
tú mǒ
  • daub;smear;paint;scribble;scrawl;application
涂抹 [tú mǒ]
  • (1) [daub;smear;paint]∶用软的粘性物质(如灰泥、沥青、泥浆)覆盖(如在灰板条、墙壁、建筑物上)

  • 用灰泥涂抹这条缝隙

  • (2) [scribble;scrawl]∶指随意地写或画

  • 信笔涂抹

涂抹[tú mǒ]
  1. 本文以‘暗柳橙’为试材,采用喷施法和涂抹法,探讨了甜橙对14C-2,4-D的吸收运转和分配。

    Spray or leaf daub of 14C-2,4-D was employed to pursue absorption , translocation and distribution of 2,4-D in seedling of ' An Liu Cheng ' orange .

  2. 并能显著提高醋酸涂抹型胃溃疡大鼠血清NO含量,血浆中6-keto-PGF1α含量(与模型组相比P<0.01)。

    Besides , in the model of gastric ulcer caused by acetic acid daub method , Danshen Yin can increase the contents of NO in rats blood serum and the contents of 6-keto-PG in rats blood plasma ( compared with model group P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 涂抹染发剂可能会搞得一团糟,特别是长发。

    Applying the dye can be messy , particularly on long hair .

  4. 涂抹乳霜或化妆品时动作要轻。

    Use a light touch when applying cream or make-up

  5. 把药膏轻轻涂抹在患处。

    Gently apply the cream to the affected areas .

  6. 她把糖霜浇在蛋糕上面,并用刀子轻轻涂抹开。

    She spread the icing over the cake , dabbing it with a knife

  7. 将蜂蜜加热后涂抹在腰子的表面。

    Heat the honey and brush it on to the outside of the loin .

  8. 那名女化妆师往杰里米的脸上涂抹假血。

    The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy

  9. 即使黑皮肤的女性也应该涂抹防晒霜。

    Even dark-skinned women should use sunscreens

  10. 在底片上把图像上部的这个不重要的细节涂抹掉。

    Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture .

  11. 每个环节都有一个主题,参与者会得到各种各样的资料和提示,并被要求用自己的想法和绘画技巧来涂抹墙面。

    Each session has a theme , and participants are given a variety of materials and prompts and asked to cover surfaces with their thoughts and art .

  12. 许多人使用防晒霜的方法也并不正确——用量不足、几小时后未能重新涂抹以及过长时间暴露于阳光下。

    Many people also don 't use sunscreen properly — applying insufficient amounts , failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long .

  13. 每天用清水以及不含化学添加剂的洗面奶清洁皮肤。然后涂抹富含维生素E成分的乳液或面霜,以保持皮肤的湿润度。

    Clean your skin with water and free-chemicals cleansing2 products every day , and moisturize it with skin lotion3 and cream containing high amount of vitamin E.

  14. 秋风给枫林涂抹胭红。

    The wind of the autumn color the maples carmine .

  15. 尸体用香料涂抹以防腐烂

    The corpse was preserved from decay by embalming .

  16. 屋顶涂抹了一层沥青。

    The roof was covered with tar .

  17. 对于涂抹者来说,香水的亲密属性诠释了气味尽可能与涂抹者契合的特点。

    The intimate nature of a fragrance to its wearer dictates that the scent be as close as possible a match .

  18. 在6号坑发现了一具“木匣”,长约1.5米、宽约0.4米,内外均涂抹朱砂。这个木匣给考古工作带来了新的谜团。

    In the No 6 pit , a 1.5-meter-long and 40-centimeter-wide wooden box covered in cinnabar has brought a new mystery .

  19. 用PPT涂抹其叶片,进一步证实了PCR的结果。

    Results of PPT-leaf painting conformed to PCR test .

  20. 但是其质构较软、水分含量较高及pH较高的特点却很适合生产涂抹型的混合乳再制干酪。

    But these characteristics such as soft texture , higher water content and low pH are adapted to be maken the spread processed cheese .

  21. 摩擦表面的SEM形貌显示,钢/铜纤维摩擦材料的摩擦表面主要由铜纤维涂抹形成的大块不连续的摩擦膜组成;

    Discontinuous pieces of friction film formed on the surface of the Steel / Cu fiber reinforced material due to the smearing of Cu fibers .

  22. 目的:观察肝素涂抹体外循环(CPB)管道对内皮细胞激活的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of heparin coated circuits ( HCC ) on endothelial cell activation .

  23. 方法:全身创面作用MEBO剖腹产切口使用MEBO涂抹,每天4次。

    Method : MEBO was applied on burn wounds and cesarean incision , 4 times a day .

  24. 少量涂抹在皮肤上比如每天使用一到两次含水杨酸的爽肤水被认为是安全的。Johnson说道。

    Small amounts applied to the skin such as a salicylic acid-containing toner used once or twice a day are considered safe , says Johnson .

  25. 2008年:这一次梅根效仿了朱莉式双唇,涂抹着火辣的粉红色唇膏出席了MTV电视大奖。

    2008 : The actress played up her Jolie-esque lips at the MTV Movie Awards with hot-pink gloss .

  26. 可以在手上涂抹维E或护手霜之后按摩手指、指甲以及指甲旁边的皮肤。

    A good tip for this , is massaging the hands and fingernails with either vitamin E or hand lotion , which can be applied to the skin on the side of the nails as well .

  27. 结果表明,去顶、顶端涂抹NAA和茎基部涂抹CME都不影响豌豆根系铁还原力。

    The results showed that decapitation , NAA of CME supply did not have significant effects on iron reducing activity of pea roots .

  28. 涂抹膏体抗变链菌IgY大鼠的牙龈、牙齿表面、窝沟和龈沟内细菌和菌班数量明显减少。

    The bacteria and bacteria plaque in the teeth fissure and gingival sulcus decreased obviously after smearing the anti-streptococcus mutans IgY mixed with toothpaste .

  29. 以叶面涂抹15N方式对不同类型冬小麦品种不同叶位叶片氮素的吸收、运转进行了研究。

    The nitrogen assimilation and transfer efficient of different leaf-position leaves in canopy were studied using isotope 15N marked on leaf .

  30. 本实验采用HRP正中神经断端涂抹法,对五只山羊正中神经感觉纤维的节段性来源,进行了研究。

    By means of HRP ( Horseradish peroxidase method ) the experiments were conducted to investigate the segmental origin of the sensory fibers of median nerves in 5 goats .