
  1. 涂料印花增稠剂CP的合成及应用性能

    Synthesis and application of thickener CP for pigment printing

  2. 聚丙烯酸酯涂料印花增稠剂合成工艺的研究

    A Study on the Synthesis of Polyacrylic Thickener for Pigment Printing

  3. 涂料印花增稠剂的研究概况及发展趋势

    Present research status and development tendency of pigment printing thickeners

  4. 聚丙烯酸系合成涂料印花增稠剂的研制

    Development of Polyacrylic Synthetic Thickener for Pigment Printing

  5. 合成涂料印花增稠剂发展现状

    Progress in synthetic thickeners for pigment printing

  6. 以两性共聚物为稳定剂、亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,引发丙烯酸铵进行反相乳液聚合,以制备高性能的涂料印花增稠剂。

    Thickener was prepared by inverse emulsion polymerization of ammonium acrylate using an amphiphilic copolymer as steric stabilizer , Span 80 as emulsifier and methylene bisacrylamide as crosslinker .

  7. 采用反相悬浮法合成聚丙烯酸盐涂料印花增稠剂系统考察了分散相含水量对反应过程以及产物性能的影响规律,发现含水量过少会使反应不稳定,容易迅速凝胶;

    Polyacrylate ( PAAS ), which was used as pigment printing thickener , was synthesized by inverse suspension polymerization . The influence of water content on reaction was systematically investigated .

  8. 阴离子型涂料印花合成增稠剂的进展及制备方法

    Progresses and Preparations of the Anionic Synthetic Thickeners for Pigment Printing

  9. 阳离子型涂料印花用增稠剂的制备及其性能研究

    Study on Preparation and Properties of Cationic Thickeners for Pigment Printing

  10. 国内涂料印花合成增稠剂的现状及展望

    The present situation and Prospect of synthetic thickeners for domestic pigment printing

  11. 涂料印花合成增稠剂性能的测试

    Tests of Properties of Synthetic Thickener in Pigment Printing