这里孩子们可以完成他们的课后项目。

    Designer Kelly Wearstler encourages clients to swap the long lacquered table for a group of smaller ' modules ' in durable materials like marble or perforated bronze to create a more casual multiuse room where the kids can work on school projects . '

  18. 在热镀Zn-Fe合金镀层钢板上电镀一层含铁量为75%~85%的Fe-Zn合金镀层,可以改善热镀Zn-Fe合金镀层钢板的电泳涂漆性能和深冲加工等性能。

    By electrolyzing One Fe-Zn alloy coating of 75-85 percent Fe content on alloyed HDG coating steel sheet . It can improve the alloyed HDG coating steel sheet properties of electrophoretic coating and deep drawing forming etc.

  19. 我覆盖到所有涂漆的金属部分。

    I did that overlay pass to all painted metal parts .

  20. 所有地上阀门应在厂内涂漆。

    All above ground valves shall be painted in the shop .

  21. 涂漆金属等几种目标的后向散射激光偏振特性

    A Study on Laser Backscattering Polarization Characteristics of Painted Metal Samples

  22. 汽车车身中涂漆和面漆的水性化技术

    Water-borne technology of primer surfacer and top finish for car body

  23. 漆包圆线模具涂漆的配模计算与实践

    Calculation and practice of the die Arrangement for round wire die-enameling

  24. GB/T6807-1986钢铁工件涂漆前磷化处理技术条件

    Specification for phosphate treatment of iron and steel parts before painting

  25. 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的标准试验方法

    Test method for evaluating degree of rusting on painted steel surface

  26. 涂漆可以防止金属零件腐蚀。

    The metal parts can be protected from corrosion by painting .

  27. 我们在为厨房涂漆的颜色争论

    We had been arguing over paint colors for the kitchen .

  28. 光电检测和紫外报警在静电涂漆中的应用

    Application of Photoelectric Control and Ultraviolet Alarming in Electrostatic Painting

  29. 高电流密度、涂漆导线浸泡冷却超导螺管磁体的研制

    A high current density bath-cooled superconducting solenoid with vanish - coated conductor

  30. 和几层涂漆就可以修整好的。

    And a few coats of paint wouldn 't fix .