
shū yǎng
  • oxygen therapy;perform oxygen therapy
输氧 [shū yǎng]
  • [oxygen therapy] 对呼吸困难的病人供给浓度高的氧气,以增加吸入的氧气量

输氧[shū yǎng]
  1. 输氧监测仪的研制

    Development of an oxygen therapy monitor

  2. 本文介绍了高频输氧技术中气体输运机理的实验研究结果。

    This paper describes the results of the experiments on gas transport in high frequency oxygen therapy .

  3. 他镇定自若地把应急输氧管放进了自己的嘴里。

    He had the presence of mind to put his emergency oxygen tube in his mouth .

  4. 用FTIR测定输氧管线脱脂后的残油含量

    Measurement of Residual Oil in Degreased Oxygen Pipe Line by FTIR

  5. 对8例进展为ARDS者,及时进行机械通气并继续静脉输氧,其中5例低氧血症纠正并最终脱机。

    Hypoxemia was improved by mechanical ventilation and intravenous infusion in 5 of 8 ARDS cases .

  6. 对低氧血症仍未纠正并进展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)者,给予机械通气并继续静脉输氧治疗。

    Mechanical ventilation was adopted and intravenous infusion continued if the hypoxemia could not be adjusted and then progressed into acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  7. 原理相当于自动输氧机,系统探测鼻内的压力,并根据压力大小来生成电子信号通过USB接口输入电脑。

    Using chips similar to those designed to deliver oxygen to patients , the system measures changes in nasal pressure . That pressure generates electrical signals which are passed to a computer via a USB connection .

  8. 结果:静脉输氧组在改善NST的有效率方面比吸氧组高。

    Results : The NST of patients with oxygen transfering in vein was more effective than that of patients with oxygen inhaling .

  9. 人血红蛋白(Hb)是人体内执行输氧任务的蛋白质,γ-球蛋白(γ-Gb)是最主要的免疫球蛋白之一,亦能够结合药物分子和相关的抗原。

    Human hemoglobin ( Hb ) is an oxygen-carrying protein . γ - Globin (γ - Gb ), one of the most important immunoGlobin in organism , can also bind with drugs and antigen reversibly .

  10. 目的:比较静脉输氧与吸氧两种方式对胎心监护(NST)的影响。

    Objective : To compare the method of oxygen transfering in vein to fetal heart monitoring with the method of inhaling oxygen to fetal heart monitoring in fetal distress .

  11. 介绍了FTIR在测定氧压机附件及输氧管线脱脂后残留油含量的应用原理、样品的采取方法、标准溶液的配制、标准曲线的制作、定量计算方法,指出了应用FTIR的注意事项。

    Principle of application , methodology of sampling , configuration of standard solution , fabrication of standard curve , quantitative calculation are introduced in determination of residual oil content by FTIR after oxygen compressor accessories and pipelines are degreased , attentions are pointed out in applying FTIR .

  12. 结论脑死亡患者停止人工通气经鼻导管声门前输氧,自主心搏可继续维持7min以上。

    Conclusions Given up artificial ventilation and supplied with oxygen by nasal cannula at pre glottis , the spontaneous heartbeat in the patients with brain death can maintain more than 7 minutes .

  13. 他躺倒在医院里,正在输氧。

    He 's laid out in the hospital , on oxygen .

  14. 中空纤维富氧机的应用&输氧疗法的临床试验

    Applications of hollow fiber apparatus-the clinic experiment of oxygen transferrin treatment

  15. 医院病床和输氧机早已搬走。

    The hospital bed and oxygen machine are long gone .

  16. 除紧急情况外,输氧需遵医嘱。

    Of oxygen requires a physician 's order except in an emergency .

  17. 而其中的四个男的现在还在输氧

    and four of the guys are on life support .

  18. 如果呼吸困难,输氧。

    If breathing is difficult , give supplemental oxygen .

  19. 他需要输氧去急救室

    He needs oxygen . Get the crash cart !

  20. 输氧可不存在什么延时效应。

    You don 't have delayed effectsto oxygen .

  21. 氧气湿化瓶及输氧管道化学消毒剂消毒效果观察对比

    Observation and Comparison the Effects of Chemical Disinfectant in Oxygen Humidification Bottle and Oxygen Pipeline

  22. 加压输氧氧化法草酸工艺研究

    The Researches on the Technique to Produce Oxalic Acid by Oxidation Method of Pressure-Feed oxygen

  23. 方法将高浓度氧气溶解在常规输液用液体内制备成高氧液,通过静脉输液的方式进行输氧。

    Methods Oxygen-enriched liquid was obtained by dissolving high concentrated oxygen in routine infusion liquid .

  24. 如呼吸困难,给输氧。

    Administrate oxygen when having breathing difficulties .

  25. 我们把医院用的电控病床和输氧机安装妥,吓得那些猫不敢进卧室。

    We installed the electric hospital bed and oxygen machine , which frightened the cats from the bedroom .

  26. 急救护理人员还能在你到达医院之前,给你输氧并提供缓解疼痛的药物。

    The paramedics can also administer oxygen and medications to ease your pain before you reach the hospital .

  27. 不同湿化液对输氧湿化瓶污染的实验和临床影响

    Effect of laboratory and Clinical Use in Microbial Contamination of Humidifying Bottle of Oxygen Inhalation Device by Different Humidifying Fluid

  28. 结论耐能注射液、输氧宝、碳酸氢钠联合应用,能有效地改善胎儿宫内窘迫。

    Conclusion : The effect of invert sugar injection , injecting oxygen , sodium bicarbonate method can significantly improve fetal distress .

  29. 奥托是惟一不怕医院电控病床、输氧机和医药气味的猫。

    Otto was the only one cat who was not afraid of the hospital bed , the oxygen machines or the medical smells .

  30. 它的作用主要有对污染物的吸收、吸附和富集,输氧,加强和维持水利传输。

    It has the functions to assimilate , absorb and collect pollutant , to give a shot of oxygen and to strengthen and maintain the transmission of waterpower .