
  • 网络Coating Technology
  1. 采用先进的涂布技术,直接碰触不易留下指纹;

    With advanced coating technology , no easy to leave fingerprints by direct touch ;

  2. 涂布技术的引进消化及应用

    Digestion & Application of Coating Technology

  3. 结论:用Co-Cr合金制作的衔铁铸造桩表面通过金沉积和金粉涂布技术处理后,同样能够达到或接近用金合金制作的衔铁铸造桩的临床固位效果,使其机械固位力明显提高。

    CONCLUSIONS : After surface treatment of the root casting posts with keeper which were fabricated with the Co-Cr and Ni-Cr alloy , the same clinical retentive effect can be obtained as the one that was fabricated with gold alloy .

  4. 非木浆原纸的涂布技术

    Coating of Base Papers Made from Non - wood Pulps

  5. 特种纸及其涂布技术

    The special paper and its the coating techniques

  6. 可写型光盘有机染料膜及其涂布技术

    CD - R , DVD - R-Function and Coating Technique of Organic Dye Film

  7. 介绍了涂布技术生产氮钾颗粒肥料的方法。

    The method of coating is presented for the production of granular NK fertilizers .

  8. 利用独特的轻量涂布技术生产具有无光泽表面和高印刷光泽度的纸

    A Unique Method with Lightweight Coating to Produce Paper with Matt Surface and High Print Gloss

  9. 造纸颜料涂布技术的进展与展望

    Progress and Development of Pigment Coating

  10. 薄膜屏蔽涂布技术的基本原理

    Basic Principles of Thin-Film Barrier Coatings

  11. 非接触式落帘涂布技术

    Non-contact curtain coating technology

  12. 阐述现代汽车用涂料品种、特性、调制方法、涂布技术和涂装工艺。

    This text explains the varieties , characteristics , modulating methods and painting technologies of the coating used in modern automobiles .

  13. 通过固相反应合成复合材料SnxSi1-xO2膜,并以聚合物膜为基体利用涂布技术制备复合,电化学测试表明此复合膜能够细化晶粒、抑制枝晶生长和均化锂电极表面。

    The polymer composite membrane demonstrates the desirable property of suppressing lithium dendrites growth due to the homogenization to the interface of lithium metal electrode and the thin-down to crystallites .

  14. 中国造纸工业面临着对高质量的纸和纸板日益增长的需求,因此具有改进纸张印刷适性、质量和产品性能的涂布技术显得尤为重要。

    The Chinese paper industry faces growing demand for higher quality paper and paperboard . Coating can be a key to making products with improved printability , quality , and product performance .

  15. 介绍了帘式涂布技术的原理,帘式涂布机的结构、优越性、实践应用,指出该涂布技术的使用要求、注意事项及前景展望。

    The paper introduces the principle of the curtain coating technique and the structure , superiority and application in practice of the curtain coater , and points out the operational requirements , and prospect of curtain coating technique .

  16. 该课题要解决的问题是在分析国内蜂窝纸板设备的现状上,结合现有合作单位的水溶胶蜂窝纸板生产线存在的问题,研制基于热熔胶涂布技术的蜂窝纸板生产线。

    The subject to solve the problem is the analysis of the status of internal honeycomb device , combined with the existing co-operation unit Hydrosol honeycomb production line problems , development of hot-melt coating technology based on honeycomb paperboard production line .

  17. 采用外涂布工艺技术制备聚乙烯防雾膜。

    Antifogging PE film was prepared by coating technique .

  18. 涂布造粒技术在复合肥料厂的应用

    Use of Coating Granulation Technology in Compound Fertilizer Plant

  19. 试论涂布纸技术发展趋势

    A Superficial discussion of the coating Paper trends

  20. 进行了书写纸微量涂布工艺技术的实验室研究和工厂试验。

    Laboratory study and mill trial of mini_coating of writing paper have been carried out .

  21. 本文就国内率先应用薄膜涂布生产技术的高速纸机在运行过程中影响雾化现象形成的因素作了探讨,并提出如何优化原料结构和涂布配方,减少或消除雾化现象。

    The factors that cause atomization for high speed paper machines which first apply film coating technology are explored and the suggestions for optimizing material structure and coating formulation to reduce or eliminate atomization are put forward in the paper .

  22. 热熔胶涂布机的技术分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research on the Technology of the Heating Melting Glue Coater

  23. 低定量涂布纸生产技术及经验

    Technique and Experience of LWC Paper Production

  24. 以麦草化学浆原纸生产轻量涂布纸的技术

    A Study on Light Weight Coated ( LWC ) Paper with Base Paper of Mainly Wheat Straw Chemical Pulp

  25. 加工纸生产过程中的涂布检测与控制技术

    Technics for thd Detection and Management in Paper Coating Process

  26. 机内轻量涂布纸的生产技术探讨

    An inquiry into the production technology of inner machine light weight coating

  27. 涂布器和涂布技术&岳纸12万吨低定量涂布纸项目国际新技术消化吸收纸板涂布机的发展现状

    The Development of the Paperboard Coater

  28. 本文介绍了一种重氮盐氨显影干法黑线晒图纸涂布液的配制技术及涂布工艺。

    In this paper , the formulation technology and coating technique for Diafo-Ammonia dry developing blackprint coating liquid are recommended .

  29. 本文对新的涂布纸分类系统和涂布技术的潜在效益进行了评估。

    The article classified the potential benefit of system and besmear cloth technology to undertake assessment to new coated paper .

  30. 文章着重介绍了当前国际上在涂布纸的生产过程中,其涂布方式,技术装备和涂料制备技术都发生了巨大的变化,取得可喜的技术进步。

    This paper mainly introduced that the recent development of coating production such as , the coating methods , coating technology and coating machine .